
A new life (Highschool Dxd x Naruto) ( Itachi Uchiha )

What if ... after he died for his brother and the village. Itachi Uchiha would be reincarnated in Highschool DxD ?

Lukas_Blast · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Don't lose yourself

After the night events

"Y-you talk ?" asked Itachi , he must to be sure that he was not going crazy after this night , yes , it could be possible , this night was a fucked one , maybe he started to see and hear things , but sadly ... the sword started to speak again , destroying his hopes in the process .

"Of course i speak , what are you taking me for ? Some sword you can buy with 5.000 yens ? C'mon now , i am the soul eater , Gods tremble in fear when they hear my name , mortals are having panic attacks and you are asking me if i can talk ? " he sounded irritated and a dark aura started to spread from it

"All right , all right , no need to get angry , i had a long times , that's all"

"You know , this monotone tone of your ... i really hate it, you just killed 100 persons ... and you are not feeling ... anything ? nothing at all ? " how could he be such a cold blooded person , at this young age especially



"All right i got it , you are not feeling a thing , fine by me i guess , as long as you keep giving me souls , you can do whatever you want "

"So this is it ? This is your whole reason ? You want to use me , so you can eat ? "

"Ara ara ara boi , from what i remember , you are using me too , you want someone to be gone , i cut him ... i just take my part , it's like a deal , i help you and you help me , i will say that we are even " at that Itachi just kept staring , an awkward silence started to rise , untile the sword spoke again

"Well ...this awkward ... how about you get home , it's almost morning , most likely you are going to get killed by you sensei , you know in this time we had together , i started to like you and no one science my old user , could wield me without getting corrupted ...so... how about you start heading home ? "

Ahhhh , he forgot about his sensei and the dinner , that old geezer would most likely kill him when he gets home , but the job was done and that's all that matters , without sparing a second he dissapeard from his old spot and got home throught a magic circle

Looking around , the lights were off and no activity in the house , Sun was most likely sleeping ... well , he is going to take a beating when he wakes up , leaving off his shoes in the front door , he entered in the house , without breaking a sweat he avoided a punch aimed for his face and then another going to his gut , he quickly caught his Sensei hand and looked him in the eyes , he could tell he was pissed off even if he was wearing his sunglasses . Who is wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night ?!

"I see that you came home after all , can i ask what took you so long ? The food is already cold , i had to throw it you brat !"

"The mission was a trap , there was no a small group , but a whole army of Exorcists and Fallen Angels "

"A trap you say ? Hmm .. i see and i take that you took care of it by you own ?"

"Yes , everyone was dead , it seems that Kokabiel was there , but he left while i was fighting "

"Those are some precious information , better tell everything to Yasaka tomorrow , you have been summoned at her palace , go take some sleep "

At that Itachi bowed and nodded , leaving his sensei , he started to head towards his room , changing his clothes and laying down in his bed ,closing his eyes and preparing himself for a new day

In Itachi Dream World

"What is happening ?" Itachi can't see anything , everything is black , just like ... but no .. that is impossible .. he trained a lot , he can't be killed just like that , he could feel anyone from a distance of 2 km , but if he is not dead , then .. where is he ? But his thoughts were interrupted when his Susanoo started to apear and then started to speak .

"To finally meet you , after so many years , it is a pleasure Itachi"

"Y-y-you can talk ?" With his sword was a thing , but now his freaking Susanoo could talk ??!!

"Of course i can speak , i was speaking with you science we were in the other world , most likely something change when we arrived here "

"B-but ... why ? You could change your host if you wanted , why stay with me ?"

"You are asking me that , even if you know my reasons ? Where would i find someone like you ? Someone to hold so much pain for others , someone who does not care about himself but about the people around him , where would i go ? Find a new host in one of your brother childrens ? We are partners , i was with you science you were born , until you died , there's no way i will leave you alone , even if that means to stay in a dark void for all eternity "

"I see , thank you .. without you .. i couldn't make it that far ... "

"Yes you could , you always find some ways to deal with anything "

Suddenly the ground starte to become white again , at first Itachi didn't know what was happening , until he suddenly felt his eyes closing again and they started to open again revealing his room

"Was that a dream ?" Asked a sleepy Itachi

"Nope , that was pretty real and i must to say there are not so many things i am afraid , almost none , but that guy ... he is giving me the creeps " responded his Katana

"Hei .. do you .. have a name ? "

"A name ? Hmm , nope ... i am a sword , a cursed one ... who would want to give me a name ? "

"Do you want one " asked Itachi

"Do you .. i mean , are you going to give me one if i really want ? " asked the sword , her voice was like one of a child hoping to get something on Christmas

"Hmm how about Fate ? Once you take someone soul , you decide their Fate , i think is a good one for you , what do you think "

"Fate ... fate ... yes ... my name would be Fate .. thank you Itachi .. you don't know how much this means for me " his voice sounded really happy and this thing made Itachi smile

"Well , we better hurry up , we don't want to make Yasaka wait " said the Sword

They walked for a few hours , Sun Wukong was with him , it was for the best , even if Itachi was helping them out , there were still some Youkais who had a problem with him and with his Sensei present , they are not going to say shit . They finally arrived until a guard came before them


Guard : State your business here

Sun Wukong : We came to see Yasaka , we have a meeting

Guard : S-sir ... ! Yes sir , follow me please ! ( That made Itachi to smirk , he always enjoyed when they piss their pants in front of his Sensei . Sun Wukong was smirkin to

Sun Wukong : Alright , be careful with Yasaka right now Itachi , her husband left , leaving her and her daughter alone , be careful how you speak and what are you saying ( He told Itachi in a whisper and Itachi only nodded )

After a few moments , they were in front of a door and the guard said : "My lady , Sun Wukong is here to see you and he has a boy with him " after a few seconds a voice answered , telling them to enter

When they entered inside , he saw her again , after a few years , she was the same .. it seems that giving birth didn't affect her body at all , she was stunning from every aspect , how could someone leave such a beauty alone it was beyond Itachi mind to think about it . She was not alone in the room , there were others Youkai , young and old , each of them were sitting on a small table , but between those strangers there was a face he recognised .


"This is a special decree from Lady Yasaka which is telling you about the mission , failing this mission would mean only 1 thing and i think that you know it very well" at that Itachi nodded and said " I will not fail and i will kill those Fallen Angels " and he left ... he left to early to catch the evil smirk on the kitsune face "

"After we kill you , Sirzech is not going to stay just like that and take it , he is going to have a war with us . HAHAHAHAHAH !!"

"End of the Flashback"

But the Kitsune simply had a smile on it's face , eyes closed without having any worry in the world , like nothing happend , he would have a talk with him later .

Yasaka : Ahh Itachi , you've grown up so well , you are even more handsome than before and you sure got tall , how have you been ? You didn't visited me in a while ( She said with a smile and pouted a bit on the last part )

Itachi : I've been well , thank you for asking Lady Yasaka , i've trained a lot and i couldn't come to visit , i apologise ( he said with his stoic face and a bowing )

Yasaka : Oh please , call me Yasaka .. i always told you to call me so and yet you call me Lady , am i so old for you ?

Itachi : No .. of course not , you are as beautiful as ever Yasaka ( Of course his comment and Yasaka red cheeks )

Fate : Hehe good job kid , i see that you are in Milf , nice choice by the way .

Itachi : What is a milf ? ( said now a confused Itachi through their mental link )

Fate : You know what ? Never mind .. ( at that Itachi only became more confused )

One of the Youkai from the lower tables , started to speak : " Lady Yasaka , i think is the best to let the personal affairs for another time and maybe right now , we should ask him , how did he got the soul eater sword " when those words left his mouth almost every person started to speak , some of them being calm ... others not so and soon , everyone was screaming and raising from their tables . " That sword must to be destroyed !!! " said one " No no , we should use it , to protect us !! " then Fate spoke "I always hate the part when they recognise me , this shit always happens "

"ENOUGH !!!" said Yasaka , releasing some aura , to show that she doesn't play around .

"The blade is a gift for Itachi , from Sun Wukong , he had my permission for this , because i saw something in him , something special , anyone has any problem with this ? "

"NO LADY Yasaka !!" Everyone shouted with their heads hitting the floor

"Pffff ass kissers , didn't i told you Itachi ? The only thing you must do is to scare them a bit and they will run like chickens , fucking old geezers " said Fate with an amused tone

"Can you shut up for a bit and let us concentrate ?" said the Susano with an annoyed tone

"Not my problem that you dont know about jokes , old geezer , you lived up your whole life for nothing " said Fate

"At least i am not throwed away because i am rusty ! " said the Susanno with a smirk

"Meee ?!! Rustyy ??!!! Meee ??!!" said Fate with not so much of a smirk on his face anymore , he was more angry right now and the Susanoo enjoyed every bit of it .

"Enough both of you , something is off about that Kitsune , he smiles the whole time , just like nothing happened , something is wrong " at that statement they both stopped and looked towards the kitsune , starting to analyze it .

"Yep , something is off about him , he smiled the whole time and i don't think that he is so mannered" Said Susanoo

"Maybe he took a liking in you Itachi , you are quite the handsome" said Fate while laughing , of course he stopped when he saw that no one joined him .

In another place - with someone else

"Heii , do you really think we should do this ? They say that the 9 tailed fox is really powerfull" said one guy , his voice was trembling . "maybe we shouln't , i am sure the boss is going to understand"

"If you are going back without the kid , you are as good as dead aniway , how about you shut up before i steal the kill from them , hmmm ??! " said another , angry about how one of his fellow fallen angels is afraid .

"The job is simple , we go in , we take the girl and we get out , simple as the morning light , any questions ?" asked another one , he looked bigger than the rest of them , 3 set of wings in his back , they were black as the purest night"

"NO SIR !!" responded the rest

"Good , let's move on" and with that they all dissapeared throught a magic circle

Back with Itachi

The meeting was going well , if not for a commotion around the palace , servants were screaming , guards were killed , everything was pure chaos , when the Youkais from the room wanted to rise , they were stopped by some magic circles , stopping everyone from moving.

"W-what is this ?!"

"Why we can't move ?!"

"What is going on ?"

"Someone putted a barrier around us , we can't move or do anything until is lifted up" said Sun Wukong

"It seems that we must to wait here then" said a Youkai

"Not really , it seems that Itachi already escaped " said Sun Wukong with a smirk on his face , everyone was more shocked to find out that it was true and Itachi was free , his hand on the sword ready to cut through any enemy . Opposed to him was the Kitsune who slowly rised from his place surprising all other except for Itachi and Sun Wukong , that old man was more of a fox than Yasaka herself , he could escape in any momment and take care of everything , it seems he wants to see how isi Itachi going to handle this , those two were not surprised at all , but the rest from the group were all shocked

"H-how can you move Jukan ? " said one of them shocked and happy at the same time "Well that is good , come on , release us , we ca--" but his words were cut off by a blade going thorugh his throat , blood spilling all over the floor and over one of the other Youkais. Everyone was in shock , eyes wide then Yasaka said "Jukan , you have been the traitor all this time ? How dare you work with those fallen angels , betraying you kin ? For what ? " when she said that everything changed on Jukan face , he was no longer smiling , a look of fury on his face , the grip on his sword tightened " After all i've done , you decided to let this bastard come here and make one of us ? A devil ? They killed our people for so long and yet you decide to let one of them here , being trained by Sun Wukong and giving him your trust and RECOGNITION ?!! Something you didn't show even to me ? You are going to doom as all Yasaka and i can't let that happen , i'm going to be the next leader and i will make all other factions tremble when they hear our name HAHAHAHAHA !! "

The one of the Youkais known as Lee said : " Yukan , how dare you to turn your sword against Lady Yasaka ? What has gotten in you ? I cannot let this happen in the name of the Youkai faction , i will stop you right now ! " after he said that he took his spear out and swinged it to the side ( Add more cool to the situation )

Jukan : "Enough Talk old man" Jukan interjected before he launched himself at Lee using his top speed. He then slashed his sword at him who leaned back letting the sword move to the ground before he thrusted his spear at Jukan forcing the Youkai to leave his sword and jump back as fast as he could , touching his face with a finger he saw that blood was drawn.

Jukan : " I see , it seems that i understiamted you , a thing who is not going to happen again " right after he said that , his body started to change , his hair grew longer and became red in color , his old kimono was replaced with a new one and his sword , started to change her color in red with black , but his most major change was the 7 tails he head . " Now i will take you serious , i hope that you are ready " right after he said that Lee thrusted his sword with a great speed , almost impossible from some of the Youkais in that room to even see it , but Jukan just moved to the side , the spear changed it's trajectory to the Jukan head , but he easily parried it and with a swift move he connected the sword hilt with Lee chest , making him fall to the ground and start coughing some blood .

Fate : What do you think about this Itachi ? The guy looks pretty strong

Itachi : He didn't win yet , we should wait and see , do you know something about his blade ? When he changed his form , the blade changed to .

Fate : No , not at this momment , i was going to say that he is half youkai and half human , maybe that is his sacred gear ? Maybe you should ask Yasaka about this , it seems she know that guy .

Then Itachi turned his attention to Yasaka and asked her

Itachi : What is with his sword ?

Yasaka looked like she was taken by surprise because of his question , but she decided to answer : We found Jukan when he was a kid , his parents were killed by a stray devil , his father was human and his mother was a Kitsune , she was working here as a handmaiden , when we found him he was scarred to we keept him here , training him and teaching him everything he needed to know , he discovered his gift at 10 , i don't know what kind of sacred gear is that , but from the last time i saw him training with it , it's a strong one , if thing are going to escalate ... i will need to -- ... ( But she couln't finish her sentence becuase Itachi did it for her )

Itachi : I will finish him , you don't need to worry , i will be sure that he is alive after everything , but maybe Lee can stop him , we should wait and see and maybe send the other from this room , see how things are going outside ( at that Yasaka smiled and thanked Itachi and yes , they should wait , maybe Lee can stop him , right after he sended the rest to see how things were going )

Back to the fight , wich was not to much of a fight after Itachi mind , they were simply staying and staring one on another , weapons at ready , Itachi was thinking that it must to be the last stand , it was all or nothing , this was the momment who is going to decide everything . The silence was broken by Jukan who charged at Lee with a battle cry , same for Lee who charged with his spear in a thrust motion towards him , when they were close Lee was the first to attack , thrusting the spear forward with speed , his spear hitted something that he could feel , or it was just his imagination ? he was wrong the blade of his spear was under Jukan foot who had a smirk on his face "I've told you that i will take you seriously " and with a single motion of his sword he decapitated Lee , making his body to fall down and his head to roll to Yasaka face , who had a look of anger on her face .

Fate : Welll ... it seems that we are fighting , let's goo !!! Let's kick his ass

Itachi : A person just died and all you care is to kick asses ? ( Asked with a deadpan expression )

Fate : Yeah yeah , is sad i know , but he was all big talk ,HAHAHA i will stop you in the name of Lady Yasaka Hahaha ,he had it coming if you ask me

Susanoo : No one is aking you anything and yet you seems to talk a lot , how is that ?

Fate : That was not nice big boi ( trying to fake some sadness in his voice )

Itachi : That is enough .( at that both of them were quiet again )

Yasaka : It seems that i have no other ch-- ( But she was interrupted again by one of the Youkais who left to see how things are going outside , he was all bloodied with a cut on his right eye and he was holding on his right arm , it seems it was broken )

"Lady Yasaka , we have big problems , we scucceded to drive them off , but we have great loses and they took Young Lady Kunou with them " said the Youkai from his hard breathing , then Yasaka aked "WHAT ?!!! They took my daughter ? And you didn't stop them !!!?? " her eyes started to become blue and she was letting out a lot of aura , making the building shake from the foundation .. the older Youkai looked scarred for his life , almost pissing himself , then an angel came ( Well not quite , but you get it ) Sun Wukong said " Don't let your emotion to get better of you , no one could do anything Yasaka , we are going to take the young lady back , don't worry " after those words and waiting for a few seconds , deciding what to do , after a bit she finally calmed down , seeing these Sun Wukong , told the Youkai to continue and what he said next made both him and Yasaka to widen their eyes " What do you mean that they took his seal ?" Screamed Sun Wukong , if that creature is going to escape , it would cause a lot o damage to all factions , because that creature had no Master " We need to stop this Yasaka , if his seal is broken no faction is safe anymore , at that Yasaka nodded , they were preparing for what was to come , until they saw that two figured dissapeared from the building " Where are Itachi and Jukan ?! "

Fate : Go go , he took on this way , we should be able to take get him on speed

Itachi : What was that seal about ? I never seen the old man so ... scarred i guess

Susanoo : Yeah , that's wierd ... do you know something about that fate ?


Susanoo : Really ? When we need you to talk you are going to be quiet ?!!

" Itachi : Enough , we are here " They were into an opening something wich was looking like a shrine , but he couldn't make anything of that Jukan , where was he ? Looking more aroung he saw more broken seals aroung and a huge hole coming from the ground , right in that momment he jumped a few meters back and in the place he once was , there was something who almost crushed him , when the smoke cleared , he saw something or most likely someone who inspired fear in his bones

( I couldn't post a photo of the creature,because the site doesn't let me do it, but here you have a link : https://imgur.com/oJU55ni )

Susanoo : Well ... i guess now we know what was about the broken seal

Sorry for the grammar mistakes, didn't have time to modify all of them...

Lukas_Blastcreators' thoughts