
A New Dawn (Solo-leveling / Multicross)

Blink, and Magnus is drowning in the neon sea of Shibuya. His reflection, etched with tired lines, stares back - a ghost in a corporate machine. Work sucks the life out of him, leaving an apartment filled with dust and the deafening silence of being alone. He craves something real, something more than the soul-crushing grind. . But fate, that mischievous trickster, has other plans. Time warps, the world dissolves into chaos. Protecting a stranger with eyes like pools of twilight, he takes a bullet meant for her. Gasping, his final plea echoes: I want to escape this ordinary hell. . Will death grant him an extraordinary adventure, or just another Tokyo sunrise? Dive in and discover. . . . . . I'll be honest, I'm not a good writer, but I'll do my best to create a novel I'd love to read even if I pick it up five years from now. It's my first time writing anything literary at all, a bit nervous but also quite excited to implement some of the ideas I have here. There will be a lot of deviation from the source material for every world I write about, so don't go all Hermione on me and expect me to stick to the rules... I mean roots... I'm not doing that. . . Also the MC and his fam will be OP, if you don't like OP characters, I suggest skipping this book. . . . Anywho... *nervous chuckling*.... Let the story begin!!! . . . . PS - massive respect to authors out there! . . . none of the characters of the worlds I write about belong to me, except for my OC. . . I'm doing about 5 chapters/ week now

RyunjuSimu · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The World's Reaction I

- 2555 words -

*Right after Woo-Jinchul dropped Mag in the President's room*

[ Woo-Jinchul POV ]

Sigh.....the beauty of that man was ridiculous! What the heck was that!? If it wasn't for my years of training to become like my idol, Go-Gunhee.....I would've stuttered like a fool in front of him...When the President told me that there was someone special coming in today, I was intrigued....I mean this is.....Go-Gunhee calling someone special.....the title of "The Sky Above The Sky" isn't just for show.... he was the strongest hunter before his age caught up to him....I can tell that he still misses being a hunter...everyone can in fact, he never hides it after all....

He alone was responsible for the inclusion of our country in the World Council, back then we had very few S ranks.....His voice carried such weight.....we were put up on a stage with Behemoths like the US, Europe, Russia, Japan, and China...who all had more than 20 S-rank hunters...all because of him...the things he's done for his countrymen are immeasurable....that is why ...he has the respect of every hunter in the country.

I feel a lot of pride working for such a country... I think while rubbing under my nose a bit and having a grateful smile on my face.

Now, while I have some free time...before I have to go and train those new recruits...let me have some premium roasted coffee to alleviate the fatigue of looking at that bastard....ugh....someone please tone down his beauty.....

I take my freshly brewed coffee and head over to where the recruits are, It seems as though even when I want to take a rest my body follows routine...shaking my head while smiling wryly, when I am just about to open the door to the room with the recruits, I receive a call from the President on the emergency line, I immediately pick it up and put it next to my ear....that was a bad move.

"Dungeon break above S rank!!! Get the citizens to the bunkers and form a defense line with hunters B rank and above now!!" President Go-Gunhee yells over the phone

Did he just say....dungeon break.....above S rank?! The cup of coffee drops from my hand and I immediately have a short panic attack.....my coffee....nooooooooooooo! Not even my A-rank reflexes could stop it from spilling on the floor....

"Understood Sir, I'll get the civilians to the bunkers safely and make sure that we have a defense line with our best hunters formed in 20 minutes." Duty comes first, I can mourn later...Also doesn't his voice sound a bit different than usual?

"Good. I've confirmed that the Guild Leaders have already been informed, they will do their best to stall the enemy and there is a hunter over there who is capable enough to handle the boss, so just execute basic protocols as a safety measure...Also, get the feed from the hunters inside the dome and any other operational cameras there and broadcast it to the world, we're going to need the publicity for the future" He says, I can feel from his tone that he's grinning at something.

"Sir this is a dungeon break above S! Is one person enough to fight the boss?...Wait, Is it Magnus fighting there??" I ask as my eyes widen with realization.....did the President know that this was going to happen??

"Hahaha! Young Magnus is right over here....No, from what he tells me, it's his girlfriend fighting there....don't worry I've been assured of her strength.....besides....I'm here too you know" I'm sure he has a smug smile on his face right now....

"But Sir, your health!" I ask in concern, he's in his 80's for God's sake!

"You're too young to be worrying about me brat! If push comes to shove I'll participate, no questions understood ?" He said in a stern voice that also reflected his conviction that has been tempered over the years....

"Yes Sir!" I resign from questioning his decision any further.....I go on to accomplish the tasks he's given me...while being vigilant.....

- The World Council -

Mr Petrov, a tall old man in his 60s, with a bulky build and a stoic face.... was one of the founding members of the World Council. He and some other like-minded people realized that the threat....that is the gates are not to be underestimated.....no matter if we are currently able to stop them....we still haven't fully understood what the gates were or where they're coming from. There has to be some purpose right? 

For this very reason The World Council was created.....for when a greater threat hits their planet, they wanted to be ready....they wanted a united humanity to be ready....that has always been their goal.

Petrov...weary from reading reports on the growing tensions between countries and the report on Jeju Island...just sighed while rubbing his temples....

Go-Gunhee....The World Council could use your strength and guidance...When you were in your prime, these bastards didn't dare to do anything!....but now!?....such incompetent people.....I can feel it in my bones...tough times are ahead of us...we need to be united! (AN - He's talking about the countries forcing their reps to be more demanding, the reps aren't as stupid, they're all working for the betterment of humanity)

There was a hurried knock on the door before it was thrown open ....Petrov immediately schooled in his expression and showed the might of an S-rank hunter while asking the person who came in in authoritative tone.

"What's the matter?!"

"S-Sir we just received a call from the Hunter Association President Go-Gunhee! He said that a dungeon break above S rank has happened in Seoul!!" The attendant shouted out panting in exhaustion....while looking with a pale expression at Petrov.

Petrov immediately stands up and makes his way to the control room with purposeful steps

"Keep calm! From what I can tell, the situation isn't that serious or he would've called me directly on the emergency line!" He then gets a radio out of the holster on his waist and tells the emergency response team to fly to Seoul to provide support and orders all important officials to make their way to the Control Room.

Reaching the control room he looks around at all the officials present...all major and minor powers have a say here...he looks at China and Japan in particular, their representatives nod back at him and order their forces to work with the Korean hunters.

"Everyone! Let us analyze the situation calmly, we have a dungeon break with a ranking higher than S at Seoul, the situation doesn't seem to be dire....as Go-Gunhee hasn't issued a red alert yet...."

before he could finish one of the workers monitoring the satellites and internet called out

"Sir! The Koreans are broadcasting the fight on the internet! I'll put it up on the main screen!" saying so he pulls up a Korean News Channel and all of our jaws drop at the sheer strength being displayed by an unknown hunter against what we presume to be the boss

"My God!..."

"Who is she?"

"Is she a new S rank?"

"But the power being displayed is far above S rank!"

Everyone in the room gasped at the speed and sheer impact of each of her punches, we couldn't even see what she's done, with the finesse of a close combat master she overwhelmed the boss...

The boss then gets up and freezes what seems to be everything....but then a blanket of crimson flames pours out of her and protects the hunters....What the fuck are we looking at?! Is she still just a hunter at this point ?!

"My God! There's another one!!" we spot another boss popping out of nowhere and immediately attacking the woman, but she manages to parry and dodge easily, the bosses seem to be conversing with each other about something, but then we see her use some sort of gravity magic on the two of them and instantly close in on the boss that uses Ice and try to split him in half.....he seems to laugh maniaclly while pointing upwards and then he meets his end, the other boss follows after him soon too....


[ Petrov POV ]

My first thought when I saw her was....she is our hope....the powers being displayed here far outclass any national rank hunter.....and it doesn't seem like she's even exerting herself that much.....I'm just relieved that we have such a strong hunter on our side....

I put my hand over my chest feeling my heart beat at a much faster pace than it ever has, I feel slightly more at ease now....I need to arrange a meeting between us, maybe she can lead the world council to better heights...

But then I see the boss that uses Ice pointing up with a maniacal smile......my breath hitches......I know that look..... it's the look of an enemy that would do anything to bring you down....my heart drops.....I immediately shout and gather the attention of everybody in the room...

"Check the satellites now!!!" I bellow out while slamming the table 

The people around me soon remembered what the boss did before he died, some of them were confused but a few began to sweat buckets as they came to realize that there was something sinister about the way he acted, he obviously pointed up before laughing in glee

The scientist furiously calibrated all the satellites and searched for any anomalies around our planet ...his eyes widen to insane degrees, and he staggers back and falls on his butt while muttering with a deathly expression

"....its a meteor....a 25 KM wide meteor....headed straight for Seoul... impact in 30 mins"






*Hopeless Crying*.....

All of the people around me fell into despair...the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs was barely 15 Km.....a 25 Km meteor would cause human extinction....there's no doubt about it....

Some people immediately call home and say their goodbyes, some of them begin pulling their hair out while screaming...some just fall to the ground and weep silently...think....think...there has to be something we can do!!

Maybe....Yuri....Yuri Orlov a barrier specialist... could he build a barrier over Seoul? we can at least reduce some impact....we can work with this..... it's better than doing nothing!

"SILENCE!!!!" I scream while looking at everyone with a burning gaze, they all shut up and look at me...some with despair and some with hopeful gazes

"Someone call Yuri Orlov and tell him to get his fat ass over to Seoul right now!! We will supply the mana stones required to power the strongest barrier ever!..... Initiate Protocol Hope.....get all citizens under the bunkers now!!... We will save everyone we can!!"

I yell trying to get these bastards to do something instead of whining like babies....we need people with more backbone around here ...*sigh*

I focus my gaze on the main screen and see ...a tall American-looking man...God?....He had the most beautiful silverish almost white colored hair, with a golden sun-like tattoo bordered with black lines on his forehead and golden hypnotic eyes....he seemed to have just appeared out of thin air behind the woman who beat the two bosses.

An Enemy?!

Oh.....It seems that the woman who beat the bosses is acquainted with him....they seem to share a strong bond as well....and then it happens....a man appears in the air above the scene with a sonic boom....Wait....isn't that Go-Gunhee????

Go-Gunhee that 80+ year-old man with wrinkles and frail body...was now floating in the air above the present hunters and looked like someone in his 40s....What the fuck?!

I immediately pick up my phone and call him, while I see him descending to speak with the hunters

"Pick up dammit!"

"Hello Petrov, what's the matter? The crisis with the dungeon break is solved, all that is left to do is to stop the meteor.....Magnus here says he'll take care of it for us.." he says in a casual tone....with absolutely no fear....

"Leaving the issue of how you suddenly look younger, did you say that 'Magnus' will take care of a 25 Km wide meteor!?" I asked him bewildered and completely skeptical..

"Yes, you will witness it.... as will all the people around the world....just keep watching...hahaha!" He says with a smug tone...

"In any case, I've ordered the execution of The Hope Protocol, and I've sent that fatass Yuri there with about 40 tons of mana stones to generate a barrier, If you are right and Magnus there is able to stop the meteor then that's good, he would become a world hero saving humans from near extinction....." he interrupts me and says

"Bah! Stop droning on about this, I told you he'd be able to stop the meteor, so just watch...." He says confidently...

* A few minutes before the meteor lands on Seoul *

I see the guy Go-Gunhee called Magnus instantly disappear and reappear in the sky....teleportation?! The now crimson skies signal our imminent destruction...and one man stands between us and the behemoth meteor.....he appears to be calm.....maybe he can actually stop the meteor? 

All of us with eyes that hold hope look towards the guy floating in front of the meteor, he points a finger at it conjures a ball of white flames, and says - Hakugyou Tenmetsu 

All of us look at that minuscule ball of white fire that is heading towards the meteor....some immediately began cursing and shouting at Magnus for giving them false hope, how can something as small as that do anything to a 25 Km wide meteor they think, but all this time I kept looking at 'him' he appears to be in total control of the situation, my instincts tell me that we've won.....that the threat is no longer there....I'm confused....but as I move my eyes to the meteor, they widen comically when I see the white flame, upon making contact with the meteor completely erase it from existence....the skies immediately cool down and the day returns to normal.


Defeaning cheers all around me, people hugging each other while crying, mothers and fathers calling home to check on their family, some people just staring at the man floating in the sky with a fanatical gaze.......I just slump back into my chair and sigh loudly....the fact that humanity was about to be wiped out by something summoned by one of our enemies....was both humbling and largely alarming....we need to unite! we need better hunters! we need to advance as a civilization much faster!.....

I slowly look at the main screen and see the young man holding hands the woman who beat the bosses earlier, talking with the hunters present there while making jokes...all of humanity will come to depend on him... whether they want to accept that fact or not doesn't matter.....He has become our Messiah.

Alright! We're back in the game....I have been busy irl for the last 4 days, I'm doing an online course and I've got deadlines to meet.....honestly, I wasn't happy with this chapter...it felt rushed...I wanted to properly capture the feelings of humans who just realized that they were about to go extinct ...I don't think I did a good job at it...hopefully, the next chapter will be better....throw me some stones if you're enjoying this so far! Thank you for reading....Ryu out!

RyunjuSimucreators' thoughts