
A New Dawn (Solo-leveling / Multicross)

Blink, and Magnus is drowning in the neon sea of Shibuya. His reflection, etched with tired lines, stares back - a ghost in a corporate machine. Work sucks the life out of him, leaving an apartment filled with dust and the deafening silence of being alone. He craves something real, something more than the soul-crushing grind. . But fate, that mischievous trickster, has other plans. Time warps, the world dissolves into chaos. Protecting a stranger with eyes like pools of twilight, he takes a bullet meant for her. Gasping, his final plea echoes: I want to escape this ordinary hell. . Will death grant him an extraordinary adventure, or just another Tokyo sunrise? Dive in and discover. . . . . . I'll be honest, I'm not a good writer, but I'll do my best to create a novel I'd love to read even if I pick it up five years from now. It's my first time writing anything literary at all, a bit nervous but also quite excited to implement some of the ideas I have here. There will be a lot of deviation from the source material for every world I write about, so don't go all Hermione on me and expect me to stick to the rules... I mean roots... I'm not doing that. . . Also the MC and his fam will be OP, if you don't like OP characters, I suggest skipping this book. . . . Anywho... *nervous chuckling*.... Let the story begin!!! . . . . PS - massive respect to authors out there! . . . none of the characters of the worlds I write about belong to me, except for my OC. . . I'm doing about 5 chapters/ week now

RyunjuSimu · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

SS Rank Interruption II

[ Go-Gunhee POV ]


"There seems to be an army of around a million ice elves and monsters as well" He says nonchalantly.....like it isn't even a problem..

A MONARCH has descended on Seoul?? With an ARMY?? If he sensed it....then it must be true....I immediately call all my military contacts and order them to evacuate the citizens, if there is a crisis involving a dungeon break, the association president is authorized to issue orders to the military.

I then call Woo-Jinchul and tell him to gather our strongest and help in the evacuation...when I'm about to call the guild leaders, Magnus in front of me stops me and says...

"Relax old man.....my beautiful wife-to-be just sent me a message saying that she's taken care of informing them and.....that she'll finish the monarch herself, if you must know, she's almost at SS+ in strength, plus she's got plenty of skills."

A bit calm now knowing that the Guild Leaders have been informed of the situation, I ask him puzzled..."What's an SS rank?" I've never heard of such a ranking before...he then goes on to explain the ranking system above S...it does actually make a lot of sense, we can't just call the level above S....National Level and leave it that...it isn't that definitive...it's better to be specific about the strength level of a person...

And him being EX rank doesn't come as a surprise to me at all...in fact, with him agreeing to lend a helping hand in times of crisis, it's a blessing to all of South Korea...We have a strong hunter to defend us in case things get bad....that's more than I could've asked for....I sigh with contentment....who knew I was so patriotic....no it's more like an attachment to my place of birth....

Only if I didn't have to speak to those old foggies ever again! Heh..... they took advantage of the fact that I was weakened and put several stupid laws out, on hunters, limiting the amount of profit they could get from the dungeons and mandatory service and all that...don't they understand that hunters are the ones saving them?? In these difficult times...they are our lifeblood! I shake my head disappointed at that....we need to show them who's boss.... before they get citizens killed out of greed.

"Hunter Magnus" I call out to him as a hunter " If I may, I'd like to put forth a request to the World Council of Hunters to have new ranks introduced. But it might not be so easy, because there is no way for them to measure the strength of someone above S...."

"Ah, I sense the mana in the world would soon be able to support gates of higher ranking...the world will come to realize the difference between ranks then" He says with a smile while glancing out the window.....looking at the civilians evacuating in an ordered manner..

"Besides, something tells me that Crimson would put more focus on us, once Jin-ah is done with the monarch....Ah, that reminds me...can you give me all the books you have on runes ?"

"Runes? Hahaha....you're in luck...powerful civilizations in many worlds used runes, therefore I have tons of books on them." I wave my hand and books about runes materialize on the ground.

"Can I borrow them for a few weeks?" He says eagerly while rubbing his hands together and crouching down to read them...

"I'm trying to give this civilization a major lift... They're so backward and although due to the lack of mana they've found other sources of energy...it just isn't as clean and versatile as mana" He says while playing with a white flame with gold threads shimmering in them...

Even from here, I can feel that they have higher concepts imbued in them and are extremely dangerous to the soul....I get a cold sweat on my forehead just imagining myself being the target of that...phew....but runes to uplift civilization huh?

"Yes, mana is the future.....using runes to harness it and use it as energy to power devices would be the first step to making it widely accepted" I rub my chin in thought, we could outfit our military with mana-based weapons too...they'd be useful against the monsters.

But just us having this technology would raise issues from other countries...maybe create a brand in partnership with the World Council.....unlike many would like to believe...the World Council is made up of some of the kindest yet decisive people humanity has to offer, I'd have no problem partnering with them on this...obviously we would still hold the patents to it.

"You can borrow them of course..... I'll have several things to discuss with the World Council this time.... With me regaining my strength, my words would carry more weight there." The feeling of being strong again....Oh, how I've missed this...I clench and unclench my fist with a grin.

I see Magnus placing his hand on a book and for a second mana flows from his hand passes the cover and goes through each page of the book, and then finally, it seems to retract back into his hand....is he scanning through books using mana ??

You can do that? Can I read and sign documents this way!? I'll have to ask him to teach me this! With this one of the biggest headaches of being the President of the Association would go away!!....eh he made clones? they repeat the same thing with all the books I have on runes.....clones?....wait isn't this a perfect solution for my current problem? I want to spend more time with Hana...I can leave a clone here to continue my work!! Brilliant me...I pat myself on the back for this awesome idea....

I then look at Magnus like he's a treasure trove of magic skills to help with office work...Yes, this is it! This is the path to a better future!!

[ Mag POV ]

For some reason, I feel a shiver down my spine.....I quickly max out my senses and look around for an enemy....Where are they?!...eh?..... Why is President Go looking at me with such light in his eyes....It's like he thinks that I'm the solution to his every problem...

"Magnus, you've got to teach me the two skills you just used now!" He asks me with an almost crazed expression.....old man...are you fine?

Wait.....I use my amazingly high INT stat and with the help of Alpha, conclude why he's asking me this..

[ Master, he most likely wants to learn the scanning and cloning skills to get through office work quickly..... You giving him a chance to enjoy life seems to have made him more of a free spirit than he ever was.... ]

'So....it's my fault, isn't it.....'

[ Yes Master. ]

'Did I just hear a suppressed laugh from you now?'

[ You must be imagining things, Master. You have a vivid imagination after all, shall I remind you of the number of times you thought of doing lewd things with Lady Jin-ah? Like holding....] 

'Sthapp! That's enough!' I said with an embarrassed face....'You are to never bring that up again...is that clear!?'

[Hai hai]

My eyes twitch at that...anyway I look up at the expectant face of Go-Gunhee and say

"I'll teach you, old man. Let me pass on the techniques to you. It is up to you to practice it though..." Saying so I touch his forehead and use mana as a medium to transfer information on those two techniques.

"Ah such finesse, requires very precise control of mana huh? I'll have to polish my rusty skills then.....I'll go dungeon diving too!!.....YOUTH!!!" He says while pumping his fists in the air...He sounds like Might Guy....Bruh, did I make the right decision in de-aging him?

I feel like I've grown older by doing that....sigh.....whatever...he deserves to be happy....good for you old man...I smile a bit wryly at his antics..

* around the time the frost monarch summons the meteor *

"President Go, do you want to see a little demonstration of what I can do? I might as well show the people there too"

"Sure! What do you have in mind?!" He seems eager to go....hahaha~... youth huh....

"It seems that one of the Monarchs there has summoned a meteor to decimate the city.....it is currently falling right here" I say in a carefree tone, completely ignoring the shocked and pale expression on his face.

"O-one of the Monarchs?? A m-meteor falling here?? What the heck was happening outside while we were chatting here?!" He says while panicking and bursting through the glass from the top floor and flying towards the huge dome at high speed....

Oi Oi.... did you forget that I'm here? ....though it still is a bit surprising how spry he is for an old man....I chuckle with a wry smile on my face, such a character...

"Let's go then...I feel like pampering my love for her hard work~" gently smiling while thinking about her. I vanish from where I was and appear a few meters away from her while lowering my presence.. 

She's so beautiful, her aura...her presence...sheesh... Look at that!!

I hear her mumble "Darling..." She's thinking of me while making such a cute face.....

I stop hiding my presence and her cute nose immediately twitches in my direction....what is she?? Hahaha~

A black rocket then blitzes towards me and I catch it in a hug...so huggable~

"Darling!" she says while hugging me tightly and smiling cutely with her eyes closed like a cat...{ AN: Too much sugar....cough..cough }

"You've done well Jin-ah...." I say while gently caressing her hair....the surrounding elite hunters from various guilds all look at me like I'm an alien or something...must be my looks...sigh...

I see Go-Gunhee finally reach here and look around....probably seeing if we have any casualties...typical of him...

His appearance in the air woke up everyone from their stupor.....they were shocked to see one uber-handsome dude suddenly appear and tame this wild lioness who was an absolute badass on the battlefield ...and now....President Go-Gunhee who was supposed to be old and weak....looks way younger and is flying in the air like it's the most normal thing to do? What the fuck is going on?! Is a meteor gonna drop on us now?? .... were the thoughts of most people here..

I see Jin-woo waving at me.... and continue making shadow soldiers from the fallen monsters....he appears to be slightly pouty for some reason?? I'll ask him later.

Go-Gunhee lands and is immediately surrounded by the Guild Leaders who are asking questions...I see Baek-Yoonho look towards me...his eyes slowly widen and then he gives me a polite nod...I nod back at him... and release Jin-ah from the hug...

She pouts cutely, but then as if remembering something...her aura changes, and she immediately looks toward me and asks

"Mag, I sense the meteor will arrive in 10 minutes and most of the satellites around the world must have picked it up by now...Are you gonna make a demonstration of strength for the people around the world?"

Go-Gunhee who seems to have heard that, looks my way and nods, with this the attention of most of the hunters here has switched back to me......nice one old man......my eyes twitch at that......sigh.... being among politicians has taught him some useful stuff....

"Hello..... I'm Magnus Rex. As of today, I'm the 10th S Rank hunter in South Korea....and the one beside me is Jin-ah, my beautiful wife-to-be. You've all seen her in action, so I don't doubt that you know, that she too is at S Rank, and finally the one brooding over there like an emo kid.... is my younger brother Jin-woo. Again, evidenced by how he fought here, he is also an S Rank." I see Jin-ah have hearts in her eyes by my introduction and Jin-woo twitching and cursing at me while Cha-Haein stood beside him giggling.....hooooo? He works fast, I grin slyly at him while gesturing with my eyes at her....I see his eye twitch and then he makes a thumb sliding across the neck gesture...I ignore that.... obviously...

Anyway...all around me ....chaos....absolutely everyone has seen the two of them fight and knows that they're at least S rank for sure...but being told that they were acknowledged to be one seemed to have reset their brains.

Lim-Taegyu (The guild master of the reaper guild) steps forward and asks me "Yeah we've seen your wife be an absolute monster and destroy those super strong guys like it was nothing, so I've no problem with that, and the one over there...." he says while pointing at Jin-woo "...is insanely strong too, with those dagger skills and the infinitely regenerating summons. But what about you?" He asks in a lazy but curious tone...

I see Go-Gunhee walk to the side while giving me a thumbs up, he seems to be answering calls from The Government, The World Council, and all high and important places from around the world about the incoming meteor...The World Council had already called the Yuri guy and sent him here on the fastest plane they had, they seemed to have promised to pay a fortune.....they're good....they think about the bigger picture at least....

'This Lim-taegyu guy gives me Shikamaru vibes' I think and while pointing towards the sky, I say - "The answer to that question will be demonstrated to all of you in a few minutes..."

They all look up to the sky and spot something that appears to be growing larger as seconds pass by........Is that a fucking meteor!? Did we just jinx ourselves?!!

[ AN: I thought really hard about whether I'd introduce cliffhanger-kun here to all my wonderful readers but for the greater good!!..... I decided not to.....Praise me Mongrels! Also, throw me some stones while you're at it! ]

The meteor gets closer and closer, and some brave mages walk forward and conjure up barriers....uh....that is kilometers wide you know? I hear Baek-Yoonho beg Jin-ah to expand the barrier she put up...

But she just shakes her head while telling them to trust me....and...then she actually dispels the barrier....much to the shock and worry of the hunters around me....good grief girl you're playing with their feelings here.....just when they were about to lose hope....I speak up.

"Enough!" they all stop and look at me...most of them having either teary or hardened expressions...looking at all of them I say "Watch me."

Saying so I vanish and instantly appear in the darkening orange sky, (the sky is turning orange as a result of the heat produced by the meteor) and I a lone man..... am standing .....absolutely carefree in front of a BEHEMOTH 25 KM WIDE METEOR....I'm like an ant in front of it, just the size I mean.....

Though it puts life into perspective....while I'm contemplating life, the meteor comes closer and closer...and the people down there are running around like headless chickens....I see Go-Gunhee clutching his stomach and laughing like mad...people around him looked at him with pity thinking he had gone crazy.....

I then snap out of my introspective state and look at the meteor, to me the heat from it was like wearing a blanket....I was thinking about life while feeling cozy you know ....sigh....I put out a single finger in front of me gather white-gold flames and shoot it at the meteor while saying (In a voice amplified by mana for added effect): Hakugyou Tenmetsu.

And then!!




...that's it....the white destructive fire...on contact with the meteor engulfs it and burns it to nothingness....no sound.....no broken pieces of meteor raining down on the city below....it was just that simple...but the impact it had for people watching around the world.....was insane.


I like this chapter, It was one of those days where you're pumped to put your ideas together and create something....the comments have been cheering me up! Thank you for that and please keep them coming! Ryu out!

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