
My dad's Inspiration

When I woke up I am on my bed in my room. My eyes started shedding tears when the pictures of the incident started rolling on my eyes. I cried and cried a lot. I cried like I am in hell., like its my last day of my life. Yes! It should be last day of my life. I cant live in this society. A society where victims are at blame, where the culprits roam freely.

I am sure as the incident was telecasted in news, almost all the city would have started blaming me. Slowly i walked to hall and saw my dad wiping his tears watching tv. Many people are giving their opinions on me. Some are asking why i went out at that time.? Others are asking where I went at that time. Some are declaring that I went to meet my boyfriend and we made sex over there and he left me there. But none of them are talking about real culprit.

How could they say that? How dare they? Whats their right to talk about me? I want to slap all these idiots who were talking of me.

How could the society blame the person who is suffering rather than the one who made us suffer. Ofcourse this society blames the week person rather than strong person. Yes I am the weekest person in the world. This world made me weekest person.

I don't have a right to live. No! This society doesnt had a right to live with me. By thinking all this I left to my room. I took a knife and tried to cut my wrist. Suddenly my dad caught my hand and slapped me.

"Why do you want to die. Why do u want to cry. What happened to u. I think ur scared. But not about future, not about ur life. U r scared of this bloody society which had a voice but not a brain. U r scared of this society who dont even care about u and decided to leave us who cares for u as their life. Right? Wow this is the best decision taken by my daughter in her life" he said almost crying.

"Dad... I am sorry. .. But how could i face them. See they are blaming me for this incident. I cant listen to what they are talking. How could they talk like that. Afterall i am a girl like their mothers, sisters, and daughters. I cant fight with them dad. No.... I cant. " I told.

"Who are u? U are not my daughter. I raised my daughter as a brave girl, who could fight with all the evils to make her life perfect again. She is intelligent and wont take these stupid decisions.

Come. Come here and sit beside me. Tell me one thing. Have u done any mistake?"he asked running his fingers in my hair.

"No" I said

"Then why are you frightened. Look princess u r my best princess. U wont do anything wrong. U r our sunshine. U shouldn't bend ur head. U shouldn't get scared of culprits. Instead u should scare them. Show them ur courage. Raise ur voice. Drag them to house of law and justice. Make them shiver. "

"Only people who commit nistskes should get scared. Only they should bend their heads. U should teach whats right and whats wrong to this society. U shouldn't keep quiet my darling. If u kept quiet, such kind of bastards will take it as an advantage. Now ur suffering but if u kept quiet someone will suffer. U should stop that. I had such confidence on u my sunshine.

U should become as mata kali for every such kind of idiots. Nothing was happened now. If u lost ur virginity bcoz of someone it doesn't mean that u lost ur life. Someone will invite u into their life with loads and loads of love even after knowing all this. But u should be brave enough till then. I am with you all the time my life"he said.

"Dad ur right i wont give up. Actually Why should I. I wont. I will fight for you, for me and our society too. I will help this society by cleaning those insects from it. But i cant invite anybody in my life. I don't want anyone. U and ma are enough for me. Promise that u wont leave me alone in this battle. That's enough for me "i said confidently now.

"Yes. My sweet heart. Iwill be with you at every second of ur life. Ok I will agree with ur decision. U dont allow anyone into ur life but be the only one for many people who are suffering like u. "my dad told making me confused.

"Dad how.. How could i help them. Be the one for them in this state."i asked still controlling myself.

He slowly said that "No shakshi. U have ur family to be on ur side at this darkest phase of life. But many of the victims are abandoned by their family itself. Think as the great Shakshi Malik. U r not in a position to open up ur palms for help. U wont be in such a position. I am not just talking about money, but talking about ur courage, ur bravery, ur intelligence, ur self-confidence, ur self respect and everything. U are in a position to help them. Dedicate ur life to the victims of sexual harassment and gender discrimination. Don't forget to work for society even it started blaming u. "

"Yes dad. Ur right. I will dedicate my life for them. I will live for them. But 1st that bastards should get arrested. Thanks dad. Thanks for being on my side."i said.

"That's my daughter. I love u my sunshine. Ur my life. I can't live without you. Don't even try to think about it again" he said taking away knife from my hand.

"I am sorry dad. I wont do this again. I love u. I love u a lot dad. Actually u r my sunshine and my life" i said.

"What about me?Noone loves me"we heard a voice from behind and looked at my mom in tears.

"I love u too mom. I love both of u."i said kissing her and then hugging both of them.

Grt family right. Hope every victicm actually every girl deserves such a supporting family.

Anyway what do u think can she get justice? Can her father keep her family? Can't she allow anyone into her life again? Who did this to her?

Many questions are to be answered. Right?!! So keep reading. Keep voting. Keep commenting. Keep smiling.

Don't forget to keep smiling

tejaswi_nagidicreators' thoughts