

Then my parents put their all efforts to make me normal. But the police came to interrogate me. They registered a case already. They came home and asked all stupid questions.

Their way of talking said that they are not interested in case and are trying to make me quit. I am not ready for that. I want justice. I answered all their questions patiently.

After that they went out and were surrounded by media. They asked about the progress of case and the inspector said that there were no clues in the case and even they doubt that whether it is a **** or not? I was watching it in news. My blood was boiling I answered all his stupid questions and he was still talking this rubbish. No!!! I am not going to spare him. I am going to face the media. I am going to share my agony with this society. At least then they will stop blaming me.

The evening dad arranged a pressmeet. I am sitting in front of many people for the first time after the incident. The moment I came into hall every one started their rubbish and I started....

"Will u all pls shut ur mouth for some time. Just sometime is enough. I allowed u to talk all the rubbish for these two days but today I am going to speak. Only I am... Only I am ...

I think u got it.

How could you write all these rubbish things against a victim. U are picturising a victim as a culprit. This is the reason why only 10% of the sexual harassment cases are only coming out, where as rest of them are being buried under the girls tears or with the girl herself under soil.

What will u do if it happens to your daughter, ur sister, ur wife, or ur love?Will u ask same questions to her?Will u ask her "" with whom are u hanging at that night? Have u made sex with ur boyfriend there and found urself naked there? Are u a prostitute? "" Answer me!!!! Will u ask all these questions. I don't want ur bloody concern or ur pity. I want u to think before u speak or write, because the same what u convey will be transmitted to whole world. Please u are holding the most responsible things like a pen and a mike. So before u convey the news just think from the other person's shoe. Thats what i am asking. U people want something new and a hot news. U wont care for anyone. Considers todays news.

Every one in the state is worried about that girl whose husband was killed brutally by her father but none of us are bothering about the girl who was being raped by her step father evey night, and her own mother who is supporting her husbands abt. No one is bothered about the girl who topped in cbse board exms,and was appreciated by prime minister two years ago and was raped by a gang yesterday. No one is bothered about the girl in delhi who was raped , tortured by the son of ACP of delhi. None are caref about that spoilbrat who recorded all the torture and used the video to frighten other girls. We want some hot news. That man killed his son in law for caste and that became viral than all these news. What the bloody.... Okok... Cool.... This is the reason why many of the victims will be scared to come out and face society.

Now coming to what happened that day. Actually its already 9 pm and me and mom are waiting for dad, then he called from his office landline and said that he will start in 10 min and reach there by 9:30. But the time was 10 and he was still not at home.

We are bit tensed. Suddenly a person called from my dads office saying that he was fainted there. So I immediately started from there and all the light in factory are of. In my panicked state i reacjed my dads room.lights were off . I went to switch board to on them. Suddenly a pair of arms hugged me too tight...

I tried to release myself. Then after some struggle he left, before I could realise all this he pinned me to wall and kissed me to deeply, ravaging all my mouth. He was completely drunk. I felt disgusted with alcohol smell. I tried alot to release myself from his grip but he kissed me till I lack my breath and was about to die. Then he left me.

I was completely out of breath. Tears already found their way out of my eyes. I breathing heavily to catch some air. Suddenly panicked and tried to reach light switch and my pgone which fell down at the moment he hugged me. I noticed that he left and sone one entered the room.

When I was about to reach lights, other person slapped me so hard that I fell on the ground. Blood started oozing out. Then he caught my hair ,dragged me with my hair and madee stand. He agin pinned me biting all over my face, my eyelids, cheeks nose and started kissing me with more and more lust than previous one. I tried to push him as i was out breath again but he slapped me again so hard and hit my head towards the wall.

He then buried his head in my neck and started biting me, giving me lot and lot of pain and hickeys. His kept his hands directly into my top and my hands are pushing his hands. He then said "Don't use ur lityle strength to push me. U need a lot of strenght today afterall 3 more people are waoting outside to fuck u babe. " he said with his deavilish laugh. But I didnt stop my hands work. He again said " I already told u not to disturb me. If so it wouldnt be better for you but it will beore worse. Mind it darling."But how can i stop myself from trying to sstop him. So i continued. But he was irritated this time and again slapped me and fell down this time he dragged me with my hair towards our big comfy coach. When i was struggling with pain he placed his shoe on me and controlled me from moving by applying all his foot pressure. He lit his cigaratte and bent down he started pressing his fired cigaratte at my cleavage not leaving a single inch slowly one by one down he again said " I wanted to remove ur dress and see the quest u locked behind this delicate thread with my hand. But I think u dont want my hands to do that work Instead u want this cigarette to do it. Ok then" he said he almost burned half of my top at my cleavage and then my top was all open showing my body.

He then removed my whole dress then I tried to slap him. And pushed him to run away and took my dress, but its a wrong move. He immediately reached me took my dress from my hands threw it on floor and burned it with lighter..

He then slapped me and i fell on our sofa, he then took his belt out and started beating me with the belt and said " oh baby I thought to give ur dress and drop u at ur home. But not now.. U should be like this completely naked until employees reach here. Hahahahah.... By one thing babe, these belt marks look more beautiful than that bloody dress. U better come to me every night like this. U don't worry I will definitely give these marks daily "

Meanwile the clock hit 11 and he said " oh baby I cant wait a second more. I wanna fuck u atleast for 2 hours babe. So lets start." Then he started the real torture to me. He started biting each and every inch of my body giving me intense pain. Then he entered me not once, not twice, untill he was completely exhausted. He didn't care to stop this fucking episode for almost 2 hours until he himself wanted to stop it. My legs were swollen and my core started bleeding.

Then he left me. He went outside and slowly I lost my consciousness. I drifted in to a painful sleep but for very few minutes. Suddenly a stteam of hot water touched my face, it almost burned my face. The water is too hot.

Then I opened my eyes and he said "oh babe.. How can we have complete pleasure while u are sleeping and not having any pleasure. No u should Have all this. U r not allowed to sleep this night" he said. He then went out and other person came to continue the fucking episode. Almost after an hour of his torture and multiple times of fucking agin he left me and then two other persons used me for other two hours and when the clock hit 3.

The first person again came in and again fucked me for 2 hours he left me and all his frnds came inside and said time to leave. But that 1st man again started hitting me with his belt and after some time now I beacame unconscious again. And when i woke up I am in my dads hands naked under a blanket.

Thats what happened and u.... U... Are talking like this... Really i don't care for ur help but I want justice. Pls pls... Help me....." I said crying badly and I obseved tears in everyones eyes. But really I don't want them. I want justice 😰😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Hi frnds really I am sorry... I am too busy to give an update. But heres ur most awaited episode.

So how is the episode. What do u think about that bastards. The news I stated above is what I saw in news paper yesterday. This is where our society is going too.....WE NEED TO CHANGE THIS.WE NEED TO CHANGE FIRST

tejaswi_nagidicreators' thoughts