

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Training your body!

Shuuta strolled alongside the school, his Katana hanging from his back. The path led him to the back patio, a half-kilometer stretch of dirt and grass that felt scorching under the relentless sun.

He eventually spotted a man whistling idly, biding his time. It was Kento, who also noticed Shuuta and raised his hand in greeting.

"You're here! Took you long enough." Shuuta made his way to his new mentor and awaited further instructions.

"I see you're eager to train. I've decided to help you because you have potential. Your survival rate and low level show me how capable you are, so I'm expecting good results from you... umm-" Kento began.

Shuuta, glaring despondently, cut him off with determination.

"Shuuta, Katashi Shuuta!" He pointed at his chest, emphasizing his tenacity and grit.

"Shuuta. First of all, we need to find a way to strengthen your body. The Magic I will teach you may destroy your body if it can't sustain itself. Also, I will teach you Magic that anyone can use, but its effectiveness depends on how you use it."

Shuuta's resolve remained unwavering. While it sounded dangerous, especially to any sane Mystic, to the ultra-motivated lad, it was a small price to pay.

"Yes, sir! I'm ready. So what's first on the list?"

Kento smiled and maintained a moment of silence for dramatic effect.

"Run 101 laps around the school, then do 101 push-ups, 101 squats, and finally, do 1 full hour of planking."


"What do you mean 'eh'? You need to work on your body first!"

"Wouldn't that take a long time? I don't have time for this! I must rescue my Familiar and that Princess!" Shuuta exclaimed, his patience running thin.

"I know that! But there's nothing else you can do... if only there was a Space and Time pocket dimension around here."

Shuuta was about to voice his frustration, but then something dawned on him.

"Noara! She can help us!"


"Good job, kiddo! That nice lady had a pocket dimension inside the infirmary. Go figure!" Kento paused and stared at Shuuta.

"Come on, get on with your workout now. I'll be here watching you. If you need anything, just ask."

'Mmm... he's being unusually nice. Is he hiding something?' Shuuta wondered. However, he decided to push that thought aside. Why would he suspect a Heavenly Commander, let alone the strongest one?

As time went on, Shuuta felt increasingly exhausted, as if there were an invisible weight dragging him down. He stretched his body and attempted to release mana to facilitate his workout.

"Huh? Wait… GAAAH!" Shuuta's chest sent an electrifying jolt throughout his body, causing him to collapse like a lifeless cockroach, thoroughly fried.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You can't use your Mana. If you attempt to enhance your body with Mana, you will be punished." Kento swayed his hand and wagged his finger, appearing quite smug.

"You... that hurt!" Shuuta raised his balled fist, showing his frustration.

Kento just shrugged.

"Your choice."

Shuuta gritted his teeth comically.

As more time passed, Shuuta found himself drained and short of breath. His body felt as if it were weighed down by a massive boulder.

"It's only been a minute, Shuuta. Get up!"

"ONLY A MINUTE?! It felt like an hour!!"

Shuuta's skin had lost its color, and he looked more malnourished than strengthened. He panted like an old man, hunched over like a zombie as he continued to run.

"Shuuta's body truly is weak... weaker compared to others, although he seems to be a fast learner," Kento observed, noting how Shuuta suddenly picked up his pace, reaching his 80th lap around a makeshift point.

Kento's eyes sparkled as he observed a particular skill in action, watching Shuuta closely.

"Did he already figure out the trick?" Kento's cheeks perked up with interest.

Unbeknownst to Shuuta, Kento had cast a spell on him, altering his physical and magical capabilities.

The spell was a form of Forbidden Magic, designed to prevent Shuuta from using his Magic or enhancing his body with Mana. Lighting surged within his body, and the gravitational pull increased threefold. It was an incredibly powerful spell.

However, there was a way to nullify it, which Shuuta soon discovered: the calmness of the mind. The spell worked by manipulating the opponent's emotions, challenging their emotional state. By maintaining a calm mind, the spell weakened until it eventually broke.

Shuuta realized what the trick was and smiled widely.

"I see, the calmness of the mind, eh? I do let my emotions get the best of me. Thanks, sensei."

He also understood what Kento meant by this training. Both the body and the mind needed to be strengthened together.

After completing his hundredth lap, Shuuta kneeled, utterly exhausted.

"Gueeh!" A sudden cold sensation touched his neck. It was Kento, handing him a cold water bottle.


"Great job! Did you understand my exercise?" Kento asked.

Shuuta sighed from exhaustion but managed a smirk.

"Yeah, it's about staying calm in battle, right?"

"That's right. Staying calm in battle is essential for achieving better results." Kento playfully flicked Shuuta's forehead.

"On that note, your earlier death was likely the result of not staying calm... I'm sure of it."


Shuuta hesitated, realizing it wouldn't be wise to mention his father, Abbadon, to Kento. He laughed nervously and nodded without divulging too much.

"Right. Now, let's move on to the pushups," Kento instructed.

And so, Shuuta spent several weeks inside the chrome room, pushing his body to the limits. With Kento's spell activated, Shuuta's body started to show visible improvement. Magic-induced workouts were, indeed, extraordinary. Literally.

"Good job today, Shuuta. I can see an improvement in your body. It will take about a year before your body can withstand my Magic."

Lying flat on the chrome floor, Shuuta slowly closed his eyes and envisioned Hanako's joyful smile. It provided him with the motivation to keep going.

"Even if it takes years, even if it takes decades, I will come for you, Hanako…just you wait."

Shuuta had camped inside the Spatial room for an entire year, dedicating himself to strenuous workouts and intensive Magic lessons. The transformation in Shuuta was remarkable. He appeared more toned and confident, radiating a more potent aura.

Even for Kento, witnessing such remarkable progress over a year was astonishing. Shuuta's improvement was happening at a faster pace than even Kento's had.

"This kid may very well be my successor. He possesses the talent and determination to surpass me. I won't let you die next time," Kento thought, as he observed his hardworking student.

"It's time. I will teach you a Magic that can turn the tide of any battle. You will understand why I put you through such intense training."

Kento prepared to demonstrate his Magic to Shuuta. A powerful explosion of mana enveloped the area, generating whirlwinds that extended far into the distance. An intense blue aura cloaked Kento, creating a gravitational pressure field that made Shuuta feel uneasy.

"So much Mana... incredible," Shuuta muttered, his eyes locked on his teacher.

"[Lost Magic: Overclock!]"

Another surge of wind sent Shuuta sliding several feet, forcing him to shield his face from the stinging wind.

"This is immense power!" Shuuta cried out, grabbing onto the ground to anchor himself.

"With this Magic, you'll be able to turn the tables against anyone. Your Magic will deal triple the damage, and your senses will be heightened. It's a significant upgrade to your arsenal."

Kento then started to flash around Shuuta, showcasing his extraordinary speed. He delivered a powerful punch to the ground, causing a massive tremor to ripple across the land.

Shuuta watched with great excitement, aware that he would soon be able to wield this immense power himself.

"But be cautious. This skill is highly dangerous, as it can only be used once due to the horrific backlash it inflicts."

The aura surrounding Kento suddenly changed to red and returned to him, while he remained lying on the ground, still conscious.

"It's excruciatingly painful, and it leaves a heavy strain on the body. It's the most agonizing experience in the world. However, it's manageable. Additionally, your Mana will remain at just one percent," Kento explained.

"But if you can't defeat your opponent before the skill's duration ends, you will die."

Shuuta gulped nervously but understood the risks. A powerful skill came at a high cost—body strain.

However, as Shuuta checked the cost of the skill in his upgrade menu, his excitement waned.

It required an exorbitant one hundred thousand Xuvia Points.

"What's the point?! I can't even unlock the skill! This is ridiculous!"

"Now, now, Shuuta. I've been researching your... issue for some time. I may have a solution, but it's a painful one."

"For real? A solution?"

"Yes, but it will reset all your progress and skills, and your Xuvia Points will be set back to zero."

Shuuta didn't hesitate. His progress hadn't been as extensive as one might think, and the only skill he truly valued was his passive one, which wouldn't be affected.

"Do it. Right here and right now! I've been stuck at level one all this time!"

Kento nodded approvingly.

"Thanks to a certain someone..." Shuuta squinted his eyes briefly in thought, but he swiftly refocused his determination, knowing that Hanako must be feeling vulnerable and alone.

Shuuta knew there was no time to wait. He was determined to save Hanako.

"Give me a moment… as you can see, I can't move," Kento replied, his voice filled with pain and bashfulness.

Shuuta waited patiently for Kento to regain his strength, allowing him some time to recover his Mana.

After some time~~

"Alright, for this ritual, I need you to take off your shirt. I will make some marks on your back and chest," Kento instructed.

Kento moved deliberately, drawing intricate symbols on Shuuta's back and chest, resembling a mysterious Japanese script.

As he extended his fingers and opened his hand, small green flames ignited on each fingertip.

"[Five Finger Soul Magic!]"

Suddenly, Shuuta was struck in the chest with great force, causing him to involuntarily spit.

"What was that for?! W-what's happening?" Shuuta exclaimed, unable to complete his sentence.

Shuuta was about to voice more questions, but the sensation he felt next was beyond words. It was as if countless knives were stabbing his body, and his skin was being peeled away. The pain became unbearable, making him scream in agony and clutch his scalp as he arched backward.

The suffering overwhelmed Shuuta, and he lost consciousness.

Kento watched with concern as Shuuta fell to the ground. Before Shuuta could hit the floor, Kento rushed forward to catch him.

Cradling Shuuta in his arms, Kento decided to leave him in the infirmary for much-needed rest. The young Mystic needed time to recover from the intense pain he had endured during the ritual.

Kento had several ideas to help Shuuta level up quickly, and he had a specific person in mind who could assist with their cause. Despite the potential dangers involved, he was determined to proceed.

"I can't believe I'm visiting my old Master. He'll probably murder me... oh well," Kento muttered to himself.

In an instant, Kento opened a rift and teleported to their destination.

Upon arrival, they found themselves in a vivid bamboo forest. Birds chirped, and cute animals roamed freely. A panda was munching on bamboo and glanced at the sudden appearance of someone from another world.

"Mmm?" the panda groaned.

Its gaze intensified, and it scrutinized the intruder closely.

"Mmm…" the panda kept groaning, recognizing Kento.

But it was only when the panda realized Kento's identity that its expression changed to one of panic. It tried to act more like... well, a panda.

"Ah! Pepo! Long time no see, buddy!" Kento greeted the panda with warmth.

"K-Kento? Why are you back? You know what will happen if Master—" the panda began.

Before the panda could finish, there was a loud boom, and a huge dust cloud enveloped the bamboo forest.

"KENTO!!! You bastard! You came back to defile the great Kuma Martial Arts Dojo! This time, I will obliterate you completely!" An old man with a long, curly mustache was waving his hands dramatically, manipulating mana in mesmerizing patterns.

Another explosion resounded.

Kento used a rift to evade the attack, having predicted the old man's moves. "You weasel. That won't work on me anymore."

The old man retaliated with a flurry of punches that seemed far too agile for his supposed age. His movements were reminiscent of a Martial Artist in their prime.

Kento observed with a grin as they engaged in a display of extraordinary hand-to-hand combat.

"What are you grinning at, boy? Do you want me to get serious?" the old man threatened as he unleashed an impressive amount of Mana. His fists glowed with a dark green aura.

"UOOOHHHH!" The old man yelled, releasing an overwhelming surge of Mana. He adopted a stance and invoked a spell.

"[Dragon Slayer Magic: Dragon Boost!]"

Kento leaped several yards away from the old man, also powering up.

"[God Slayer Magic: Divine Boost!]"

Amidst the escalating clash of power, Pepo the panda looked on in terror. The intense Mana distorted the bamboo forest, causing the earth to tremble, and pieces of land to levitate.

"Oh no, no, no… not again! I must notify Great Granny Iho!" the panda lamented.

Another explosion shook the ground, creating a hole the size of a canyon. A young girl, who had witnessed the destruction, hurriedly descended into the pit, ready to confront both combatants.

"You idiots are going to destroy the land!" she yelled angrily.

The panda laughed wryly, its round comical eyes wide with amusement. "The land? What land…"

'Iho-sensei sure is brutal as always…' Kento thought as he was buried in the pit. He managed to extricate himself and dusted off his clothes.

"Yo! I'm ba—"

Kento received a powerful punch to the gut from the seemingly young girl, doubling over in pain and struggling to catch his breath.

"You... never cease to impress me, granny," Kento gasped between chuckles.

The bizarre contrast between her youthful appearance and the title "granny" only deepened the mystery surrounding her.