

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Kento the knucklehead!

"Watch out! Someone's popping in through a rift!" Abbadon's urgent warning echoes in Shuuta's mind, prompting him to leap off the bed, instantly on guard.

"Shuuta? What's the deal?" Kentaro springs to his feet, scanning the infirmary with a wary gaze.

A rift materializes, and a figure emerges through the blue magical circle.

"Y-you... how did you sneak into Memorial?" Shuuta's words spill out, laced with disbelief.

Kentaro, equally caught off guard, steps forward protectively, positioning himself between Shuuta and the mysterious man now facing them.

The intruder, decked in a tank top and a flashy pink scarf around his robust neck, exudes an aura of charisma. His dark chocolate hair frames gem-like eyes that seem to radiate an unusual glow. As he gazes back at Kentaro and Shuuta, his expression plays a dance between curiosity and amusement.

"Brother? What brings you here?" Kentaro stumbles, assuming a defensive stance.

The intruder chuckles, dismissing any aggressive notions with a flourish of his hand.

"My, my. I'm not here for a brawl, tempting as it may be," he responds in a smooth, casual tone. "I'm just checking up on this lad."

"Checking up? Why?" Shuuta probes, his curiosity piqued.

"I'm here to size up Mr. Menos opener over there," the man, Kento, replies with a playful smirk. Pointing at Shuuta with his thumb, he subjects him to a thorough examination.

Shuuta's physique impresses and his natural instincts are palpable, but Kento senses a missing piece.

Kento squints and theatrically places his hand on his chin. Suddenly, he snaps his fingers, as if solving a riddle.

"Ah! Your level is low!" he declares, playfully pointing at Shuuta.

Shuuta, taken aback, turns to Kentaro.

"Mr. Kentaro... who is he?"

Kentaro sighs. "He's my brother, a total knucklehead."

"Huh? Knucklehead? Show some respect for your brother! Even though you're the eldest..."

Before the conversation progresses, Kento vanishes, leaving Kentaro instinctively on guard. A powerful strike to Kentaro's arms unleashes a storm of wind, tossing papers, chairs, and windows like rebellious confetti.

Shuuta reacts, amazed at the display of strength. "Strong!" he exclaims, eyes wide with astonishment.

Kento wears a triumphant smirk, while Kentaro's expression morphs into a mix of frustration and concern. The situation spirals out of control.

'Oh boy... this is bad,' Shuuta thinks, retreating to one of the infirmary beds.

"I'm still the strongest!" Kento boasts, his wild smirk refusing to fade.

With a swift motion, Kentaro lands a punch on Kento's head, sending him crashing to the floor, and creating a sizable crater.

"No fighting in school!" Kentaro declares with the authority of an angry mob.


"Yeesh... didn't expect you to unleash all your mana at once. You surprised me," Kento comments, surveying the aftermath.

Kento chuckles heartily. "What's surprising is that you didn't take any damage..." Shuuta's emotionless face doesn't escape Kento's notice.

Shuuta concludes: that both Kento and Kentaro possess monstrous abilities. His eyebrow twitches at the raw power displayed. Kentaro's lightning-speed strikes caught Shuuta off guard, and Kento's aura of mana served as an impenetrable shield.

In his mind's eye, Shuuta envisions an Ogre and a Demon clashing with their auras.

"Excuse me, Mr..." Shuuta starts, trying to clarify.

"Kento, Ogawa Kento, Kento!" the intruder corrects with enthusiasm.

"You said your name three times..." Shuuta remarks.

"Yes! I am a very important Mystic! You're supposed to repeat important stuff three times!" Kento exclaims with unbridled energy.

"Yep, he's a knucklehead for sure," Shuuta concurs, glancing at Kentaro, who agrees with a wry smile.

"Not you too!" Kento growls, frustration evident as he clenches his fists.

"I've had it with both of you; I'm pissed now!" he declares, beyond exasperated.

Kentaro, with a calm yet exasperated tone, tries to defuse the situation.

"Wait. Shuuta had something important to tell me. Can you cool down your childish behavior, brother?" Kento growls once more, adopting a petulant pout as he crosses his arms.

"Don't worry; I'll treat you to some Kashipan. I know you're weak for sweet foods." Kentaro's words seem to appease Kento.

Without warning, Kento appears beneath Kentaro's feet, eagerly grasping his hands.

"You mean it? It's been a while since I've had those yummy pieces of bread." Kento's eyes sparkle with excitement, resembling an overjoyed puppy.

Kentaro, with a large bead of sweat forming, can only nod and agree, the stress apparent.

"Y-yes. I mean it. You know your big brother keeps his promises." Kento's sparkly eyes shine even brighter. "Alright! This visit wasn't a waste after all!"

"So I'm a waste now?" Shuuta retorts, glaring at Kento.

"Humph, who does he think he is? Babbling away like some big shot. Can't stand this guy," Shuuta muttered, shutting his eyes briefly to quell his irritation.

"Now, now, son... you aren't a waste!" Abbadon's laughter reverberated like a villain's grand entrance, complete with an invisible spotlight.

Shuuta blinked at his father, disbelief written all over his face. 'Dad, this is serious!'

"Now, back to business... Kentaro-san, I was going to ask you for some training. After the whole Himitsu ordeal, I've got to get stronger. I... I want to thrash him!" Shuuta's determination rang through in his voice.

Kentaro and Kento exchanged surprised glances. Kento erupted into laughter, as if tickled beyond belief.

"You want to take on Himitsu? You and what army?! Bwuahahaha!" Kento found himself rolling on the floor, as if engaging in an intense abdominal workout.

'Gueeh... What a knucklehead,' Kentaro thought, facepalming at his brother's antics.

Shuuta gritted his teeth, pointing angrily at Kento.

"Alright, buddy! You've tested my patience! I'll beat you up too!"

"Oh? Now you want a piece of me?"

"Not just a piece, the whole thing!"

Kento grinned, rising from the ground. "Are those your final words, kid?"

Kentaro released a sigh, exasperated. "Kento, he just died about twenty minutes ago. Give it a rest, will you?"

"I see, so that's why I sensed forbidden energy on you, brother. And kid, don't talk big after losing to a puny Himitsu. You only make yourself look bad." Kento paused, shooting an ugly glare at Shuuta.

"If you even want to fight me, you must first show me your spirit. I must see with my own eyes what you can do. Because at your level, death will be back."

"There you go again, talking like some big shot! Who even are you?"

"Me? I'm Ogawa Kento, Heavenly Commander of the 1st Division."


"Heavenly… Commander?"

Those two words stirred old memories, resonating within Shuuta's mind. A frightened voice, a woman, had used those very words. Yae had told him. Himitsu was a Heavenly Commander.

"That's right! I am the strongest of the Ten! The greatest, most handsome Mystic! The ruler of Flames! The conqueror of Skies! The light in the dark! The one and only Kento the valiant!" Kento proudly posed, his enthusiasm clear.

"If it wasn't for the fact that Kento posed like a kid, I'd be thunderstruck," Shuuta frowned.

"Well, he's not lying about that, but he sure is posing like a child," Kentaro remarked.

Kentaro slid between them, facing Shuuta with a happy expression. "So, you want me to train you? I wouldn't mind."

'Training the son of Abbadon, that's something I can't let the chance slip,' Kentaro reflected.

"Tch. Hold your horses! I'm also interested in that boy!" Kento suddenly exclaimed.

Shuuta felt a sense of dread creep over him, compounded by his discomfort. "N-no! Get away from me! I don't swing that way!" he exclaimed, shifting away with fear.

"I didn't mean it that way!" Kento blushed as he spoke, his tone more sheepish.

Kentaro, in disbelief, couldn't help but remark, "My brother takes his jokes to a whole new level," as he facepalmed and groaned in disappointment.

"Don't worry, kiddo, I just came here to check your stats, your level, and skills..." Kento gestured with his hands and used a skill. "Appraisal!" His gem-like eyes emitted an intense light that enveloped the infirmary.

Shuuta, Kentaro, and Kento all wore confused expressions, wondering about the results of this unusual appraisal.

Kento's countenance turned bewildered, and he crossed his arms, his expression becoming indescribable. "Level 1... Negative 98653 Xuvia points... how in the hell? Less than four skills, and a permanent debuff? Ten percent mana reserves? Life cut in half? HUH?!?!"

Shuuta, while feeling awkward about the situation, scratched the back of his head. He had wanted to say something but decided to remain silent.

Kentaro, with a dark face hidden in the shadows, was left utterly speechless. How had Shuuta survived with such dire stats?

Both brothers were at a loss, uncertain of what to make of this revelation. It was both astounding and perplexing. Despite his statistics, Shuuta had fought formidable foes, conquered Sheol, and returned safely with Kurumi. Could it be that Shuuta's true strength lay beyond these figures? Kentaro was left in a trance of thought as he pondered this.

Shuuta stepped forward and began explaining his situation to the bewildered men.

"No wonder. Your Familiar is impressive. That's the first time I've heard of a Familiar overriding the Menu." Kento laughed and then settled at the window, balancing himself.

"I see. That's why you need my help with training?" Kentaro asked, understanding Shuuta's request more clearly.

Shuuta nodded timidly and bashfully, confirming Kentaro's guess.

"So, where's that impressive Familiar? I want to meet him." Kento remarked fully intrigued.

Shuuta lowered his gaze to the floor, where the waxed surface reflected his somber expression.

"She was kidnapped by Himitsu and his lackey."

Silence blanketed the infirmary.

Shuuta closed his eyes for a brief moment before reopening them with fierce determination. He looked at both sturdy men and bowed. "Please make me stronger. I must save my Familiar. I will find a way inside Hiroyama and wreak havoc upon that bastard. I will not stop until I see that silent prick six feet under. I will overpower him with my skills, not my magic. I will show the world not to mess with me and my family." As he spoke, Shuuta made a Muramasa Katana materialize seemingly out of thin air.

With a swift motion, he secured the Katana behind his back and tied it securely around his chest. He wore a resolute smile, and a ray of sunlight seemed to enhance his radiance.

"I will not die ever again."