
A Mutant Collector Quest

Lucas Watson, once an ordinary soul from Earth, now finds himself reincarnated in a heavily AU (Alternate Universe) Marvel world as the elder brother of Mary Jane Watson. Armed with meta-knowledge and a stroke of divine luck, he has ascended to billionaire status. Lucas plans to leverage his wealth and technology to navigate this perilous world, but destiny has other plans. As his latent mutation awakens, a new chapter of his life begins, thrusting him into unforeseen challenges and adventures. *** This is an ongoing SI Quest of mine on Fiction live site. So if you want to join me in the quest or read ahead you can find me there. *** The story is quite slow paced as it is a Quest and not a regular webnovel. But there is tons of smut and Harem here. *** Warning: The Story contains Incest, Grooming, Netori, Harem and many more hard core themes. You have been warned from the start *** There are 10 advanced chaps on Patreon and all the chapters with NSFW images are also there! There are [EX] Extra/Exclusive chapters for my supporters on Discord and Pa-treon. *** Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y *** A/N: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters other than my OC.

Avi2112 · Movies
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52 Chs

Chapter 31: Spin it! (Part-2) || I must fulfil my Nephew's wish!


The wine bottle comes to a halt, pointing directly at Aunt May.

"Umm, my turn again?" Aunt May speaks hesitantly, looking at Aunt Cass.

"Take a Dare, May. You have already chosen truth once, c'mon live a little," Aunt Cass goads Aunt May.

"Okay, okay, dare! Happy?" Aunt May speaks out in defeat.

"Well, you said it," Aunt Cass says with a smirk. "Now take your shirt off!" She speaks with an eager expression.

"Huh? What do you mean, Cass?" Aunt May asks, looking at Aunt Cass shyly while holding onto her shirt.

"You picked Dare, now your dare is to take off your shirt and don't wear it back until the game is over!" Aunt Cass orders with a smirk.

Maggie looks at Aunt May in pity, while you keep silent, awaiting another grand reveal!

"B-but what about … Luke?" Aunt May says with a red face, looking in your direction.

"I showed him my tits so now it's your turn!" Aunt Cass speaks forcibly. "Take it off, May! It's the rules you have to follow them," she says in a stern voice.

Aunt May hesitates a bit, clutching her shirt tightly. She looks at you, and you look back at her eagerly. In the end, she also copies Aunt Cass's technique: she grabs the wine bottle and takes a big swig.

"Yes, a little liquid courage will definitely help," Aunt Cass speaks with an encouraging smile.

Aunt May then sets the bottle down and swiftly removes her shirt. She then looks towards you shyly.

Breasts! Aunt May's beasts! such a glorious sight. You are mesmerised by their appearance. You have always imagined them in your head, but the real ones are so much better!

It takes all your self-control to resist the urge to reach out and grab them with your hands.

"Damn, you were hiding such a pair!" Aunt Cass exclaims.

"Even hers are so big," Maggie whines.

Aunt May shyly covers her boobs from your ravenous stare, but she turns you on even more when her hands are not enough to cover them properly.

"There's no use hiding them, May. You're going to keep them out the whole game," Aunt Cass says with clear enjoyment.

"Okay, it's my turn now," Maggie speaks with an annoyed tone.

You realize that she might feel left out with your attention on the two other women.

Maggie wastes no more time and spins the bottle.


Noticing Maggie's frustration, you use a small forcefield to stop the bottle at yourself.

Maggie beams with a smile as it lands on you.

"You won't choose Truth now, will you, Lucas?" Maggie asks with a smile.

"Dare," you speak simply.

Maggie's smile widens, and she starts crawling towards you.

"You dare is that you will remove the shirt and keep it off for the whole game," she starts, "and then you will kiss me," she speaks with a drunken face as she reaches you.

"Sure," you speak with a smile and take off your shirt, throwing it aside.

She looks at your upper body with a completely red face, "So hot!"

You grab her face with your hands and kiss her lips. Her lips taste of wine, her breath fruity, you could certainly feel a similar tongue texture to Cassie's in her mouth, well she is her mother so it should be similar.

She melts into your kiss, and her hands start roaming around your chest and abs.

Aunt Cass looks on with shining eyes at you two, while Aunt May gulps, her gaze fixed on your body.

As the long kiss comes to an end, Maggie falls back, but Aunt Cass, who has come beside her, supports her. There's a sweet and happy smile on Maggie's face.

"See, I told you, you should have left that no-good thief long ago," Aunt Cass speaks to her reproachfully. "Although all the other guys are no good either, except if he was an excellent guy like my nephew," she says, looking at your body with a lustful expression. "You have such a perfect body!" she speaks with desire.

"G-game we should continue it" Aunt May murmurs from behind.

Her soft breasts haven't been out of your sight even for a little while, and hence your constant erection.

"Alright, let's keep the game going," Aunt Cass says, her gaze momentarily fixed on your crotch. Maggie, beside her, regains her composure and settles back into her seat with a shy expression.

"It's my turn, I suppose," you say with a smirk as you spin the bottle, thinking in your mind who to target next.


The wine bottle comes to a halt, pointing directly at Aunt Cass.

"What would you make your a~unt do my dear nephew?" Aunt Cass asks with a seductive smile, her eyes lingering on your shirtless physique.

"I have just a small wish, Aunt Cass," you say, giving an innocent smile. "Why don't you give all three of us a kiss?" you suggest, glancing at the drunken duo beside you.

"A kiss?" Aunt Cass asks, looking at you in surprise.

"Yes, a proper kiss, on the lips to all three of us!" you say with a smirk.

Both Aunt May and Maggie look at you with raised brows. They were drunk but still sane enough to understand that you wanted to see the girls kiss each other.

"Well then, I must fulfill my Nephew's wish," Aunt Cass says, crawling towards Maggie, who was still feeling the effects of the last kiss with you.

"Cass ..." Maggie speaks, breathing heavily as Aunt Cass closed in on her face.

"Shh ... don't worry, it will be just like old times," Aunt Cass speaks sensually, leaning in to kiss Maggie.

They kiss slowly, sweetly, just like old lovers. Their kiss starts tame, but soon Maggie's hands start massaging Aunt Cass's big breasts through her shirt, and Aunt Cass's kisses grow deeper and sloppier.

You find the sight fascinating, two hot women kissing each other passionately. You've seen it in porn, so you knew it would be hot, but this is so much better.

Their soft lips mashing against each other, their tongues intertwining as their hands roam each other's bodies—it's undeniably hot. A big part of you wishes you could join them, maybe you should have given a different dare that included Aunt Cass kissing you both at the same time.

The kiss continues with no signs of stopping, but just as Maggie's hand slips inside Aunt Cass's shirt to grab her breast, Aunt Cass breaks the kiss.

"Haaah... Haa," Aunt Cass breathes heavily, looking back at you shyly.

Maggie seems dazed, sitting there with a red face and her eyes closed.

"N-next one," Aunt Cass speaks, then begins crawling slowly towards Aunt May.


Aunt May, who had watched the whole scene, gulped apprehensively, backing away from Aunt Cass.

You delight in Aunt May's soft breasts, which sway with her motion.

Aunt Cass easily reaches Aunt May and keeps her in place by holding her shoulders.

"N-no, Cass, p-please... no, Luke is watching," Aunt May speaks with a red face, glancing in your direction.

"My lovely Nephew, have a good look at how your n~aughty Aunts make out!" Aunt Cass says, giving you a wink, then starts nearing Aunt May's face.

"Just close your eyes and imagine it's my Sister, you're used to doing it with her, no?" Aunt Cass whispers quietly to Aunt May, whose eyes widen before she closes them in shame and resignation.

You yourself were stunned to hear that whisper, your superior hearing allowing you to catch the sentence perfectly. First, it was Aunt Cass and Maggie, now it was your Mother and Aunt May, what's with this Lesbian family!

Before you can think about it further, your attention is drawn to one of the hottest sights you've seen: Aunt Cass making out with Aunt May.

Their soft tongues wrapped around each other as Aunt Cass's hands descended from Aunt May's hair towards her naked breasts.

"AH!" Aunt May moans into Aunt Cass's mouth as Aunt Cass pinched her nipples.

Looking at both your hot Aunts, whom you have known since childhood, and whom you have Masturbated to, going at it, has made your Cock hard to the limit.

Half of your brain urged you to join them and start kissing them both, while the other half wanted to take your dick out and start masturbating at this sight.

As you watched, you were surprised to see Aunt May grasping Aunt Cass's neck and starting to suck at her tongue. Her other hand had already slipped inside Aunt Cass's shirt and was groping her breasts wantonly.

It was fucking hot watching two busty women grope each other's boobs while kissing sloppily.

You thought Aunt May would be passive, but it seems she's full of surprises. Your mind started imagining Aunt May doing similar things with your Mom, and it made your dick almost start leaking a little.

As Aunt May's hands went inside Aunt Cass's shorts, Aunt Cass pushed her away.

"Haa Haa," they both opened their eyes, looking at each other's flushed faces, then glanced toward you. Aunt May with an ashamed expression, while Aunt Cass wore a smirk on her blushing face.

Maggie who was now in a better state was rubbing her hands over her pants's crotch area.

"N-now f-for the... Mm-ain Dish!" Aunt Cass speaks, licking her lips as she crawls towards you.

The jiggling boobs arrived soon, and Aunt Cass straddles you, holding your face with one hand and stroking your chest with the other.

"Aunt Cass," you speak with a parched mouth.

"S-someone is clearly excited," Aunt Cass says as she rubs her tight ass over your rock hard dick.

You held her waist with one hand, another grabbing her bubble butt. You had dreamed of holding this butt in your hand, and now it had come true, but it was only just a start.

"I-is this what you wanted, my n~aughty nephew? To see your Aunt make out with other w-women... a-and then kiss you with her slutty mouth?" Aunt Cass speaks with a horny expression.

You could smell her wine-laden breath and see her rosy lips in front of you. With her big tits pressing against your chest and her butt rubbing your cock subtly, you were dangerously close to losing yourself.

"Then let me have a t-taste of my handsome nephew!" she says with a red face, leaning in towards your hungry gaze.

She kisses your lips softly, her hands in your hair as her tongue enters your mouth. You were doing the same, tasting her sweet lips and meeting her pink tongue.

The kiss, which started softly, went into full gear as your tongues started wrestling each other.

You were making out with your Hot Aunt Cass!

The thought exhilarated you as your hands started roaming her body. From her toned belly, they went upwards, and you grabbed the softness with your hands.


She moans in your mouth, but instead of your Aunt's moans, your attention was on what you had just grabbed.

Soft, like pudding, her breasts were extremely soft! You grabbed them with both hands, and they spilled out.

These were the same boobs you had always imagined, the same boobs you never thought you would touch. But here they were, being shaped by your hands.

Her mouth tasted sweet, even with an aftertaste of wine. For a moment, your thoughts strayed to the taste being a mixture of Aunt Cass, Maggie, and Aunt May, as she had kissed them both before you.

Aunt Cass had started grinding on you slowly, and you were playing with her hard nipples.

The French kiss continued as you tuned out your surroundings, concentrating only on your Aunt's hot body. Your hands, with great reluctance, left her boobs and went downwards towards her butt.

You had grabbed her tight butt again, and your finger slipped towards her crotch area, rubbing it through her shorts.

"Ahhhh!" Aunt Cass moans aloud, breaking the kiss. She opens her misty eyes, looking at you with a reproachful gaze, which, combined with her red face, made you even more horny.

She had just climaxed, of that you were sure, as her body was still shaking slightly. She pushes herself away from you and starts crawling back towards her place.

But before she could go, you held her waist and brought her back to your lap.

"L-luke, th-the g-game," she says with heavy breaths.

You noticed that both Aunt May and Maggie were looking at both of you with flushed faces.

"My dare isn't finished yet. You'll sit in my lap for the whole game, Aunt Cass," you whisper in her ear as her ass settled onto your hard cock.

"L-Luke," she moans softly but remained silent, biting her lips as she clearly felt your entire length.

"It's your turn, Aunt May," you say aloud.

"I-I'm feeling lightheaded, Luke… m-maybe we should end it here," she says, looking at you with embarrassment while attempting to shield her big tits from your view with her hands.

"Let's play one more round!" you insist, adjusting Aunt Cass's waist so you could alleviate the constriction you were feeling.

"A-alright," Aunt May acquiesced to your request and then spun the bottle.

Fck this was such a HOT Chapter!


The images are also so HOTTT!


Btw this all is happening because of his charm and luck rolls in the start of this encounter which I had mentioned


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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