
A Mutant Collector Quest

Lucas Watson, once an ordinary soul from Earth, now finds himself reincarnated in a heavily AU (Alternate Universe) Marvel world as the elder brother of Mary Jane Watson. Armed with meta-knowledge and a stroke of divine luck, he has ascended to billionaire status. Lucas plans to leverage his wealth and technology to navigate this perilous world, but destiny has other plans. As his latent mutation awakens, a new chapter of his life begins, thrusting him into unforeseen challenges and adventures. *** This is an ongoing SI Quest of mine on Fiction live site. So if you want to join me in the quest or read ahead you can find me there. *** The story is quite slow paced as it is a Quest and not a regular webnovel. But there is tons of smut and Harem here. *** Warning: The Story contains Incest, Grooming, Netori, Harem and many more hard core themes. You have been warned from the start *** There are 10 advanced chaps on Patreon and all the chapters with NSFW images are also there! There are [EX] Extra/Exclusive chapters for my supporters on Discord and Pa-treon. *** Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y *** A/N: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters other than my OC.

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52 Chs

Chapter 17: Colleen Wing

As you were talking the elevator door opens up to Basement 2.

Colleen follows you, looking at the different lab setups on this level curiously.

"You can call this my private Bio lab. It's smaller than the one in the research center, but it's still just as advanced," you tell her, and she nods along to everything you say.

Before long, you reach a door where you hear two voices arguing.

"But you could have called and told me about it! I would have been able to see and test out all the powers of the Invisible Woman!" spoke a lady's voice in a posh London accent.

"Don't blame me, blame Luke! He was the one who didn't invite you," another female voice argues back.

"I will definitely have a word with Luke! How could he exclude me from something so fascinating? When I see him, I will—" the first voice begins, but you interrupt.

"You will what, Jemma?" you ask aloud as you enter the room.

Inside the room are three ladies: Dr. Amara, Dr. Helen, and Dr. Jemma

Jemma Simmons is a brilliant biochemist, having earned two PhDs by the age of 17, in some ways she is way more impressive then you. She is currently 18, the same age as you.

In your previous world, she was with Skye and Bobbi, becoming a part of SHIELD. But her future changed drastically when you scouted her three years ago to join your company before she could join the SHIELD funded college.

With her British accent and prim and proper, studious outlook on life, you tease her by calling her Hermione, though she has no idea who that is.

"Eek! Luke, no, Lucas, I was just kidding. It was Helen who was speaking bad about you," Jemma says, pointing her finger at Helen beside her.

"Ha! I knew you wouldn't be able to speak anything in front of your prec~ious Luke!" Helen speaks in a childish tone.

"Shut … up!" Jemma says, glaring at Helen.

You see that Amara is standing behind both of them, looking at all of this with an amused smile.

"Jemma, I couldn't call you last time as you were researching the cure for Myasthenia Gravis, which was very important for me. But now the one who needed that had been cured, so its priority has been lowered. That's why I called you over just now. I hope you understand," you explain to her with a smile.

"Of course, Luke. I have no problems with your decisions … Wait a minute, you said you cured Myasthenia Gravis? How?" Jemma asks you with wide eyes.

"I'll tell you later. For now, let's just say that it was not a normal scientific cure," you say, brushing aside that topic.

Jemma looks like she has a lot more questions to ask, but she swallows them for now.

"So meet my sensei, Colleen Wing" You introduce Colleen, who was looking at you and the girls with a twinkle in her eyes.

She shot you a mildly annoyed glare at the use of the word 'sensei'.

After the polite introductions were exchanged, you led them to the most high-tech lab available.

"For now, lets start with running some tests on her," you directed, gesturing towards Colleen.

"Luke?" Colleen looked at you with a questioning expression.

"Haven't you felt something different since yesterday?" you inquired, raising a brow.

"Yes, I... think so," she continued after taking a deep breath. "I believe I can feel Chi now and even channel it through my body," she explains, demonstrating with a punch.


A notable gust of wind accompanies her simple punch, causing all three doctors to look at her in surprise.

You could tell that she had started practicing Chi because of the power you gained from Cass: Clairvoyance.

You had kept it active just in case, as you had seen yourself use it as part of one of your potential futures.

Clairvoyance lets you utilise your mind's eye, with which you saw something flowing from the atmosphere into her body and back out, resembling a yellow, liquid-like gas coursing through her veins.

After conducting a series of tests and storing her data, you take Colleen to the penthouse with you.

"So will you tell me now, what those tests were for exactly?" Colleen asks you curiously as you take her to the elevator.

"Sensei, you probably gained these Chi Manipulation powers because of me," you tell her with a wry smile. At this point, Colleen had accepted her defeat, and stopped stopping you from addressing her as sensei.

"Is it because of last night? But how?" Colleen looks at you perplexed.

You patiently explain everything about superpowers, from mutants to mutates, and about your own mutant powers.

"Hmm, yes, that makes more sense. I was wondering how I gained the ability to sense Chi overnight. Even during all my trainings, I have never sensed it. I don't think anyone except my Master is able to manipulate Chi, and he was able to do it only after years of training," Colleen tells you looking thoughtful.

You remain silent about Colleen's Master's power source as you know that is is definitely not just training which is helping him. Reaching the penthouse you give Colleen a tour of the place, as it is her first time visiting.

"I always knew that you were rich, but now I think I must have underestimated you by a lot," Colleen speaks absentmindedly while looking at the city's view from your room.

You wrap your arms around her from behind, pulling her close in a warm embrace. "Sensei, this wealth isn't just mine, it's ours," you murmur into her ear, playfully nibbling at her earlobe as you hold her delicate frame.

"Haah … haaa so are you asking me to … marry you!" Colleen speaks breathlessly as your hands wander beneath her shirt and find her breasts, groping them wantonly.

You do not pause or flinch when she drops such a bomb on you, as you have already made up your mind about this, while you were musing about these future problems.

"If you want sensei we can get married too" You say as you bring her pants down and take out your cock, "But for me marriage is just a piece of paper, our connection and love goes far deeper than that" You plunge your cock in her cute little pussy, making her gasp aloud.

Your words must have made her extremely happy, as she started slamming back her butt, and you both started fucking in rhythm.

"Luke, Soo b-bigg, yess!" Colleen yells in delight as her pussy starts milking your cock in a tight grip.

You lift one of her legs, stretching it toward her head as she supports herself against the wall, allowing you to increase the pace.

"AHH, Fuckk!" Colleen starts cursing as your cock was relentless.

You had fallen in love with the extremely flexible body of your sensei, and fucking her in these poses while she tries her best to keep her balance was the best.

Two times, Three times, you pumped her belly full of your cum, knowing that she had the stamina to keep up, you both kept going, trying out new postures.

"Yes, yes, fuck just like that, Sugoi, sugoiii" Colleen moans aloud while you were dicking her deep, as she was trying to keep the downward dogs pose.

You were surprised and excited as you had fucked her so much that you made her start spewing Japanese, it even made you cum again inside her already overflowing hole.

She couldn't keep her balance any longer and broke the pose lying down on the ground.

You look at your jizz painting your sensei's naked body in satisfaction. You notice that your stamina has increased tremendously, as last time Colleen had almost run you dry but this time you have won an overwhelming victory.

You both take a relaxing bath and lie in each other's embrace as you share about the scope of your Watson Group.

"Take this bracelet and this card with you," you tell her, offering a personal force field generator and one of your bank cards.

"I can't take this, Luke," she protests, pushing away the items before you can explain their purpose.

"You are my woman now, and I want you to be safe and enjoy the life you want," you insist, pressing the card and bracelet into her hands.

"No, this is your money," she denies firmly, shaking her head.

You gently hold her shaking head and kiss her, "What's the use of having so much money if I can't spend it on the person I love?" you say softly.

Colleen looks at you with misty eyes. "I Love you, Luke," she whispers before kissing you passionately.

After a deep, long kiss, you explain the function of the bracelet and give her the PIN number for the card.

"I want you to use it, if you don't then I will start using that money on you, and then you will have to take whatever I give you," you tease with an evil smirk.

"You're getting way too pushy after yesterday," Colleen chuckles, playfully twisting your ears. "First, you said you just wanted a kiss, and then went on to take all my 'firsts'," she adds, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Will you forgive me, sensei?" you ask, feigning a pitiful expression.

"One condition: you should come with me and meet My 'sensei'," she says with a happy smile.

Seeing her happy smile, you pause, unsure if you should tell her the truth about her sensei.

Her sensei is Bakuto, a member of the Hand. You don't know if he's one of the leaders, but you do know he's very high up.

Colleen knows that, but she doesn't know that the Hand is not a charity help organization, but a genuinely evil and dangerous group.

If you tell her the truth, she will definitely go and confront Bakuto, and that could get dangerous very fast. The main thing is that you're not sure if you can exactly confront the Hand as a group, as even if Bakuto dies, someone will come after you, your companies, and your loved ones.

"What's wrong? If you're still busy, we can do it another time. And you didn't update me about what happened with Toni's kidnapping," Colleen says, noticing your hesitant face.

"It's just that we haven't been able to find Toni," you tell her, recounting everything that happened while caressing her hair gently.

In the end, you decide to keep her in the dark for a short while. She's safe right now and won't be in immediate danger. In the meantime, you can gather more concrete proof and formulate a strategy to confront the Hand.

"I believe you'll definitely save her, Luke. Tell me whenever you need my help, alright?" Colleen asks, giving you an encouraging smile. "There's no hurry in meeting with sensei; he's also generally not available, most of the time."

The Hand has many shady businesses, so you understand why he's so busy.

"I have to go now, Luke. I still have a class in the afternoon," Colleen says as she kisses you and gets up to get dressed.

You accompany her to the elevator and instead of taking her to the ground floor, you guide her to Basement 1.

She follows you in wonder, passing by many top-notch cars until you stand before a white Tesla.

"This is yours," you say, offering Colleen the key to the car.

"No, this is officially too much, Luke," Colleen refuses to take the keys from your hand.

"We just went over this, sensei. Look around in this basement; there are like 50 cars here, and they're all mine. I use at most 2 of them, and the others just sit here collecting dust," you explain, placing the key in her hands. "So take it and get used to it," you add with a smirk.

Colleen shakes her head and sighs, giving you a kiss before going to explore her new car.

"I heard that you had shares in Tesla too," Colleen asks as she traces her fingers along the car's smooth lines.

"Yeah, so most of the cars I get are free samples from the company," you respond with a wry smile.

After checking out the car, she hugs you one last time before driving away.

You take a deep breath, knowing that you'll have to deal with the Hand business someday.

Heading towards the elevator, you prepare to try out your powers as originally planned.


From Colleen:

[Gained Power: Tier 2: Chi Manipulation (0/100)]


You can check out all the updated powers in the Power Chap in the aux, I update that and the Status Page everytime there is something to update!


Colleen Wing is like a perfect blend of cute, hot and deadly lolz


We will go to her sensei and ask for her HAND in marraige :P


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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