
A Mutant's Journey In DxD

What would happen when a Hero from another universe is transported to Highschool DxD? _ _ _ _ _ _ [DISCLAIMER!] Please read this so as not to have any unpleasant surprises. 1. This story does not contain any NTR or YURI. (I f#cking hate it.) ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ) 2. This is a Harem story. (A very small one.) 3. This story contains s*x and violence. 4. This is a Wish-Fulfilment story. _ _ _ _ _ _ Hope you enjoy ( ͡° ε ͡°)

Daizen_Kuromiya · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Aaron Mahyer

As Aaron sat in front of his computer watching "Highschool DxD," he couldn't help but let out a sigh of frustration.

"Why aren't you doing anything, Issei?!" He turned to the computer screen and slammed his fist on the desk "Do something already!"

As each episode passed he became more and more annoyed with Issei's lack of action when it came to the girls who had clearly shown romantic interest in him.

Watching him act like a dumbass to each and every advance time after time was frustrating, to say the least.

"Why do you have to be such a freaking p*ssy?!" As he stomped around the room, he continued his tirade, "You have all these women who want your tiny d*ck, and you won't do anything! What's your deal, man?"

Aaron was twelve when he lost his parents. His grief and depression led him to find solace in anime, which he became obsessed with. He then started reading manga, then manhwas, then light novels, and eventually, fanfictions.

Controlling himself, Aaron sat down in front of his computer, ready to start the next episode of DxD.

However, his excitement was halted by an ad that suddenly popped up on his screen. He tried to close it, but it wouldn't go away.

"Come on!" he yelled, annoyed. "Why do they have to ruin everything with ads?!" he muttered to himself as he kept trying to close the ad.

Aaron huffed in exasperation as the ad continued to linger on his screen despite all his attempts to close it.

"I just want to watch my anime in peace! Is that too much to ask?"

Aaron's frustration only grew as he tried, again and again, to rid himself of the annoying ad that was preventing him from enjoying the anime.

"That's it!" he exclaimed "I give up!"

He turned off his computer and went outside his house, trying to calm down and forget about the ad that seemed to be taunting him.


Aaron stood outside his house, holding his phone to his ear, waiting for the person on the other end to pick it up.

After a few moments, he heard a familiar voice.

"Aaron! Is that you?" It was one of his school seniors. He couldn't help but smirk at the sound of her voice.

"Yeah, it's me." he said "Can you meet me at the hotel?"

"Sure! I'll be there in five minutes." she replied with excitement.

Aaron hung up the phone and made his way to the convenience store, he need to buy some protection.


As Aaron entered his house, it was already nighttime. He had been a bit late due to his senior bringing along some other girls.

After taking a long and refreshing shower, eating his favorite food, and feeling nice and fresh, Aaron sat down in front of his computer.

His eyes were staring at his computer screen, his body tense and rigid. He took a deep breath before pressing the power button, his eyes fixed on the monitor.

The familiar startup sound filled the room.

As the desktop appears, Aaron let out a sigh of relief. The annoying ad was finally gone.

"Finally!" Aaron muttered to himself "I can get back to DxD!"

He navigated to the website, his fingers moving with practiced speed. The opening music started to play, and he leaned back in his chair.

But, not even a minute after, a familiar pop-up suddenly appeared on the screen, causing Aaron to fall off his chair.

"Not again!" he mumbled under his breath, reaching his mouse to click the close button on the ad as fast as he can.

Just as he thought he had gotten rid of it, another one pops up.


Aaron took a deep breath and closed his eyes, his fist still clenched in anger. He let out a sigh and sat back down, his movements slower now as he tried to calm himself down.

This time there was something different about the ad, something that caught his attention. There weren't any of these titles he had seen before…





"Alright." he said to himself "Let's see what this stupid ad is about."

He groaned inwardly, knowing that it was probably a virus or something, but his curiosity got the better of him. He decided to take a look at the ad, just to see what it was about.

Aaron reluctantly clicked on the ad, expecting to be bombarded by unrelated marketing campaigns and annoying scam attempts. However, what greeted him was a simple message on his screen.

"Would you like to go to the world of anime?" It read, with two options, yes and no.

Aaron stared at the message on his computer screen, a look of confusion written all over his face. He had received many pop-up ads before, but never anything like this.

A part of him was tempted to click the Yes button, just for curiosity about what would happen if he did, but his rational mind took over.

"Don't be an idiot, Aaron." he muttered to himself. "This is obviously a scam to get you to download a virus or something like that."

"Well, it's not like I don't have the money to buy another computer." he mumbled to himself. "But still, I've had that computer for years and it had a lot of stuff on it that I can't recover."

Even though he could afford another computer, the loss of all the hentai and games he downloaded was a major blow. The thought of starting over from scratch was just a huge pain in the ass.

But even then he wasn't able to stop himself from clicking on the yes button.

As Aaron selected the "Yes" option, another message appeared on his screen.

"Which world would you like to enter?"

The options seemed endless, and Aaron found himself scrolling through his folder containing the list of the best anime he watched, trying to decide which one to choose.

Finally, after some "careful" consideration, he typed Highschool DxD.

He had read stories where the MC was sent to Cultivation novels or ancient Japan. While those worlds were interesting, they didn't have any of the comforts or conveniences that he had come to enjoy in his modern life.

DxD has modern technology, comfortable living conditions, and most importantly, it was populated by beautiful women.

"Congratulations! You have been granted one Wish. What would you like to wish for?"

"I get a wish too?" Aaron couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. "Then… I wish for Omn-wait…"

"Actually, I would like to keep my wish for later." he said after careful thought.

"Please select your desired appearance and age."

"I'm keeping my current appearance and age."

"Congratulations! The procedure has been completed, the transfer will start In 59:59 min."

"Yeah, sure." Not believing any of this, Aaron just laid down in bed and was getting ready to drift off to sleep, when a loud explosion suddenly shook his house!


He groaned, already knowing what it meant. He was starting to get tired of it.

"Which super-villain is it this time?" he muttered to himself as he reached down for his watch and pressed a button.

Suddenly, a bright light filled the room and when it faded, Aaron was standing there in a completely different outfit. His comfortable pajama was nowhere to be seen.

The new outfit was a combination of black and white, with a strange symbol on the chest.

Aaron looked down at himself and couldn't help but smile.

Aaron Mayher, also known as Mayhem. He was just 10 years old when his life changed. He was on a camping trip with his grandfather Max and cousin Gwen when they were attacked by an alien with an octopus head.

The alien was known as Vilgax, he was after the Omnitrix, one of the most powerful devices in the Universe. The watch was in the possession of his grandfather, Max Tennyson.

And even though Max courageously fought the alien with the Omnitrix, he was, unfortunately, no match for the powerful creature.

Watching his grandfather and cousin get killed, something within Aaron awakened. Suddenly, he found himself able to transform into any alien species he wished without the need for an Omnitrix.

That day, he had become one of the few Mutants in the world.

The words of his grandfather still echoed in his ears, reminding him of the weight of his powers and the importance of using them for good.

"With great power comes great responsibility. You have the power to change the world for the better, but you must always choose to do the right thing. Be a hero, son."

Now, It had been six years since Aaron had gained his mutant powers and taken on the identity of Mayhem.

In that time, he had fought against countless criminals and supervillains, he was even able to kill Vilgax and avenge his family.

However, something was still missing, he missed his grandfather, his cousin, and his parents.

Aaron took a moment to take a look in the mirror before jumping out of the room's window and rushing toward the explosion.