
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · Book&Literature
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News about his duel with the 3 Slytherins spread like a wild fire throughout the Slytherin house. Majority of the of the younger Slytherin were looking at him cautiously ,There was no fear in their eyes ,' What can a single mudblood do againts the entire house of purebooods' ,Some of them were openly giving him angry glares ,probably because their pride was wounded 'A mudblood was able to hold himself against three purebloods ,hell two of them were 2nd year students'. Blair didn't pay any mind to the glares, He continued to pay attention in the classes.

As for the 3 Slytherins who attacked him, They got away with it by serving 4 months of detention with Professor Slughorn. If this incident were to happen 5 years ago ,They wouldn't have gotten away with it So easily ,But because of the recent terrorist group calling themselves Knights of Walpurgis ,The political Climate is quite heavy right now. Even though they haven't revealed themself openly ,They are supported by most of the powerful pureblood famalies .He was but a muggleborn orphan with no backing behind him.

After the Transfiguration class ,Which was the last class of the day ,He made his way towards the east end of the fifth floor, After reaching there he aimed his wand towards the wall on which he say the outline 2 days ago, and calmly muttered "verdimillious". He could only see outlines of the stairways on the wall, As the spell ended the outlines disappeared as well.

He ponder for a while before again pointed his wand towards the wall."Finite Incantatem" A red spark shoot through his wand and directly hit the wall, the wall began to disappear and a long stairway was revealed in front of him. He hesitated for a second before going up on the stairways. As he slowly began climb the stairs ,The atmosphere around him began to turn cold and the coldness increased with every step he took, After reaching at the top of the stairs he saw an imposing 5 meters long oak door with "Vault of ice" written on it with unknown silver metal. Blair tried to open the large wooden door with his bare hands ,But it wouldn't budge a inch ,As it was completely frozen with ice.

Blair decided to leave this place for a time being ,He has no way or spell to melt the ice from the door ,he will visit this place after learning some more offensive as well as fire making spells to melt the ice on it. The wall reappeared to its original place as Blair exited the vanishing stairs .He looked back at the wall one last time before making his way towards the library. He wanted to search for more spells which can be used in a duel, But unfortunately most of books containing dangerous magic were eating dust in the restrictive section and it is hard to find this kind of spells in the unrestricted area, after wasting 3 hours he could only find 3 spells that can be used in a fight Fire-Making Spell, Watermarking spell and Homorphus Charm, the last one was quite useful against the werewolves ,although it was complicated and difficult to master ,it could temporarily transform the werewolf into its human body with a single chant.

He retuned to his room after eating the dinner in a Abandoned classroom. Twinky delivered the food to him in the classroom, She even cleaned the table for him, He wonder what would have been his dinner like ,if he hadn't meet Twinky. He would be eating his dinner in the great hall under the disdainful gazes of his housemates. He really wanted to buy a house elf, Its just that they were quite rare and expensive to buy.

' I really need to find a way to earn money' Money was important ,If he had enough money, he could have directly brought the books specifically written for offensive spells, instead of searching for weak spells in numerous books in the Library, Make no mistake Hogwarts had almost 99% of the books you could buy outside ,Its just that almost all of the books with dangerous spells are in the restrictive section . He had to wait 2 more years before he could find a reason to enter that area. Blair went to sleep with a frustrated sigh.