
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · Book&Literature
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83 Chs


He sat on the chair in front of a table, While the headmaster sat on the other side of the table Looking calmly at him with twinkles in his eyes." Mister Bradley, How are you feelings about Hogwarts" He said while placing his both hands on the table , Leaning his upper body towards him.

Blair was suprised with this type of question ,But managed to answer it "It might sound Laughable ,But I feel like I finally found a home ,That I have been searching for my entire life"Blair didn't tell him about the anger he felt when some bastards decided to tell him ,That he is unworthy to learn magic.

" its not at all laughable, On the contrary I feel delighted to hear that someone see this school like a home, Rather then some boring school." Dumbledore said cheerfully ,His eyes twinkling madly.

"Sir ,Can I ask you a question" Blair said looking a bit hesitant .

"Of course Mister Bradley you can ask me anything"

"Can Someone like me become as strong as you ?" He said hesitantly ,While looking a bit nervous from outside ,He really wanted to know if there was hope for him to became a powerhouse like Dumbledore and Grindelwald, If there was hope ,Even a little bit ,He would try to grasp it with all of his abilities.

Dumbledore on the other hand smiled widely ,his Blue eyes twinkling madly to the point of glowing."So you want to become powerful ,This is probably the reason you were sorted in Slytherin ,As for your question ,everyone has a potential to become a powerful wizard and witch, we just have to travel different roads to reach there , some lucky people can reach this goal with hard work ,While the other people have to work harder then them to reach this goal. But let me tell you something Blair, There is no power greater then Love."

Blair was sceptical about the last part ,But if a man like Dumbledore belives in it, then he should not ignore it. As for the first part "But professor , According to a book I read in the Library ,It all depends upon one's ability to transfer magic through his or hers body, more talent they possess, ,more powerful their spells would be. "

"So You have already read Miss Kearney's ' A MAGICAL THEORY'. She is right about how magic works, She is also write about the people with special cases or I like to call them Talanted ones, She is only wrong about one thing and that is, Grindelwald was not the person you would Include in the special cases category .He was a normal wizard with average talent in magic ,Just like most of the wizarding population. But by the end of his 19th Birthday ,No wizard could defeat him in one on one duel and by the end of his 30th birthday ,He was nearly invincible. As I said Mister Bradley ,you just have to work harder than the so called talented ones, You will reach your goals eventually. But remember this Blair ,if you only chase power and forgot to live your life ,You might end up being lonely at the end of your journey."There was sadness in those old eyes. Blair was happy as well was stunned by the current situation, Happy because there was hope for him becoming a powerhouse, And he was stunned by the sadness in those eyes.

"I will keep that in mind sir" With that he turned to leave the classroom. The talk with the headmaster was enlightening. As he was about to leave the classroom ,The headmaster said something that Shocked him greatly.

"..and Mister Bradley ,Help will always be given at Hogwarts, to those who ask for it."the headmaster said with twinkles returning in his eyes.

'He knew ' Blair blankly gave him a nod before exiting the classroom. of course he knew about his situation in Slytherin.

As he exited the classroom, He came across a man walking calmly towards him, the man was tall and handsome with jet black hairs and cold brown eyes, Blair could see a hint of red light flash through those eyes, there were no emotions on his face as he passed by him ,the man gave him a curious look before looking directly in his eyes ,Suddenly images began to apper in his mind , the images of his Orphanage ,The images of the older orphans kicking him in the torso while the five year old him lay on the floor helplessly and the images of him fighting a losing battle with the group of older orphans. He came out of his stuperior as he looked calmly at the man ,who's eyebrows were raised upwards ,his slightly red brown eyes looking at him curiously.

"Is the headmaster still inside?"the man asked him ,his voice was cold .Blair felt a Chill running down his spine. He felt fear griping his heart tightly. This was the first time he got to experience the true feeling of fear, He didn't feel fear when those orphans were kicking him ,There was only anger in him,But this ,this was the true nightmare. His instincts told him to run as far away as possible. Based on his instincts He knew that this man was dangerous.

Blair tried to gain his wits , Before trying to make his voice as calm as he can "Yes".

Something red flashed through those brown eyes, Before he turned towards the door and entered the Classroom. The only word he heard before the door closed was , "Hello Tom"

Blair looked at the door warily ,Before he turned around and rushed towards the Dungeon. In the common room there were 5 students sitting in the corner, As soon as he entered They stopped talking and just looked smugly at him, Blair knew that they were planning something and it definitely includes him , he knew that nothing good will come by it. He hurriedly went to his room, Took out his book in which he had written the compiled spells and started searching for spells which can be used in a duel .After taking a quick look, He decided to learn Tongue tying curse, Knockback jinx and Diffindo .As they were easy to learn and were quite useful in a duel against a person who didn't know non verbal spells.

He pointed his wand towards the table ,which was placed at the right side of his bed, Made a zig-zag wand motion and said 'diffindo' nothing happened, Blair didn't gave up ,He tried it again and again and again, But the table remain unharmed.

'What am I doing wrong?'Blair tried to to cast it few more time ,Before realising something' I am an idiot ,I forgot the main thing needed to cast this spells ,Intent '.

After realising his error, Blair slowly took a deep breath and then exhaled.He pointed his wand towards the table, Made a zig-zag wand movement and chanted 'diffindo'. The table suddenly shuddered a bit , Blair eyes landed on the small crack on the table, The spell was a success . It just didn't have much magic in it . He continued on practising the spell ,But he wasn't making any progress in it , So he decided to practice the other 2 spells , Oddly enough he was able to cast the other 2 spells easily compared to diffindo .After pondering For a while ,He recalled the words Ollivander said 'it can do wonders, Especially with curses ' .

'I should have note downed more curses, Anyway I will do it tomorrow' With that he went to sleep.