
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · Book&Literature
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Second Year start

1 September, 1964, King Cross.

The King cross station was bustling with people rushing here and there ,probably trying to catch their train ,Blair ignored them ,Walking calmly towards Platform number 9¾ while dragging his large trunk with him. He was in a great mood as today was the day he was going back to Hogwarts , He has been wating for this day from the moment he departed for his summer holidays. Holidays were bland as always there was nothing to do ,Most of the time he would read the old Leather book and practise wand movement ,He tried asking for lawn mowing to the neighbours to earn some money. But the other orphans had already beaten him in that area. He had visited Digaon Alley only one time in this 2 months of holidays and that was for buying his second year school supplies.

He reached in front of the entrance to platform 9¾ And walked directly through the wall. He didn't notice a thin Black haired girl looking a bit suprised by his sudden disapperiance in the wall.

As soon as he reached the platform ,He took out his Black spiral wand ,Gave it a flick before muttering "Wingardam leviosa", the trunk began to levitate in the air, he gave it an another flick and muttered "deleo-plumbumsequi" His trunk began to follow him like a tale. This is one of the spells he had learned from the old leather book, it makes a levitating object follow you around. Even though there are well know alternatives for this particular spell ,He preferred this one because it was quite easy to cast.

After finding an empty compartment He sat down and started reading his second year potion book. This was the only book left to read as He already knew all of the charms and spells taught in the second year syllabus. He could successfully cast majority of the spells from his compiled list, the only exceptions were Reducto and the Patronus charm. The problem with the first spell was that he didn't have that much control over his magic to cast this high level spell, As for the Patronus charm, The main thing needed to cast this spell is that you need a happy memory, it is fueled By the so called Love. Which was the area unknown to him , He didn't have any happy memories or a feeling of love to fuel this spell. The solution to this problem was mentioned in the leather book, someone have to place a fake memory in his pool of memories using mind arts. Blair would never allow anyone to enter his mind ,even if he is surrounded by thousands of dementors.

As he was reading the book ,He heard the compartment door open.

"Excuse me can I please sit here ,Everywhere else is full"

Blair tore his eyes away from the book towards the soft voice ,He saw a Black haired girl standing in the door ,Calmly looking at him with her dark Blue eyes. There was a hint of loneliness hidden in those eyes, It reminded Blair about his own eyes ,When he looked in the mirror. Blair decided to ignore it and just nodded to her before going back to reading his potion book.

The girl looked at his book before taking out her own book and started reading it, They didn't exchanged a single word in their entire trip ,Both immersed in their own books ,Hours later a voice of a prefect came from outside suggesting everyone to change their cloths as they were 5 minutes away from their destination. Blair didn't need to change his cloths ,as he had already changed them As soon as he boarded the train ,But the Girl was still wearing a worn downed shirt and a jeans . Blair packed up His things and went out of the compartment to give her some privacy.

As the train stopped ,Blair went towards the carriage parking area ,As instructed by the school. He sat in a carriage with three second year Gryffindor who were looking at him with caution ,Probably because of his Green clock. They talked among themselves ,Ignoring Blair as the carriage went towards the castle.

The teachers were all seated on their respective chairs, But an unfamiliar man was sitting on DADA Chair. He was a tall man with long Black hair resting on his shoulders ,Calm Blue eyes and a sturdy build body. He was having a discussion with Professor Flitwick.

First year students began to enter the hall through the giant door .Blair sat in the corner of the Slytherin table ,Away from other Slythrins and near the Great Hall door. He was reading his potion book as he knew that it was going to take a while to sort every single First year students.

Blair Heard someone calling out loud 'Mudblood', He thought they were calling for him, With a sigh he looked towards the voice ,just to see that the voice wasn't directed towards him ,But towards the Black haired Girl he met in the train compartment. Looking at her expression of disbelief Blair gave a sign before going back to reading his book.

After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore gave his same weird speech Before introducing their new DADA teacher Professor Steward ,Professor Marrythought retired last year due to her old age. The change in teacher didn't effect Blair as he mostly read his own books instead of paying attention in the class. He only paid attention in 2 classes and that was Potions and transfiguration.

His new dorm room was an exact copy of his last year room, The only difference was the view of the Black Lake through the window . Blair arranged his things in the room before going to sleep, Wondering about things to do the next day
