
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · Book&Literature
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83 Chs


24 December, Diagon Alley.

Dumbledore Slowly walked towards the 6 laying figures. His usual twinkling Blue eyes were now Cold with a hint of sadness in it. As soon as he heard about the attack, He immediately Apparated to the site. The site was in rumbles, Blood spread out everywhere. Most of it was the Blood of the Beheaded man. As soon as he saw the chest-wound of the beheaded man, He immediately knew who the killer was. Dumbledore Slowly looked at the night sky, His Blue eyes radiating even more sadness.

"The Sky has lost a Star" He whispered before silently Diapparating. His next stop was St Mungo. The Healer showed him the way toward Blair's room. Blair was Sleeping on his bed with a large bandage covering his whole chest. His wand and clothes were placed on the table by his side.

As the Healer left, Dumbledore took out his wand and casted a 'Priori Incantato'( creates an "echo" of previously performed spells )on the wand which was laying on the table. After a few seconds, Dumbledore slowly picked up the sharp Spiral wand and began to cast random spells from it. After casting at least 30 random spells with the wand he placed it back on the table and left the room with a sigh filled with sadness. He did this to prevent Blair from getting arrested due to the use of one of the unforgivables( The killing curse). The Aurors will definitely check his wand. After leaving Blair's room he went to Olivia's room before returning to Hogwarts.

20 January, Hogwarts.

Blair apparated near Hogwarts from St Mungo. 7 days have passed since he woke up in the hospital. He didn't leave Olivia's side for a single moment, During these 7 days. To him Nothing mattered anymore, not even Magic.

He slowly walked through the school grounds, ignoring every single student he meet on his way. The other students knew about what happened to Olivia as Dumbledore has informed them about the incident during the welcome feast. Most of them moved out of his way just by looking at his eyes. They Were cold, Abnormally cold. There was not a single emotion in those grey eyes. It was as if something has taken away emotion from it.

It took him 10 minutes to reach his destination, The room of requirements. He entered the room while taking out his Sharp spiral wand. As soon as the door closed behind him, he screamed and began to send curses everywhere. There was no specific target he just continued to curse anything he saw and the room had provided him different things to lash out his rage. He stopped after half an hour of continuous cursing and screaming. The room was now filled with broken wood and glasses scattered all around the floor. There was not a single thing that was not broken in the room. Blair looked at his surrounding which slowly began to vanish, After everything vanished, A plain white bed appeared in front of him, the room probably knew what he needed right now. Blair Slowly laid on the bed and Sleep embraced him in just a few seconds.

After that day Blair Blatantly ignored his prefect duties as well as his assignments and Homework. He only attained the classes and that's all. His only focus during this days was learning dark arts, human body rituals, and soul magic. He knew that the answer he was looking for was in these three fields. If Olivia became insane because of magic then there must be a spell to reverse it. As Professor Slughorn once said Magic is limitless. As long as you have the will and knowledge you could achieve anything through it, Immortality?, power? Just name it.

17 June.

Blair was standing in front of the headmaster's office. Professor Slughorn had told him that the headmaster wanted to talk to him before leaving for the holidays. Just as he was about to knock on the door, The voice of the headmaster came from inside, asking him to come in. The headmaster was sitting in his usual place, Looking at him with his usual twinkling blue eyes.

"Please have a seat Mister Bradley"

Blair sat in front of the headmaster wondering what the headmaster wanted to talk about.

"So Mister Bradley how did your O.W.Ls go"

"I think I will be able to attend NEWTs classes of DADA and transfiguration, I am not sure about other subjects" Blair said in his usual Cold Voice.

"Hmm, and may I ask what career path do you want to choose after leaving Hogwarts."

"I am not sure right now, At first it was traveling around the world until Oliv..." Blair's cold voice broke a little " until the Christmas incident " The Headmaster's Blue eyes lost its twinkle when Olivia's name was brought up.

"Hmm, What about your elemental spell?"

The Headmaster changed the topic to lighten up the Mood and Blair was happy to change the topic as the mention of that incident brings back painful memories. He has been having nightmares of that day for nearly every single night. The Guilt has been building up inside his heart day by day, as he was the one who suggested going to Diagon Alley that day. If he hadn't suggested it, Olivia wouldn't be in her current state.

"Anyway enough with these talks, Let's talk about the main reason I have called you here, There have been complaints that you have been ignoring your prefects duties. So I want to ask you, Do you want to continue as a prefect next year." The headmaster asked him while leaning back on his chair.

"No" Blair immediately answered headmaster.

"Ok" The headmaster didn't ask for any explanation.

"You should go, The train is going to departs in 20 minutes" As soon as the headmaster said that, Blair heard a knock on the door. He got up and went towards the exit. He came across their DADA teacher as he was exiting the office.

Kingcross Station.

Just as he got out of the station he saw a flower shop on the opposite side of the road. From there he brought a bunch of Daisies before apparating to St Mungo. He wrote his entry and slowly walked towards the permanent resident rooms. He entered one of the rooms before slowly closing the door. He walked towards the only window of the room and placed the Bookey of flowers on its edge. He turned around towards the other occupant of the room who was sitting on her bed, Looking blankly towards the window.

" Hello Olivia"