
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · Book&Literature
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The next day after getting out of the hospital wing ,He directly went to the Vault of ice ,This time as soon as the door opened, he Fired 2 "Bombarda maxima" towards the stone knight which were standing at the same place as yesterday. He walked in the room cautiously ,looking for every possible trap in the room ,But surprisingly there were no traps in the room. After inspecting for a while he found nothing else in it. Blair left the room with a disappointed look on his face.

After returning to his room he decided to packup his things ,as today was the day he was returning to his orphanage for his Christmas break. It's not that he missed the orphanage, He just wanted to explore the magical world and staying at the schools will prevent him from going outside the school grounds afterwards.

Most of the compartments in the train were empty as the students tends to sit with their friend and some of the student decided to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays. He found an empty compartment at the end of the train.

He took out the old lether book from his bag and performed a 'Reparo' on it, The cracks began to disappear from the leather cover and the book looked as good as new.

The owner of the book didn't write his/her name on the first page of the book , instead 'Magical theory' was written on top of it , Most of the theory was similar to Kimberly Kearney's theory, Blair gave it a quick read ,before moving forward to the next section .

The next section Was thing that, Blair has been wanting for a long time, 'spells'. There were so many unknown spells written in the book ,They were probably created by the owner of the book. Most of them were dark ,very dark and disturbing spells. But no matter what they were powerfull spells ,like the very first spell in the book ,

"igneme custodem",It produces a large protective barrier of fire and magic completly surrounding the user, in a protective stage that can protect the user from lower and medium class spells .With the second stange, the user can effect another part of the spell. The protective barrier of fire and magic would spit out hundreds of fire bullets everywhere.It was an extremely powerful spell, But the requirements to cast this spell were also very high, one need to have an affinity towards fire and must have great control on it. Dumbledore and Grindelwald are probably the only two wizards who has the will power as well as control on fire to perform this spell successfully.

Then there were spells like "Suspedum Animus", That can cause a great uproar in the wizarding world , This spell essentially reduces someone to a soulless state for a long period of time unless counter curse is uttered. As an interesting side effect, when kissed by a dementor under the effect of this curse, the victim is unharmed. Upon the counter-curse, the victim returns to normal and the kiss has no effect. This side effect can help a wizard/witch to be able to survive a group of dementors ,If the patronus doesn't work.

Blair continued to read the book until the train reached king cross. He went to the orphanage on foot ,As he didn't have any money to travel through a taxi or a bus. It took him 45 minutes to reach the Orphanage ,the Old Matron gave him a cold look before continuing her work , Blair was used to this treatment ,He slowly walked to his room with a calm expression on his face. The room was in the same condition as he left months ago ,He dropped his trunk in the corner before laying on the bed. He was exhausted due to lack of sleep the other day in the hospital wing ,So sleep came to him in an instance.

The next day he had his breakfast, before exiting the orphanage with his wand Tied to his left hand with a rubber band. It took him 30 minutes to reach leaky cauldron ,He didn't get distracted ,he went straight towards the small courtyard.

Diagon Alley was filled with wizards and witches walking cheerfully with their families, Buying gifts and other things ,As it was Christmas in a weak. Blair looked at them with envy in his eyes. While the other were laughing ,celebrating Christmas with their families, he just stood there alone in the middle of the street looking at them with undisguised envy in his eyes.

He came out of his thoughts as a Snowflake landed on his nose . Expression of anger began to surface on his face, He was angry with himself for feeling envy for such a pathetic thing.

"pathetic" mumbling as he strode off towards the imposing white marble building.