
A Moment at The Maldives

This is a tale revolving around 3 characters. Don't worry about the synopsis, just enjoy the story! Do comment if you like it!

Tanishk_Singh · Realistic
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7 Chs

The Moment

With Varun unknowingly acting as the mediator, the three friends got very close with each other, often laughing at stupid things, and planning stupid adventures.

"So Arjun, when are you planning your holidays?", asked Varun. "Around one month from now. Why?", replied Arjun. "That's great news! Even our holidays start from the next month. I know! Let's plan a vacation together somewhere!" Arjun immediately tried to reject, but Navya cut in, "How about Maldives? Let's plan our trip there! It is not even that expensive!" Arjun tried to intervene again, but this time, Varun cut him off, saying, "Yes, that's perfect!" Arjun finally got his chance to speak and said, "I don't think I will be able to make it, because there are some urgent matters that I might need to tend to."

Varun wasn't willing to listen to anything that Arjun said, and just booked three flight tickets on the spot, saying, "You have to accompany us, or else the trip won't be worth it." Arjun still tried to refuse but this time Navya said in a pleading voice, "Just come along to honour our friendship." Arjun couldn't respond to this, and just resigned, agreeing to Varun's plan without any further resistance. 

They finally boarded the flight to Maldives as per the plan, and they arrived at their destination in around five hours. Travel fatigue forced them to rest for the whole day. The next day, everyone felt very fresh and they decided to go for some sightseeing. Somehow, Navya and Arjun were getting more and more alone-time with each other, and the feelings which were buried in both of their hearts started to reignite. 

On one such occasion, it was a starry night, and both of them were alone on a beach when Navya asked Arjun, "Do you remember that handmade card that you gave me on my twentieth birthday?" Arjun replied, "Yeah, I do. I had also scribbled your face on the card."

Slowly, both of them started reliving their memories from the days when they were still in a relationship. Unknowingly both of them got very close to each other, as if guided by a celestial force.

Arjun couldn't stop himself, and bent in for a kiss. For a second, even Navya couldn't stop herself, but her conscience kicked in at the right moment, and the kiss never happened. After this fiasco, both Arjun and Navya didn't talk to each other, and avoided each other's company. Even with Varun around, they only talked to each other only when absolutely necessary.