
A Moment at The Maldives

This is a tale revolving around 3 characters. Don't worry about the synopsis, just enjoy the story! Do comment if you like it!

Tanishk_Singh · Realistic
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


That weekend, Arjun was sitting in front of the same bar counter, waiting for Varun and his fiance to arrive. After around five minutes, he saw a silhouette resembling Varun at the entrance. He waved his hand at him and slowly, Varun and his fiance made their way over to his seat. Varun said, "Arjun, meet my fiance, Navya."

Arjun got up to greet Navya, but as soon as he laid his eyes on her face, his lips dried up, and he started sweating even when the whole premise was air-conditioned. Navya's face was mirroring his expression. To a bystander, they would appear as if enacting a mime performance. 

Before Varun could notice their expressions, they quickly shook hands and said a few short greetings, and sat on either side of Varun. Varun was a bit confused on this awkward turn of events but he dismissed it as something which happened in any first meeting. All of them ordered drinks and after a drink or two, the atmosphere became normal and soon Arjun started cracking jokes, which made Varun and Navya laugh.

It seemed as if Varun had a habit of drinking too heavily whenever he was too happy, because he excused himself once again to rush to the washroom. Suddenly the smiles on Navya's and Arjun's faces were wiped off and they looked at each other with mixed emotions, majorly consisting of confusion and guilt. Navya politely asked Arjun, "What are you doing here?" "I met Varun in this bar itself, and we became very good friends.", Arjun replied. Navya was about to ask him another question, when they saw Varun stumbling back towards them. Both Navya and Arjun got up and supported him from either side, taking him back to their car while Arjun returned to pay the bill. "See how great of a friend Arjun is to me.", slurred Varun in his drunken trance. Navya replied, "Yeah, I can see that."