
A Man Reborn with Nothing

Some people in our life are remarkable, you remember who they are and what they look like. Then there are some people you meet and forget them instantly. Jason is in the latter of the two. He is excruciatingly average. Jason must find a way to live in a place he knows nothing about. All while he is trying to hold himself together but things just keep taking a turn for the worst.

ZedUndead · Fantasy
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The Man Before

Jason was unremarkable, he never did anything of note for the first 23 years of his life. He had a job, a wife, and even a apartment. That was until he walked in on his wife sleeping with another man...

It took Jason several weeks to finalize the divorce. He lost everything during the process except for the apartment. The bank accounts were split and everything was gone.

Jason was distraught... One day he had evething he wanted and the next nothing. "She took everthing..." Jason thought while sitting alone in his dingy apartment. Several hours passed while he sat alone, crying to himself followed by anger that she left him. At some point he finally fell asleep.

His job was very unremarkable, he worked for a big office company. One whose name even he could barely remember. The only thing that stood out about Jason was his upbringing he was neither rich nor poor and his family ran a successful tech company.

Jason woke with a start and looked around remembering how he spent the night. "I really need to get out of this place." He thought absently to himself. He had nothing left here now except for bad memories and he knew it. "Everthing here reminds me of her." He thought and a anger started to rise in his chest.

He didn't give it a chance to quell and picked up the chair he fell asleep on and threw it across the room. It smashed into his TV and impaled itself into it. Then Jason realized what he did. "Shit" he knew he shouldn't of done that since she would be here today to get her half of the furniture. He knew that he would have to foot the bill for it too. "She is already taking most of my money with her and now I will have to pay for this too!" He shouted. "Screw it" he walked into the bedroom.

Jason took a quick shower and looked at himself. He looked average and wasn't the most fit person but he considered himself average. He got out of the shower, shaved and put on a fresh set of clothes and headed for the door. "Fuck this place..." was his only thought as he slammed the door.

On his was down the stairs his phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the caller. It read Lora "Of course" he thought to himself.

"Yeah" was all he could muster.

"Look I know you hate me but I need to get my stuff! You can't keep ignoring everything! If you don't let me, I will call the cops!"

Jason looked at the phone and prompt hung up. He was too tired and angry to deal with her. He knew that whatever he would say would only make it worse. So he figured he will deal with it later.

As he walked outside he felt the cold November air hit him and he noticed the grey clouds overhead. "Even the world knows..." he said to himself. His phone started to ring again and he knew it would be her. He ignored it and started to walk down the street.

As he walked lost in his self pitty. Jason didn't see the man walking behind him and eyeing him intently. The man walked slowly up behind Jason and grabbed his arm. "Give me your wallet!" The man shouted at Jason. That was the final straw for Jason "Fuck you! I don't have to give you shit!"

That's all Jason could shout before he felt the pain shoot up from his stomach. He looked down and saw red blood start to leak from his stomach. "The fuck?" Then he saw the man's arm come out and stab him again and again.

Jason fleeting thoughts were "What a shit week and here's how it ends by a mugger." As Jason passed out he didn't feel or notice the mugger grabbing his phone and wallet...

All feedback would be appreciated since this is my first time writing a novel. Thank you all in advance!

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