
A Man Reborn with Nothing

Some people in our life are remarkable, you remember who they are and what they look like. Then there are some people you meet and forget them instantly. Jason is in the latter of the two. He is excruciatingly average. Jason must find a way to live in a place he knows nothing about. All while he is trying to hold himself together but things just keep taking a turn for the worst.

ZedUndead · Fantasy
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2 Chs

An Unknown Place

Jason awoke wondering if the mugger was just a bad dream caused by all the recent chaos. He kept his eyes closed not wanting to return to the outside world.

Jason thought about everything that happened over the recent days. He wondered about his wife and if she ever really loved him. Absently he thought about the TV he broke and wondered if it was really worth it.

Jason felt a strange warmth come across him which was odd. "Its part way through November it shouldn't be warm." He thought to himself and opened his eyes.

The surrounds were not the run down slums of the big city which he had become so accustom to. Instead he was in a clearing in a big overgrown forest with birds chirping in the distance.

Jason stood up and walked up to a tree. "What happened? Where am I?" Jason asked to the tree before he realized that he was in fact talking to a tree. "Of course, why would a tree respond." Jason looked down and found he was still dressed for the cold November air.

Jason started to take his jacket off and saw the red stain that covered the bottom of the jacket. "So it wasn't a dream. How am alive?" Jason saw the red stain went from the stomach of his shirt to the waistband of the pants. He tossed his jacket aside and reached for his phone in his pocket. It was gone and so was his wallet.

"Figures." Jason started to walk towards what he though was east. The thickness of the forest ment it would be hard for him to really see what direction he was going. It seemed to be mid day but it was hard for Jason to tell.

Something was telling Jason that this place is wrong. Jason ignored his gut feeling and continued to walk. He didn't even notice that the vibrant forest life had gone silent. He continued to walk and wallow in self pitty.

As Jason walked he noticed the Forest was becoming less dense and he was getting closer to the end. He was excited but the thought of finding a road he rushed towards the end of the forest.

As he ran to the forests edge something was screaming at him to stop. This time however Jason listened to his gut feeling and stopped at the edge of the forest. What he saw however chilled him down to his soul.

There was a road running along the edge of the forest. On the otherside there was the a field that had been turned into a battlefield. The men where kill eachother without any regard for their teammates next to them.

Jason could only see a bit of the battle but he could guess it was bigger than he realized. Arrows seemed to arch up and land in the midst of the fighting. Jason didn't know what to do. He stood there frozen looking at the carnage and bodies on the ground.

As he watched a huge ball of arched over the men and landed dead center on a group of the fighters. The sight disturbed Jason the burning and smell that wafted his way. Jason doubled over and started to wretch.

Jason finally started to get himself under control and wanted to leave. He knew it was either this or back into the forest. He settled on waiting here and just watching for a bit.

The men fighting seemed to be some kind foot soldiers. The ones on the left side were in some kind of red and black armor. While the ones on the right had a blue and yellow colored chest plate. Occasionally he would see odd things. Flashes of lightning would come down and strike a few of the fighters. Glowing balls of fire would return from the otherside of the field.

All Jason could do was sit here and watch. He knew if he took a step out of the safety of the forest he would probably die. So Jason just waited and watched his stomach still threatening to wretch as the sights before him.

Oblivious to Jason the forest was still silent, no birds or squirrels dared to make noise. If Jason had been paying attention he would've noticed it but his attention was focused on the battle in front of him.