
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

Why Are You So Good to Me?

Seraphina Bloom followed the direction of my pointing finger and looked down.

Instantly, her excitement surged again, and she exclaimed, "It's still here, it's actually still here?!"

I smiled and then bent down to pick it up, handing it to her, saying, "It's yours, then."

She smiled back at me and eagerly took it, thanking me.

Then, holding it in her hands, she examined it from left to right, filled with delight.

I chuckled and remarked, "Actually, you can buy several of these moon-shaped night lamps for just ten yuan each in wholesale markets. With sixty yuan, we could buy a whole box."

But Seraphina Bloom didn't mind, still happily saying, "But I like this one. The sixty yuan was well spent."

"Alright! As long as you like it."

She then continued walking ahead of me, her long hair cascading down her back, her silhouette becoming the most beautiful sight along the riverside road, unforgettable to anyone who saw it.

However, just then, I suddenly spotted a somewhat familiar figure across the street, emerging from a bar.

The riverside road was lined with many bars, bustling especially at this time of night.

And that familiar figure was none other than Ethan!

How could that scoundrel be here?

Just then, I noticed a person getting out of the Audi parked by the roadside, walking towards Ethan.

To my surprise, it was my wife!

She went over to support the swaying Ethan, who took advantage of the opportunity to give her a pat on the buttocks.

Seeing this, I was furious!

Who could tolerate such a thing?

Doing this right in front of my eyes? Could any man endure that?

I was about to rush over when Seraphina Bloom grabbed me, shaking her head at me.

Clearly, she had seen it too, and she had also watched the video clip earlier, knowing that the two people across the street were my wife and the person she was cheating with.

"Let go of me, I'm going to beat the hell out of those two!" I shouted.

Seraphina Bloom held onto me firmly, calmly saying, "Don't act impulsively, stay calm."

"How the hell can I stay calm? They're causing trouble right in front of me, and I'm supposed to stay calm?" I roared.

But Seraphina Bloom continued to hold onto me, then said to me, "If you go over now, you won't gain anything, and all your previous efforts will be wasted. What would it prove if you confront them like this?"

Seraphina Bloom's words suddenly woke me up. Indeed, their interaction wasn't excessively intimate; it was just Ethan's 

 inappropriate touch on my wife's buttocks.

But even that was intolerable!

But then I thought again, the bankruptcy of the company might be related to him. Maybe it's better to endure a little longer, gather enough evidence, and then confront them.

So I gradually calmed down and watched as my wife helped Ethan into the car, then got into the driver's seat herself.

In a flash, the Audi drove off.

At the same time, Seraphina Bloom hailed a passing taxi, and after we got in, she instructed the driver to follow the Audi in front.

In the taxi, Seraphina Bloom continued to comfort me, urging me to stay calm and not to act rashly.

My fists were clenched tightly, and I could hear the joints making a "crack" sound.

We followed all the way, and I endured all the way.

Until the Audi stopped at the entrance of the hotel where Seraphina Bloom was staying. Wasn't this like a lamb to the slaughter?

I laughed at that thought, thankful that Seraphina Bloom was with me. If they went to book a room, I could catch them red-handed!

Sure enough, my wife helped Ethan into the hotel, and Seraphina Bloom and I followed suit.

Seraphina Bloom went straight to the front desk, where the receptionist respectfully addressed her as the manager.

Seraphina Bloom then asked, "Can you tell me which room the two people who just checked in are in?"

"Of course, manager."

As a vice-president of the company, Seraphina Bloom naturally had the right to know this information.

As we waited for the room number, a voice next to us suddenly sounded, somewhat sarcastic, "Vice President, is it appropriate for you to do this? Are you just casually checking the privacy of the guests?"

I turned to see that the person speaking was Samuel.

Seraphina Bloom frowned visibly at seeing him and said, "Vice President Samuel, why haven't you finished work yet at this late hour?"

Samuel smiled and replied, "Am I supposed to be like you? I'm busy working, you know?"

Seraphina Bloom didn't engage further with him and instead asked the front desk again, "Did you find out?"

The receptionist nodded, about to speak, when Samuel gave her a fierce glare, "If you dare say anything, I'll make sure you leave the company tomorrow!"

So, the receptionist shut her mouth, looking somewhat frightened at the two vice presidents in front of her.

The receptionist was truly innocent; she was just a front desk clerk. How could she afford to offend two vice presidents?

Seraphina Bloom didn't press the receptionist further and instead turned to Samuel, saying, "Vice President Samuel, are you deliberately causing trouble for me?"

Samuel innocently smiled, "I wouldn't dare. I'm just following the rules. Even if the general manager were here, there's no reason for them to know the guests' information."

Seraphina Bloom glared at Samuel fiercely, and Samuel smirked in response.

He then looked at me and said, provocatively, "So, you're acquainted with this person who leaked customer privacy, leading to the company's bankruptcy? No wonder you leaked the privacy of the customers in the lobby. You've been corrupted by him!"

"Watch your mouth!" I stepped forward, pointing at Samuel.

He didn't even furrow his brow, provocatively saying, "Are you going to hit me? Come on, give it a try."

I was so angry at that moment, I nearly slapped him across the face.

But Seraphina Bloom held me back, giving Samuel a stern look before saying, "Alright! Samuel, let's wait and see."

Then she turned to me and said, "Let's go."

I knew it was impossible to get the room number now that Seraphina Bloom had been stopped. I understood her predicament, so I had no choice but to leave the hotel with her.

As we left, Samuel was still warning the receptionist, saying that if she dared to leak guest privacy, she'd be fired immediately.

Neither Seraphina Bloom nor I would harass the receptionist any further.

We stood side by side outside the hotel, me still glaring at the hotel entrance.

Seraphina Bloom's expression wasn't great either, but she comforted me, saying, "Don't feel discouraged. Even if we got the room number, I wouldn't advise you to confront them right now."

Indeed, it wasn't the right time. Because that adulterer had hurt me badly, and even if I caught them now, at most, it would only lead to Emily leaving the house. It wouldn't affect Ethan in the slightest.

That wouldn't satisfy me. I wanted him to lose everything, to suffer!

After calming down, I lit a cigarette and smoked heavily.

Seraphina Bloom then said to me, "Don't worry, I'll help you. Trust me."

I was suddenly moved because since my bankruptcy, no one had treated me so earnestly.

I turned to look at Seraphina Bloom and asked, "Why are you so good to me?"

"Because because my parents divorced because of such a thing, and I hate scumbags like him!"

I guessed it wasn't just that!

Of course, I didn't continue to ask. Her willingness to help me was already great.

I nodded heavily, thanking her.

Seraphina Bloom then said to me, "Let's go back for now. Don't think about it."

I nodded, but as I left, I glanced forcefully at the hotel.

How I wished my wife would come out at this moment, but hope was always hopeless!

I still had hope for her, I was really naive.

Back home, my wife hadn't returned yet, and I was restless, smoking to vent my frustration.

Thinking that my wife was probably still in a hotel room enjoying herself with another man, maybe they were playing games we'd never played before.

The more I thought, the more my mind spun, and the more I thought, the more I felt like I was falling apart.

Until I saw Seraphina Bloom's recent post in my social media feed five minutes ago, with a picture of that moon-shaped night lamp.

It was accompanied by a caption: "The splendor fades, and people are lonelier than fireworks."