
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

Beauty in Everyday Life

I truly admired Seraphina Bloom's wit. She was indeed a businesswoman, thinking everything through perfectly, achieving the best of both worlds.

Finally, I understood why she removed me from the demolition list and offered me special treatment instead!

Realizing this, I couldn't help but laugh and say, "Won't many people envy me for this?"

"It depends on how you handle this relationship. Anyway, on my end, I'll take care of you. The estimated compensation for demolition is around 1.5 million."

I was puzzled again and asked, "So, does this mean I won't have any say over the arrangement of the house?"

Seraphina Bloom seemed a bit speechless. "I just explained it. Your house isn't included in the demolition range, which means there's no need to report..."

Before she finished, I interrupted her, "So, this is like getting your demolition compensation for free?"

Seraphina Bloom sighed and said, "I really doubt how you managed such a big company before."

I felt somewhat embarrassed by Seraphina Bloom's words, but I truly didn't understand her meaning.

She patiently explained, "As I said, Orlan International has the right to plan housing, naturally, we have similar quotas. I can give you this quota, and this money is essentially our company's investment. In simple terms, you provide the house, we provide the money, the property rights of the house still belong to you, but all the profits go to our company. Do you understand now?"

This time, I finally understood and nodded, saying, "So, I won't get this money, but I'll keep the house, right?"

Seraphina Bloom nodded and added, "You can get the money because I'll handle it. You have the right to arrange this money; it's entirely up to you how much you want to invest."

I finally understood everything. This was simply taking advantage of a loophole!

Not only could I keep the house, but I could also receive this compensation for demolition and freely arrange this money.

Of course, this also relied on Seraphina Bloom's connections; otherwise, such a good thing wouldn't be possible.

After that, I didn't ask about this matter anymore and chatted about other topics.

After dinner, since it was still early, Seraphina Bloom suggested taking a stroll by the roadside, and of course, I agreed.

It was already nine o'clock at night, the most beautiful time for the night view. Just taking a random photo with a cellphone could be breathtakingly beautiful.

As a native of this city, I also loved this city very much; it was very inclusive.

Although my life wasn't smooth, this city wouldn't lose its luster because of someone's misfortune.

So compared to the vast world, my insignificant troubles were nothing.

At night, there were particularly many tourists by the roadside, even more lively than during the day.

Various small stalls lined the road, and occasionally, you could see a few wandering singers selling their songs here.

Occasionally, when the urban management came, those stall owners quickly packed up their stalls.

Actually, this was the true face of life, which I discovered after delivering takeout for over a year.

Before, I was too obsessed with work, living a routine life of just work and sleep every day.

Although I achieved great success at work, I lost my youth like this.

Now in my thirties, I finally understood the beauty of life.

I envied those families of three who came out for a stroll after dinner, envied their laughter and chatter.

Although I also had a son and a wife, we couldn't do that. My wife didn't want to accompany me on such outings.

But at this moment, walking alongside Seraphina Bloom, we seemed like a couple, strolling together.

From time to time, we stopped to look at the various small stalls by the roadside, not buying anything, just finding them interesting to look at.

Suddenly, Seraphina Bloom spotted a hoop toss stall and called me over, seeming very interested in it.

The owner thought business was coming and immediately greeted us, "Hoop toss! Twenty yuan for ten hoops, if you miss, you can still get a cloth doll. Miss it and you'll regret it, miss it and you'll be fooled."

"Do you want to play?" I asked Seraphina Bloom.

She nodded, looking at the moon-shaped night lamp on the stall, like a little girl, and said, "I think that one looks pretty. It would look nice on the windowsill at home."

Seraphina Bloom had a good eye, so I scanned the QR code with my phone and said to the owner, "Give me ten hoops to start."

"Sure thing." After receiving the payment, the owner handed me a handful of colorful hoops.

I gave half to Seraphina Bloom and said, "You go first."

She took them happily and then tried her best to toss the hoops onto the moon-shaped night lamp, but mis

sed every one.

I knew there was a trick to it, but I hadn't tried this before, so five hoops were quickly thrown, but none hit the target, just one keychain was won.

Seraphina Bloom pursed her lips, looking a bit disappointed. Then she scanned the QR code again, this time directly buying twenty hoops.

I wanted to stop her, but the payment had already been made, so I didn't say anything more.

She cast her net wide again, throwing all the hoops at once.

This time, she hit two, but still didn't get the little night lamp.

The owner looked a bit smug, while Seraphina Bloom seemed determined, preparing to throw the remaining hoops.

I couldn't watch any longer and said to her, "Let me try again."

She handed them to me, encouraging me, "It's okay, just throw confidently. If you run out, we can always buy more."

I knew she wasn't short of money, but it wasn't about the money; it was about dignity!

I took a deep breath and finally threw the first hoop, but missed again.

Both Seraphina Bloom and I sighed simultaneously, while the owner smiled satisfactorily.

I blew into my hands and threw the second hoop again.

Damn it, missed again!

Seraphina Bloom and I exchanged glances, both of us looking a bit grim.

But she still encouraged me, saying, "It's okay, keep trying!"

This was the last hoop, the last chance!

I didn't think too much and just focused on throwing it with all my might.

"Urban management is here, run!"

Suddenly, the shout from the neighboring stall came, and the owner looked up, preparing to pack up and run.

But my last hoop finally hit the little night lamp!

Seraphina Bloom jumped for joy, but seeing the owner packing up, she hurriedly stopped him, "Don't pack up! We hit it."

At this point, the owner, who was focused on escaping from urban management, didn't care about much and quickly collected all the small toys on the ground.

By the time we realized it, he had already run away.

From the nearby shout of "urban management is here" to his packing up and running, less than half a minute had passed. It seemed like it wasn't his first time.

Seraphina Bloom stomped her foot in anger, "What kind of person is he? We clearly hit it!"

Seeing her like this, she truly looked like a little girl who had been robbed of her toy, almost on the verge of tears.

But then, I suddenly noticed that the moon-shaped night lamp was still on the ground, obviously deliberately left behind by the owner.

While Seraphina Bloom was still angry, I called her and pointed at what was under our feet, saying, "What's this?"