
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

The So-Called Big Data

Seated in an office chair was a woman clad in a black-and-white professional uniform. Her vibrant green hair was elegantly tied atop her head, and her flawless facial features left nothing to be desired – she was undeniably perfect.

Since my wife had captivated me, no other woman had managed to do so, until now. This woman before me was stunning, an ethereal being in the earthly realm.

Yet, despite her celestial beauty, her temper seemed less than pleasant. Every word she spoke, though void of profanity, had a razor-sharp edge. And her icy gaze, once fixed on something, felt capable of freezing it in its tracks.

Even from a distance, I could sense the powerful aura emanating from her – much more so for Hardy standing before her.

Where was his earlier mocking spirit now?

I stood at the doorway for a while, overhearing what seemed like a scolding session. It appeared she was reprimanding him for a poorly executed project, causing a ten-day delay and demanding the boss of Hardy's company to intervene personally.

Hardy, flustered, incessantly apologized and sought excuses, adhering to his usual style of deflecting blame rather than finding solutions.

Unable to bear it any longer, I knocked on the door and said, "Hello, your delivery is here."

The woman glanced up, uttered a simple "Come in."

I entered, placing the coffee cup in front of her and explaining, "Sorry, got bumped by a dog on the way, spilled the coffee. I went and got you a new one, hence the delay."

She nodded without saying much. Hardy, on the other hand, shot me a glance but remained silent, probably still reeling from the scolding.

Taking a moment, I observed the project proposal on the desk – a set of software design plans likely brought in by Hardy but seemingly not approved.

Not my business, and I had no intention of meddling.

But the memory of Hardy's taunts in the elevator fueled my irritation.

Just as I reached the office door, I paused and turned back, saying, "Hello, boss, there are a couple of things on my mind. Can I share them with you?"

She looked up again, and Hardy also turned to me.

Though she didn't speak, I continued, "Earlier, I happened to glance at the software design plans on your desk. Dare I ask if this is for a management system for your hotel?"

She squinted, possibly curious about my unexpected question.

So, I added, "If it is, allow me to be blunt. I could create this system with my eyes closed."

"What are you trying to say?" she finally spoke, the tone still chilly but less harsh than before.

I smiled and said, "I believe I might be able to help you."

"You?" She looked at me incredulously.

I nodded, continuing with a smile, "Give it a try! If you find my proposal appealing."

At this point, Hardy couldn't hold back and hastily interjected, "Boss, don't listen to him; he's just a delivery guy. He knows nothing about complex software programs."

Seraphina Bloom raised a hand, silencing Hardy, and turned to me, saying, "Show me. How long will it take?"

"I'll give you a demonstration in ten minutes."

She prepared to dismiss me but asked, "Come on, then."

I walked over as she vacated her computer for me. Despite not touching a computer for over a year, once I sat down, I transformed.

My fingers swiftly tapped the keyboard, and the code on the computer screen danced rapidly.

Hardy stood nearby, looking increasingly uneasy.

In less than ten minutes, I accomplished the task – a simple framework for a management system.

Given the short timeframe, a comprehensive system would take at least three days, even for me.

After creating the framework, I provided a brief introduction to the customer management template.

Every hotel guest's information would be stored, and the system included a "customer care" reminder.

Automated birthday greetings, timely delivery of hotel coupons during peak travel seasons, and more – all handled seamlessly by the program's backend.

Upon hearing my presentation, Seraphina Bloom's eyes sparkled with newfound interest, her gaze turning somewhat incredulous as she looked at me.

Looking at Hardy beside her, his face drained of color, like he'd just swallowed a dead fly.

I didn't intend to show off, but if Hardy hadn't mocked me in the elevator, I wouldn't have gone on this lengthy explanation.

Knowing when to stop, I recalled the stain on my reputation due to a past incident where I, inebriated, caused a leak of critical client data.

I shifted my focus to Seraphina Bloom and said, "Sorry, boss. Perhaps I spoke too much, and I've disturbed you."

With that, I turned and headed towards the exit.

But just as I stepped outside, Seraphina Bloom called after me, "Hey, wait!"

I didn't stop, continuing forward. To my surprise, she chased after me.