
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

I Misread It

She blocked my path, looking genuinely shocked. I guess she hadn't expected a delivery guy like me to have such skills.

"Ma'am, do you need anything?" I asked cautiously.

"What's your name?" she demanded.

"Huh?" I hesitated.

"I asked, what's your name?" she asserted, her voice filled with authority.

I didn't want to reveal my name, afraid of being recognized. But considering she wasn't from the tech industry, she probably wouldn't know me.

Just as I was about to answer, Hardy's voice came from behind, "Ma'am, his name is Alex Phoenix."

Seraphina Bloom turned to Hardy, asking, "Do you know him?"

I thought, oh no, Hardy was sure to spill the beans about my embarrassing incident.

Walking up, Hardy said, "Of course! He's..."

"I'm just a delivery guy, nothing more," I cut him off before he could say more. I couldn't escape the shadow of my past.

Seraphina Bloom then addressed me, "I really liked the management solution you demonstrated earlier. Can we talk?"

Before I could respond, Hardy interjected, "Ma'am, don't be fooled by him. His solution could compromise customer privacy."

Seraphina Bloom, upon hearing this, furrowed her brow and asked, "What do you mean?"

With a triumphant look, Hardy sneered, "Ma'am, do you know about the incident at Radiance Tech? He was involved, and it was a serious matter."

Seraphina Bloom shook her head, claiming ignorance. Not surprising, considering her hotel background had no connection with us programmers.

Without waiting for Hardy to continue, I spoke up, "He's right. There was an incident, and it was severe."

Seraphina Bloom's expression became more skeptical, even suspiciously looking at me.

Hardy, on the other hand, seemed to relish the situation. From the timid guy in the office, he had resurrected himself.

This Hardy, I remembered him well. He was the epitome of a small man with newfound success.

It confirmed the saying: when you're doing well, people flatter you, and when you're down, they throw stones at you.

Leaving the office, I glared at Hardy and exited the building.

In the elevator, I felt uneasy. I had endured that incident for too long, and I wondered why these people kept harping on it.

Moreover, the world had no knowledge of the actual truth. I shared the responsibility for the data leak from the company I co-founded with my friend, who messed up while drunk.

It was a cruel world.

When you're successful, many covet your position, trying to undermine you. All you can do is constantly deal with these people.

I also wanted to re-enter the workforce, believing in my abilities and wanting a piece of the pie.

But it required substantial funds, a team, and erasing the stain on my reputation.

These were daunting challenges for me at the moment.

Outside the hotel, I lit a cigarette, waiting for new delivery orders.

Just then, I noticed the Audi that had taken my wife in the morning pulling out of the parking lot.

I recognized the license plate; it stood out. And as the car passed by, I saw my wife sitting in the passenger seat, smiling.

I was stunned, frozen in place until the Audi disappeared in the distance. I hastily got on my electric bike to catch up.

During non-peak hours, my electric bike couldn't compete with four wheels. I could only catch up at traffic lights, but as soon as the car turned a few corners, it was gone.

However, I realized that this route seemed to lead back home.

Had they returned home already?

Not dwelling on it, I rushed in the direction of our house. Today, I would catch them red-handed.

But I was a step too late. When I reached the entrance of the neighborhood, the Audi had just left, and my wife had already entered our apartment complex.

I immediately caught up, shouting at her from behind, "Where were you?"

Hearing my voice, my wife turned, looking surprised. "Honey, why are you back now?"

I parked the electric bike to the side and approached her, questioning coldly, "Where did you go?"

"I had a job interview! I told you this morning," she said, walking towards the building.

I followed, grabbing her hand, saying, "Don't give me those excuses. I saw it all."

My wife's expression turned uneasy, stuttering, "Saw what?"

"Just now, an Audi dropped you off, right?"

Her face became unnatural, pausing for a moment before saying, "Yes, that was my potential employer. He happened to pass by and gave me a ride."

Watching her cunning expression, I felt disgusted. I yelled, "Stop pretending! Emily, do you want me to show you the evidence?"

Emily, now angry, raised her voice, "What evidence? Alex Phoenix, what's gotten into you?"

"I don't want to argue. I saw everything."

"What did you see? Tell me!"

I suddenly didn't know how to explain. Revealing what happened this morning might make them more cautious, making it difficult for me to find evidence later.

So, I reluctantly said, "Maybe I misunderstood."

Emily glared at me, saying, "It's not a maybe. You misunderstood. Stop imagining things; I, Emily, am an honest person."

I forced a smile, saying, "Yes, yes, you're right. I must have misjudged."

Turning to Hardy, Emily coldly questioned, "Why did you come back during the lunch break?"

I hesitated for a moment before answering, "Just had a delivery order in this area."

"I know you work hard every day, and the pressure is immense. Don't overthink it. I really haven't betrayed you," Emily said, her tone softening. She approached me, adjusting my clothes with her hands.

Once done, she lightly kissed me on the cheek, whispering near my ear, "Go on, deliver your meals. I'll be waiting with a delicious dinner when you come back."

In the past, I would have reciprocated, happily going off to deliver meals.

Now, I couldn't bring myself to kiss her back; it felt nauseating.

But to make her relax her guard, I kept up the act.

Watching her enter the elevator, I resumed my journey to deliver takeout.

However, at that moment, I suddenly remembered something – the stockings my wife was wearing when she left in the morning were nowhere to be found.