
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

Retribution's Echo

The first message Ethan received from the mysterious figure read, "Boss, as you can see, Sunrise Technologies is completely finished this time."

Ethan replied, "Wasn't it discovered?"

The mysterious figure assured, "Definitely not. Alex Phoenix, that fool, actually thinks it's due to his classmate's negligence."

Ethan inquired further, "How's his classmate doing now?"

The mysterious figure replied, "He knows some details, but he's gone crazy now. No need to worry. Everything is under control."

Ethan instructed, "Alright, also, leak this matter out. Let the entire industry know about it. This way, Alex Phoenix will never be able to bounce back."

The mysterious figure assured, "Don't worry, everything is well arranged."

The conversation ended there. Although the reason wasn't explicitly stated, it was evident that Ethan was involved in the matter.

But who was this mysterious figure?

My hands started trembling. That bastard Ethan, messing around with my wife even now. He's literally crapping and pissing on my head!

This kind of humiliation was unbearable. I felt like my lungs were about to explode!

Raising my phone to smash it on the ground, Ava suddenly exclaimed, "Don't throw it! That's my phone!"

I calmed down, but still tossed her phone onto the bed, muttering curses.

Ava spoke up, "Now you know the truth, don't you? Your company's bankruptcy wasn't an accident; it was deliberate."

"It was your husband's doing!" I glared at Ava, growling at her.

Ava, taken aback, stepped back, stumbling onto the bed.

Looking at me with fear, she trembled as she said, "Don't look at me like that. He's not my husband anymore, he's my ex-husband!"

"He wasn't your ex when this happened, was he?"

Ava nervously nodded, stammering, "But I didn't know anything! And you can't just assume it's him based on this screenshot!"

Ava reminded me that I couldn't conclusively blame Ethan based on a single screenshot. After all, he was in real estate, tangentially related to our software industry.

My company's downfall, if not accidental, was undoubtedly the work of competitors.

Because back then, I was too prominent. Even my university professors warned me to watch out for backstabbers, saying I was different now.

I was young and easily taken advantage of.

But regardless, Ethan was at least half responsible.

And he even cuckolded me. That was unforgivable.

I immediately snapped at Ava, "You ex-husband, sleeping with my wife!"

Ava was startled, her face tense as she said, "I-I really don't know. We've been divorced for almost a year."

I believed her. If she knew, she wouldn't have gotten this close to me now.

In the end, she was also a victim.

Suddenly, I felt a sense of sympathy, but I couldn't pity her because she was inherently untrustworthy.

At that moment, Ava curiously asked me, "Are you sure Ethan cheated on you? Do you have evidence?"

I immediately showed her the video clip and said, "See this? Is this Ethan?"

Ava was stunned, nodding repeatedly, "That bastard, I didn't expect him to..."

She continued, her voice firm, "You should take this video and report him, make him go to jail."

I sighed, "Sister, what can this one video prove?"

"Didn't you see him kissing your wife in the elevator?"

"What does that prove? Given Ethan's capabilities, don't you think he could cover it up?"

After a brief silence, Ava nodded, "You're right, that bastard is cunning indeed."

I was furious. Ethan was responsible for everything, even my company's bankruptcy was related to him.

I had to vent this frustration and slowly torture him, making him taste what I was going through.

Ava sighed deeply, saying, "Since it's already happened, don't be so upset. Try to let it go."

"Huh, let it go? You're standing there talking nonsense!"

"I'm sitting, not standing."

I realized I couldn't continue this conversation with her. Ava was heartless.

"Alex Phoenix."

Suddenly, Ava's voice softened as she called my name, then her gaze turned seductive.

"Ethan slept with your wife, so why don't you sleep with his ex-wife, even though she's your ex?"

As she spoke, Ava took off her small coat.

Her fair skin shimmered in the lamplight, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became ambiguous.

Seeing her, I couldn't help but swallow hard. I was losing control.

She was right. If Ethan slept with my wife, then I could sleep with his ex-wife.

Even though she was an ex.

But there was a sense of satisfaction in revenge!

After thinking about it, I couldn't care less about anything else. After all, humans are creatures of desire.

I lunged at her, and Ava let out a muffled "Hmm" as she naturally wrapped her arms around me.

At that moment, I had no thoughts, only the desire for revenge. But when she reached for my belt, I suddenly snapped back to reality.

For some reason, I suddenly woke up.

I really wanted revenge, but Ava was no longer Ethan's wife. Revenge on her would serve no purpose.

I pushed her away and sat back up.

Ava hugged me from behind, whispering softly in my ear, "What's wrong? Don't want it anymore?"

I removed her hands and lit a cigarette.

After calming my emotions, I said, "Until I divorce my wife, I don't want to do anything beastly."

"But she cheated on you! Why do you care so much?"

Ava's words made sense, but I, Alex Phoenix, wasn't like that. I had my principles.

I'm not a dog, I don't jump at anyone.