
A Love That Lasts Lifetimes

After being betrayed by everyone in her life, Celeste is murdered in her cold prison cell. Reborn as her 23 year old self, she has no intention of being the victim this time. She wants revenge. She is out for blood. He is the second spare heir that no one asked for. Ignored and labeled as just another third generation heir, he shocks the world with his prowess. Women that looked down upon him once now beg for a chance but he only has eyes for her. The one that he loved. In the past lifetime. This lifetime. And the next to come

Xiulin · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The beginning of Fleur

…. A successful winter launch

Fleur was first created during WW2. When other businesses were shutting down, Fleur had just begun. The founder was Annalise Fleur Charmaine, wife of Christopher Charmaine, a wealthy merchant who supplied armies with Nylon.

Due to the scarcity of Nylon, ladies couldn't use them.

And since men were at war, women had to take the reins at workplaces doing what was conventionally a man's job. They got creative with what they wore to work. They didn't have what they would wear figured out yet.

Annalise designed and created clothes for working women that allowed them to be efficient while looking elegant and for those who simply wanted to look good in order to feel good in those troubled times.

Once the war was over and men came back to the workforce, Annalise designed clothes for them too.

Fleur was revered for the good quality and variety. As it gained more popularity, the value of Fleur flew sky high. It became a luxury good and expanded into other areas such as handbags, jewelry, and even clothes for kids.

Despite the wide range of products, their most sold product was their winter clothes. Of all the winter clothes, the most popular one was their coats.

The coats were made in every color under the sun. They were comfortable and chic.

Celeste wanted to bring back the coats but a modernized version of it. She wanted to go back to their roots for this winter collection and bring back the iconic pieces from the 80s.

But right now, she needs to immediately weed out those that will stand in her way.

Everyone stared at Celeste.

Some in awe of her beauty and confident aura. Some gritted their teeth in anger. Some were shaking like a leaf as they saw themselves fall from grace. Some just stared because the others were.

As Celeste expected, Jolene was sitting in her office, in her chair, without a care in the world. She even smiled brightly at Celeste and waved her slender and bony fingers that she used to plunge the dagger into her body multiple times.

Celeste felt chills run down her spine.

" What are you doing here?"

Jolene looked around.

There was no one. Everyone had respectfully retreated to let them fight to the death. And no one could see through the one way glass walls and door. She put away her nice face and pulled out her resting bitch face. She stood up slowly and walked to stand in front of Celeste. She towered over Celeste standing at 1.79 cm.

" You don't deserve to sit in this seat and let me tell you. If it weren't for grandfather, you would be stuck at a crappy job at a corporate as an intern, treated no better than a maid. Now listen to this part very carefully. You better stick to where you are right now. Don't you dare covet what's not yours!"

Celeste stared blankly at her for a while. Then she smiled.

" I'm sorry but I'm afraid I won't be where I am right now forever. And…" Celeste walked away. Jolene watched her walk over to the shelves and pull out a miniature model of Sweeney Industries HQ and said, "...I was meant to do bigger and better things in life. Unlike you who expects everything to be handed to you, I have ambition and the talent to make it there by myself."