
chapter three

Chapter three

I went outside to get a washcloth to clean the mess he made when the secretary saw my troubled face,she asked me what the problem is and I told her she then told me how the boss likes his coffee one cube of sugar and no cream that he hates cream or milk and that he does everything in his power to avoid it. She also told me to sign a five years contract just as she is instructed by the boss and I asked the reason she told me that If really like the job that I should do so I have no other reason if not for me to do as I was told because I really need the money.

I made another coffee just like the secretary instructed and am so determined to do everything within my power to please my boss, so long I will be able to keep this job. I am in my office and I watched him come back and sipped the coffee and he did not spit it or spill it this time that means he likes the coffee. I later decided within my self that I will meet the secretary to get more tips from her in order to be in my boss's good book.

I was packing my things in my bag because we are about to close for the day and when a strange number appears on my phone screen ,I answered wondering if maybe it is my boss or secretary that wanted to remind me of something. I answered and heard the worst news in my life. The person on the phone said that my mom was rushed to the hospital while on her way way home from the office ,she said that she fainted and they tried waking her up but to no avail so they rushed her to the hospital. i asked the person to send me the address so that I can be on my way.

I took a taxi and asked the driver to drive as fast as he can without killing us.to say that I am scared is an understatement!.I am terrified because mom is one of those people who is always healthy and hardly ever gets sick, so to hear that she fainted and she is in the hospital makes me very scared.

I arrived at the hospital and quickly go upstairs to the front desk to find out how my mother is doing "where is my mom ?" I asked the nurse at the front desk ."what is her name? The lady wearing the nurse's uniform asked me

"bridget steve"i said,. "Your mother is on the second floor once u get there walk straight down the hall, the first door in your left is where that you will find her"." Thank you" I said taking the elevator to the second floor. I followed her instructions and found the room with no difficulty.

I walked inside and see mom using an oxygen mask to breathe "oh my God !"what happened? I walked towards my mother's side and noticed that she is awake thank God!"mom what is wrong?I started crying "don't cry my baby "everything is going to be fine. Iam going to be okay, you should not be worried "she says taking off the mask to speak to me. " why won't I cry mom ,when I am seeing you like this", I said holding her hands in mine.

" don't worry everything is going to be fine "she said squeezing my hand. A doctor walks in later and asked me to see him in his office about my mother's condition. I followed him to his office praying that there is nothing seriously wrong with my mother. He asked me to take a seat, but I insisted on standing, the way am feeling now all I want to do is to hear what he has to say and be by my mom's side, but he insists, so I sat down with trembling hands. "Your mother has breast cancer but we can... "he says but I don't want him to finish before I cut him off .

"No No this can't be happening!"

I cried breaking down in tears "miss Steve I need you to be strong Everything is going to be fine" he says trying to comfort me. "Your mother needs all support that she can get so u need to be strong enough for her. "You are right I need to be strong enough for mom"i said wiping away my tears "so what do we do?I asked trying to sound strong "that Is it i like it",he said smiling reassuringly. "Your mother is at the very first stage of cancer luckily we detected it in time .she will need surgery and everything will be fine",

"how much does it cost?,I asked the one question that I have been scared to ask since I found out that mom has a cancer mom and I do not have much money because we have always been depending on her business and her business seriously going down .

"$20,000"he says where am I going to get this huge amount of money, I asked my self "doctor I don't have that kind of money now but I promise you that I will get the money within due time please don't stop my mom's treatment "I said that praying that I will be able to get money for my mom's surgery and treatment. "The only thing that I can do for her now is to put her on drugs" till we when we have to do the surgery. "Thank you so much doctor, I really appreciate. "you are welcome" the doctor said "I will go and see my mother now". "alright bye the doctor said.

I walked back to my mom's room and find her sleeping, I spent the whole weekend in the hospital.she will be discharged

On Monday so after work I will have to come and pick her.

I went to work on Monday and immediately I got there I went straight to my boss's office to give him coffee, but when that I was about to go after giving him the coffee he called me back and gave me 2 boxes filled with files. "I want them to be arranged in alphabetical order and let them be ready before 12:00pm this afternoon ,am I clear? he says in a harsh voice. I widened my eyes when i see the sizes of the boxes before me.there is no way that am going to be done by noon,but I am about to tell him that when he says

"I know that you are going to say that you won't be able to finish before noon, but the truth is that I don't care how you do it" he says coldly and turns around. I know that there is no going back since I have signed the contract,i will have to bear what he does to me. I carried the boxes to my office which is beside his.i feel like quitting, looking at the amount of work that I have to do. If I know that he will make make my life miserable I will just quit. But if I leave I could be hit with a lawsuit and I still have my mom's hospital bills to pay for, and am not ready to risk it. I unpacked the boxes and started arranging the files. At two minutes before noon I am done, but my body feels like it is about to die. I am exhausted.

I am about to go out for lunch when I get a text from liam it says that I should report immediately to his office. I knocked on the door and wait for a response after a second I heard "come in" I walked to see him sitting on his desk. "pick up the files on the coffee table and fax them to all the contacts on it" he says not even bothering to look up from the papers in front of him.

"sir, am about to go out for lunch, when I come back I will do it"i said because there is no way he is taking my launch away from me,"you will not be going for launch!if you haven't

Eaten that is your problem"he says.

I don't know what to say to that so bend down to pick up the files. I feel that someone's gaze is following my movement I am about to turn around to check who,it when I turn around to check who,that is when I realized that it is just liam and me that's in the office, so that means that he is staring at my ass 'oh my God! I quickly straightened up.i turn around and see him looking everywhere but at me and acting like he wasn't staring. I feel my cheeks burn up with heat,and i know they that they will be red as tomatoes i quickly rush out of his office

what have I gotten my self into i thought inwardly.

Hi guys thank you for reading my novels

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I still remain your reliable author Nazy Francis .I love you guys 😍