
chapter four

My boss is a severe pain in the ass ,I wish that my boss could be someone with a heart, not a devil in a human form .

my phone vibrates I look, to check what he wants now ,

but am surprised when I see that it's a text from my bank account saying that $5000 has been transferred into my account by liam I am amazed That he is paying me so well,it's also worth him making my life a living hell while working for him.i look at the time and it is lunch time i am in the elevator on my way to get myself some lunch when I heard my phone ringing.

"hello sir, what can I help you with ","I need you in my office now, "he says loud and clear in my ears while he hangs up before I can say anything. I walked towards his office and knocked on the door when I heard "come in " I step inside and see him doing paperwork.

I need you to go to the address written here and get my suit for tonight and use this credit card to get a suitable evening dress for your self", he says."alright sir,but I don't need your money to get myself something for tonight. I have my own money thank you for the pay check. "I didn't ask if you have your own money I am telling you to use my card so use it.and you are welcome "about the paycheck liam says .

I am about to protest but knowing him it will be a waste of time, so I picked the paper with the address and credit card to be on my way,I am about to enter the shop to pick up Liam's suit when I heard a tone go off on my phone I checked to see only for me to see a message from liam saying that I should not dare be late bringing his suit.

I roll my eyes and walk into the shop ,I collected Liam's suit and walk into the shop, I collected Liam's suit and walk to another shop in the mall to start my search for the perfect dress for tonight. I hope and pray that he would like what ever I get. I have been to so many shops looking for the perfect dress I almost give up when I finally found one for tonight. I forgot to ask liam what event it is, I will ask him when I get back to the office to drop off his suit. I am back to the office to give liam his suit, I get on the elevator and walk to his office. I knocked on his door and waited for a response but I didn't got one.

After knocking and waiting for an answer for a few minutes I decided to walk in and check if every thing is alright . as the secretary downstairs did not say that he went out for lunch. I stepped inside to see no one at his desk. I decided to hang the suit up thinking that maybe he went to the rest room. "You're given the rest of the day to get ready for the night",he says when I was about to turn the door knob to walk about, I got a fright when I heard his voice out of the blues, but realized that It is coming from the door of his private room "alright thank you sir "I said walking out.

I forgot to ask him what the event is,so I send a text asking him.he texts back saying that the event is a charity event and he will be picking me up by 8:00pm from my house. after I get home I showered and applied my makeup and got dressed before 7:56pm am so happy and am ready before he got here .I am wearing a black off-shoulder gown which hugs me around the hips and flows down, my makeup is modest with red lipstick. The door bell rings, which means that he is here and that's my cue to leave. "Bye mom, I'm going make sure to take your pills before you go to bed, I love you I said to mama before walking out through the door.

"Bye dear,have a great time", she says from the kitchen as walk out the door ."bye dear, I have a great time, "she says from the kitchen as I walk out. I walked out to see liam leaning on his car wearing an Armani suit that fits his body nicely, 'boy,does he look sexy.i walk over to him "so can we go" .he opens the door for me .

"thank you "I say while getting into the car he goes around and gets into the car. "are you ready "he says putting on his seat belt while smiling at me.l wonder why he is smiling at me, I smiled back so as not to seem rude."yes"i say with a smile on my face. We arrived after thirty minutes of driving. I see a vast beautiful hotel with lightsail around it and a big sign which SAYS"JASPINO "which means that he owns the hotel 'wow'"you own the hotel?",I ask with my brows raised "yes"he says with a sexy smirk on his face ."but I never knew you had a hotel I have not seen any file which says you do ."there are so many things you don't know about me, Becky". I walk into the hotel to see a very elegant foyer. we entered a hall full of people.

everyone here looks rich in their beautiful dresses and suits, you can tell that they were not brought from a high street store. We are walking to our seats when liam says "you look beautiful "while sliding his hand around my waist shocking me to the born.i turn to see the devil with a beautiful and genuine smile on his handsome face. I smiled and truly to hide my face so that he won't see that my cheeks turning red and realize how he effects me .I am about to sit down when a man who looks to be around the same age as liam comes up to us and hugs liam like they have known each other for a long time. "Who is this beautiful lady we have here liam" the man says.

she is my date tonight "liam says.

I am dumbfounded by his response I thought that he is going to say that am his personal assistant, but his sounds better. "I am Charles this fools best friend "he brings his hands out for me shake

"I am Becky ,"I smiled accepting his hand shake smiling. "I wish you a pleasant time tonight "Charles says smiling back at me. after saying something to liam he lives. Liam explains to me that it's a dance competition. the men are going to auction their date and dance with her to raise money for a children's hospital. I hope that u are ready because we are going to dance", he says with a devilish smile on his face. "No no no I can't do that,.I am too shy and I might fall off the stage or worse faint while dancing ".l said while shaking my head. "It's too late for that because I already added your name to the list of the women that will be auctioned tonight ".

"please remove my name I don't want to dance", i said pleading

"It's too late you should don't worry everything will be fine "I keep trying to let liam remove my name but it is of no use,so I gave up and try to think of anything but the fact that am likely going to make a big fool of myself in front of a lot of people, I think about how I got my first paycheck today which means that I can pay part of my mom's treatment.the doctor can start giving her better treatment because the one she's getting is not really great. This her surgery must be done before it gets to the third stage.

"Becky "I am brought back from my thoughts when I heard my name called over the speaker. "You need to be on the stage so that the auction can start, the man on the stage says. "Oh,alright I said walking up the stage with various thoughts running through my head. Like, what if no one bids_ for me? That will be the most embarrassing thing in my life. What if he even auctions me for a good price but I spoil everything by falling or doing something else that is embarrassing?'he will kill me, I think. I am standing with the other ladies who look beautiful in their various evening dresses.

The auction is starting, so far three ladies have been bought for good prices leaving four more with me on the stage it's my turn I feel like I am going to faint right on the spot. My auction started with $5000.then I heard the auctioneer say $7000,$8000,$9000 in quick succession.out of no where I heard $20,000! I look up and met those beautiful hazel green eyes that always leave me breath less .LIAM!he comes up and takes my hands in his "shall we "liam says but am shocked to reply so I nod my head because I never imagined him paying so much money for me.but if you think about me it's not for me but the children. So I better stop fooling myself thinking that am worth so much. I better try my best to dance and not make a complete fool of myself while doing it .

We started dancing my body feels perfectly with his and some how it feels right his hands around my waist make me feel safe. Something I never felt except with my mom.we dance for about six minutes before the music dies down and we returned back to our seats.

He says bye to his various friends before we leave. We are on our way to drop me home when I speak to ease the tension in the car,"thank you for the dance I had fun tonight "I said. "You are welcome but just to let you know that i did what I did for the children nothing more, the only reason I brought you and called you my date is because I had no other option. I have to come with a date and my sister who always comes with me is busy so don't start getting any idea because nothing has changed between us". I am not surprised that he said such words to me.i thought that he was becoming a better person. But "boy!am wrong he is still the devil personified.

we arrived at my house I am about to step out when he speaks "don't come to the office tomorrow be ready by 10 am am coming to get you to go to the airport we are going to Sicily tomorrow for a business trip, we will be there for one one week so take enough clothes that will last for that long" He says.

"Alright sir " I said and got out of the car. I walked inside straight to my mom's room to make sure that she is asleep before going to bed. I opened and see my mother sleeping soundly. Because if I don't pack tonight, I know that I will not pick the right clothes for my unexpected trip tomorrow. Once am done packing clothes I kept my suit case aside and choose a big bag for my laptop and other necessary things I might need for the trip before I went to bed I set the alarm to wake up on time to get ready. I also set up an appointment to discuss how soon my mom's surgery can be when I get back from Sicily.

Hey guys thank you for reading my novels so far you can at least chat me up via WhatsApp +2348101427030 to get notified once I post "A love so beautiful " thank you guys once again .

I still remain your reliable another nazy Francis I love you all 😍.