
A Lifetime With You

While attending his brother's funeral, Neil Mo noticed the little girl, sitting quietly alone with both hands hugging her knees tightly. The little girl had only lost both her parents. But in a room was full of people, no one seemed to pay attention to her. --- "Grandma, I don't want to live away from my daddy and mommy... I know that I won't get to see them again... What if I miss them?" her words were a bit incoherent as she forced back her sobs. Seeing the little girl, he felt something tugged on his heart. "Hazel," Neil spoke after a while. "If you don't want to live in the countryside with grandma, then would you like to live with me?" --- After losing his younger brother in an accident, the President of the MH group, Neil Mo, decided to look after his five years old niece. Who knew that looking after a child could be difficult than securing a business deal! Noticing that his niece was particularly close to her kindergarten teacher, Neil then offered her a job as a babysitter. "But, President Mo, what do you mean by living together?" --- Cover illustration: Kirinlukis --- Author Note: This story is written to participate in WPC, with 'single parent' as the theme. The story is slow-paced at the beginning, but if you read carefully, there will be hints on what will happen after. The middle part will get a bit fluffier, and there's going to be some action as well. Shared universe with: 1. Loving You Too Much 2. True Love and Other Lies 3. You're My Only Star 4. The Dragon Beside Me 5. Love So Sweet 6. Commander Qi's Runaway Wife 7. The Wedding Planner's Romance

zetsubouaichan · Urban
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434 Chs

Fallen for President Mo's Beauty

Edith entered the restroom and splashed some water onto her face. The cold water seemed to wake her up of her trance and Edith raised her head to look at her reflection in the mirror.

At this time, she did not know what was happening to her.

Ever since that close contact with Neil, Edith had thought that she was feeling weird all over. Whenever she looked at him, her heart will thump out loud. It felt as if her stomach somersaulted and her blood rushed up to her brain, making her head feel dizzy.

She had been living with that man for a few weeks but this was the first time that she was feeling this way.

"Edith Qian, what is wrong with you?" She whispered to the reflection and cursed. "Don't tell me that you have actually fallen for President Mo's beauty? It couldn't be, right?"


A deep frown appeared on her face at the slight pain on both cheeks. Edith looked back at her reflection as she cupped both hands on her cheek. "Edith, wake up. Don't be like this," she continued to whisper to herself. "You will only live with him to accompany Hazel for less than a month. You cannot harbor any feelings towards him, do you understand?"

Edith took a few deep breaths to calm down. "You better sort out your thoughts right now. Just treat him like an iceblock. You can do this."

After meditating and encouraging herself for a few minutes longer, Edith finally left the restroom and went over to help her colleagues to clean up the area.

The sky has turned orange when everything has been cleaned up.

Edith walked out of the school area after she had changed her clothes and touched up her face. She took out her phone to give Neil a call, but just as she was about to press the call button, someone walked over to her and blocked the light. Edith tilted her head up and saw that it was the driver, Uncle Tang.

"Teacher Qian... President Mo and Little Miss are waiting for you in the car," Uncle Tang's tone was very soft and polite. He gestured towards the vehicle parked on the other side of the road.

"Thank you, Uncle Tang." Edith glanced at the vehicle and a surprised look flashed on her face as a thought came to her mind. "Have they been waiting for me all these while?"

Uncle Tang smiled. "Little Miss Hazel insisted that we wait for you. She was afraid that you would change your mind if we went back first."

Edith let out a helpless sigh as she thought of the little girl. After adjusting her bag straps on her shoulder, Uncle Tang helped her with the door. Her movement suddenly halted when she caught Neil and Hazel sitting in the passenger's seat.

She had just spent her time to calm down and talk some sense into herself. Meeting his gaze again throw her off her guard.

"Teacher Qian, please, get in."Uncle Tang urged, snapping her out of her trance.

"Oh," Edith nodded before she climbed into the seat and quickly calm down.

"Teacher Qian, you're here," Hazel greeted her happily.

Edith flashed a smile to the little girl as Uncle Tang started the car and drive away. "Why did you wait for me? It took me a long time to finish my job. You should go back and rest at home. Aren't you tired?"

Hazel shook her head. "Not tired. I didn't wait for a long time. I took a nap and read some books."

A slight frown appeared on her face as Edith thought that Hazel had taken her nap in the vehicle to wait for her.

"Besides," Hazel went closer to her teacher and whispered, "I was afraid that my uncle would change his mind. What if he busied himself with work and then forgot about having dinner with us."

Edith giggled at her words. If only President Mo heard her words, wouldn't he be distressed?

Hazel was such a cutie pie and she could not help but pamper her.

With that thought, Edith caressed Hazel's soft cheek and pulled the little girl into her embrace.

Meanwhile, Neil continued to look at the tablet's screen while he was observing the two girls with the corner of his eyes. It was not too long ago when Hazel had taken her nap with her head on his laps. But once her teacher showed up, this niece seemed to have forgotten about his existence!

Uncle Tang pulled the car over as soon as they reached the destination and Edith looked at the building in front of her speechlessly. The three of them walked out of the car and entered the fast-food joint.

The three of them picked a seat and Edith stood up to head over to the counter to queue and order. However, just before she could take a step, Neil had stopped her.

"You stay. I'll go," Neil said. "Teacher Qian, what do you want to eat?"

"Uh," Edith glanced at the menu. "The regular set is alright."

"Uncle, don't forget my chicken wings, alright?" Hazel reminded him before he left for the counter.

Edith followed after Neil with her gaze. Seeing that he was queuing up to get some fast food surprised him. His appearance in his expensive suit and tie was too striking in the fast-food joint. Heads turned to stare at him and a few girls looked at him as if dumbstruck.

Snapping out of her trance, Edith shifted her gaze to Hazel and caught that the little girl was staring at her. Her cheek turned a shade of pink at the thought that Hazel had caught her staring at her uncle.

Her mind whirled to divert the little girl's mind away. "Hazel, do you like chicken wings?" As she was living with Hazel and had volunteered to prepare their dinner, it would be good to learn a little bit about her preferences.

"Hmm," Hazel lowered her head and Edith caught the air of melancholy around her. "Mama said eating too much fast food is not that good. I am only allowed to eat them on special days." She lifted her head and forced a smile. "Because we are celebrating, I am allowed to eat them today."

Her expression softened upon hearing the little girl's words. Anyone would able to see how much Hazel was missing her parents at this time. She patted at the little girl's hair and found herself unable to say a thing to comfort her.

Hazel quickly jumped back to her usual cheerful self when she saw her uncle heading over with a tray in his hand.

Seeing the way that man was balancing the tray with a frown on his face made her chuckle. Apparently, the staff had put everything on one tray and Neil had to carry a lot of stuff in one go.

This scene was too... rare.

Once he reached their table, the girls who had been staring at Neil quickly looked away with a disappointed look on their face.

They had thought that it was strange for a good looking man like him to appear at the fast-food joint. It turned out that he had come with his family!

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