
1 chapter 1 back to school

Hello my name is oliva and my younger brother is name oliver

This is my life of being an older sister .

It was the year 2013 I am only 12 and my little brother is 8

He follows me everywhere and I mean literally almost every were

Unless he's coloring or mom had tooken him to the store to buy toys .

But me and Oliver had to share the same room his toys were everywere on his side and my side was clean but I help him clean when he's out with mom to get food,groceries, presents,things either that he's out of the room.

This early morning , 2013 August,13, I was awake at around 5:28

I had to get ready for school , I thought to my self , oh my God I'm gonna have a good day tommorow since I was turning 13 tommorow, my brother's birthday is on July 20th ,

As I got up to get ready for school I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair , I put on a Baggy pants and a white t-shirt and then did eye liner I could not move my eye if I did it would mess it up as I was finished getting ready , I woke oliver up it was 6:40,

He got dressed and mom called us out for breakfast

As we walked out ate breakfast I helped oliver put his shoes on as I tied his shoes I put my shoes on tied them and mom heated up the car she said" you guys could get in the car now

Me and oliver got in the car and we headed to school ,

Me and oliver go to this school that goes all the way to high school ,

As we were dropped off by the school gate I walked oliver to class

Then saw that my friend Noah was waiting for me , me and him had the same classes together ,

As we walked to class Noah said " so how have you been ?

I replied " great what about you , you look a bit happier then ever "

Noah replied" well I'm starting to like this girl named Maxine.

I replied" Ooooooooo some ones got a crush

Can I meet her ?

Noah replied" well she lives somewhere else and I meant her online "..


'I was really scared for him"

Noah replied" I'm sure she is not don't worry ill be fine "

As we walked into class sat down and grabbed a note book and a pencil and began our lesson "

"I couldn't help but worry about noah'

As we finished class

We went to chill out side

I say oliver and he ran towards me saying " Livia the teacher said I'm doing a great job in class and gave me a lollipop but I wanna give it to you he handed me the lollipop I replied thankyou Lil bro

Oliver replied " your welcome sis and do you know if mom is picking us up or do we have to walk ?

I replied we might have to walk but we can stop for Mc Donald's

On the way ? How does that sound?

oliver replied " YAAaaAah

I replied " well then we will go .