
A Letter From The Little Devil

In the world of human thoughts, there are the bad thoughts and the good thoughts. The little devil was a famous girl in the world of bad thoughts. Throughout her journey, she experienced sadness, doubts and love.

xxuanzs · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The strong and the weak

There are also the strong and the weak in the world of thoughts.

In the world of thoughts, people with bad thoughts and good thoughts are like gods, and they don't need to eat or sleep. However, due to their long-term relationship with humans, their way of life is also similar to that of humans.

The strong can have greater power to copy more human objects, such as precious clothes and houses. The little devil, XiaoHuo and XiaoCi are all the stronger ones in the world of bad thoughts. Together, they used their own abilities to replicate a particularly large villa. These powerful people make other people envy and admire.

The weak are the ones who are looked down upon in the world of thought. They are often bullied and ridiculed by those with more general abilities for their lack of strength, and for always losing to good thoughts and losing the face of bad thoughts.

In the world of bad thoughts, there is a weak person named Xiao Bei.

One day, Xiao Bei was bullied by a group of people as usual. "Loser! It's really embarrassing for us to have you in our world!" "In a year, you have hardly won a debate!" "What, or did you deliberately let the group of people in the world of good thoughts win? " "He lost again?" "It seems that the weak are always the weak. "Some people just scolded him like this, while others spat on him.

At this time, XiaoCi came to XiaoBei side. The group of people who saw XiaoCi knew that they were not XiaoCi opponents also dispersed one after another. XiaoBei looked up at XiaoCi. He was a little bit embarrassed to let others see his situation, but he still smiled at XiaoCi. XiaoCi squatted down and looked at XiaoBei and said, "Only people like you can laugh at this moment. "After that, XiaoCi stood up and said solemnly, "Stand up." XiaoBei also obediently listened to XiaoCi's words.

After that, XiaoCi took XiaoBei to a shopping mall in the human world and asked XiaoBei to pick a good-looking dress for himself. XiaoBei said quickly, "No, no, no, I don't have the ability to copy such precious clothes. "XiaoCi was a little bit impatient, so he directly helped XiaoBei choose one and copied out the clothes for him to put on. XiaoBei was very surprised when he saw XiaoCi's ability. "Wow. . . It's amazing! "XiaoBei, who changed into new clothes and pants, looked radiant and very energetic. XiaoCi said, "Look in the mirror and see if you like it. "XiaoBei came to a mirror, but that mirror was a mirror of the human world, and it couldn't show XiaoBei. XiaoCi moved the mirror manually, and XiaoBei suddenly saw himself in the mirror. He was amazed again. He looked at himself in the mirror and felt so energetic for the first time. XiaoCi looked at XiaoBei, and from the bottom of his heart he thought that XiaoBei's new look was very good-looking.

After a while, XiaoCi took XiaoBei to the mission paradise. Mission paradise is a place for people in the world of thought to complete tasks. In the mission paradise, people in the thinking world can understand the situation of different humans and then choose which task to take.

"Choose one." XiaoBei replied"Huh? I just finished a task. Moreover, it failed!. . . " XiaoCi said impatiently again, "I said choose one." XiaoBei read several tasks, and finally chose one.

Liu Zheyu, 35 years old, an ordinary worker. Lin Kexin, 30 years old, an ordinary worker. Liu Zheyu and Lin Kexin have been married for 4 years and have no children. Lin Kexin leaves work early every day, so she will take care of the house first, do the housework, cook dinner and wait for her husband to go home. Four years have passed. There are many times when the husband come home late and don't have much time to accompany his wive. Sometimes he misses dinner. Lin Kexin felt sorry for her husband, but she also felt that she was also very tired from living such a life. In the past two years, she has often lost her temper and made a mess of her family. She just hopes to get more care from Liu Zheyu. Liu Zheyu tried his best to take time to accompany his wife during the early stage. But in these two years, the wife still often quarreled with her husband. This seriously affected Liu Zheyu's work and mind. To him, what he tried to do was like an ant, and it would never be enough in the eyes of his wife. He can't stand it anymore. He wants to leave, leave this home. Leave this place that scarred him.

Liu Zheyu: I have had enough! I work so hard, isn't it just for this family? Why can't you be considerate of me?

Lin Kexin: Have you ever thought about me? Think about how I feel? Stop talking. Are you leaving? Let's go! We will divorce if you leave!

At this time, Liu Zheyu's two thoughts appeared. The bad thoughts is XiaoBei, and Xiaoci is next to him. Good thoughts are represented by a person named Tong Tong.

XiaoCi told XiaoBei: You must be persuasive when you speak. Be firm and strong. Take a stand and don't stop persuading. Be confident and don't give up.

XiaoBei looked at Tong Tong nervously.

Tongtong: You can't go. After you leave, everything you have now will turn into nothingness. Is this really what you want?

XiaoBei: Go. I know you still love her very much. But this love has hurt you. Let's go.

Tongtong: Look at your home again. This is your home. She is your wife. It's your wife who you got down on one knee and got it back. This is the home you once wanted. Don't give it up so easily.

XiaoBei: Yes, this is your home. . . She is your wife. . . However, you must be very sad, tired, and desperate now. When you leave, she will be very sad and sad, but maybe, I mean maybe, you will finally get a little relief? (XiaoBei's voice is getting softer)

XiaoCi said to XiaoBei in a puzzled manner: My friend, are you here to persuade? Speak up! Be firm!

Tongtong: She needs you. You need her too. stay. Stay and you will solve it together. She is your favorite person. She will do this because she loves you. She is actually very tired. As long as the two of you spend time together, this family will definitely be happier and happier.

Liu Zheyu had already begun to change his mind a little. XiaoBei also nodded silently at this moment.

XiaoCi scolded XiaoBei and said disappointedly: What are you nodding at! Do you show your empathy here? Speak!

XiaoBei : I. . . Oh you. . . You may regret it when you leave, you will miss it, and your wife may also be very sad. But that kind of pain may be much simpler than the current pain. maybe. . . maybe. . .

Tongtong: At least try again. It will hurt if you leave or not. Why don't you just stay and try to get rid of the current pain with your loved one? Look at Kexin, you obviously love each other so much and love each other so much.

Liu Zheyu looked at Kexin, as if thinking about something. XiaoBei also looked at Kexin.

XiaoBei : Both of them are so painful. . . But so in love. . . It may be a relief to be so painful because of being so in love.

Xiaoci: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. . . What conscience are you talking about?

Liu Zheyu had already put down his luggage at this time and sat down in front of his wife. XiaoCi was in a hurry at this time, and he couldn't help but help XiaoBei . He took XiaoBei's hand, as if he was in the same body as him. In this way, Liu Zheyu could also hear XiaoCi's persuasion.

Thorn: No, no, no! Do you think you can really solve things by staying? If it was so easy, you would have solved it two years ago, why wait until this point when both of you are so tired? You have already taken out the suitcase. Are you acting when you take it out? Acting to your wife? You are leaving this home, leave to calm yourself down and let yourself relax!

In the end, Liu Zheyu took Lin Kexin's hand and said affectionately, "Wife. Let's calm down. I'm not leaving. No divorce. Let's solve this problem together. "

Tong Tong won.

XiaoBei at this time felt a little guilty. After all, there was a strong man by his side to help him, but he still messed up. He didn't dare to look directly at XiaoCi, but smiled embarrassedly, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I tried my best." Then he disappeared out of thin air. XiaoCi sighed, seeming a little angry. Tong Tong said, "Ugh. . . He does this every time. "XiaoBei came to the sky full of stars. The sky full of stars is a natural attraction in the world of thoughts. XiaoCi also came to the sky full of stars.

When XiaoBei saw XiaoCi, he smiled and said, "The strong are the strong. You can even find people wherever they are. Amazing. "

XiaoCi sat down next to XiaoBei and said, "Do you come here every time you fail?"

XiaoBei said, "That's right. I can only come here. Unlike you, you have the ability to create your own scenery, and you can see all the scenery you want."

XiaoCi said, "That's right. I look at you like this, maybe you won't be able to even create your own scenery for the rest of your life. "

XiaoBei looked at XiaoCi and said, "Why are you so sarcastic?"

XiaoCi replied, "My name is XiaoCi for a reason. My name literally means thorn."

XiaoBei said, "Why not XiaoBuCi. Without thorns sound better." Both of them laughed.

XiaoCi asked, "Then why are you called XiaoBei? Although it means sadness, but I see that you are still so happy after failing all day. "

XiaoBei said, "Yes, I am actually a very optimistic person. I just don't know why, when I persuade others, I become very pessimistic. So everyone calls me XiaoBei. "

XiaoCi replied, "How sad. "

XiaoBei said, "Hey. Don't be sarcastic."

XiaoCi said, "Goodbye. "

After that, XiaoCi returned to the home of him and Xiaohuo and little Devil. It was quite late at that time, and both the little devil and Xiaohuo looked at XiaoCi with suspicious eyes. XiaoCi sat in the middle of the sofa, Xiaohuo and the little devil each on one side.

The little devil said, "Brother, why are you going home so late today?" "

Xiaohuo said, "That's right. You usually go home very early. "

The little devil said, "Isn't it. . . "

Xiaohuo said, "Could it be. . . "

The little devil said, "My brother has. . . "

XiaoCi looked at them impatiently. Then he told the two of them about Xiaoxiong's situation.

The little devil exclaimed, "What? Why are they so mean?"

Xiaohuo said, "Oh, this situation is not a matter of a day or two. "

The little devil said, "Brother, then we should help him! "

XiaoCi replied, "I helped. "

The little devil exclaimed again, "You sure you helped? ! "

Xiaohuo said, "That's right... Tutored a sentence. . . Scolded several times. . . "

XiaoCi said, "I. . . . . "

The next day, XiaoCi came to Mission Paradise again. Coincidentally, XiaoBei is also in the mission Paradise. XiaoCi was also a little puzzled when he saw XiaoBei. XiaoBei asked, "You are. . . here to find me? "XiaoCi didn't care about XiaoBei's question. He looked at the task in front of him and said, "Why, didn't you just finished a task and failed and now you want to take another one?" XiaoBei replied, "I just..." . . "XiaoCi interrupted, "A little ashamed that you failed yesterday? Looking for a simpler task? "XiaoBei said, "I don't know why, I just always screw it up. You also saw it that day, and I can just feel the sadness of Liu Zheyu's departure. I looked at Lin Kexin and I could feel her pain too. I tried to change it, but I just. . . I am still like this. "XiaoCi replied, "Have you ever thought about it, in fact, this is not your fault. This is your advantage instead. It's just that you can't use it. You have more empathy and sympathy. You can see the sad side of things. Just like the tasks of Liu Zheyu and Lin Kexin. In fact, what you said is not wrong, but you should use his sadness to inspire him. You should tell him that I know she is the one you love and this is your home, that's why you hesitate so much, so you have been trying to get it back. But today you have reached this point, which proves that everything you have done before is in vain, and what you have endured for the past two years has not come to fruition. Perhaps, letting go is also a kind of love. "XiaoBei continued, "It will hurt and you might regret, but at least it will not become a vicious circle. At least you know that you finally don't have to worry about it. You need to learn to protect yourself. "XiaoCi replied, "Yes!" Xiao Bei, learn to use your own strengths instead of thinking about how to change yourself. You have a way to let the parties see their inferiority and sorrow, and enhance the parties' self-protection and resentment. Use the client's feelings to talk to him, maybe you should try it. "

Xiao Bei took on a new task again.

Luo Kaijie, 25 years old, just graduated from university. Wang Junlin, 25 years old, just graduated from university. Luo Kaijie and Wang Junlin are a gay couple. The two have been dating since they were in college and love each other very much. Luo Kaijie's family is very conservative. They do not approve of homosexuality and do not understand their son's behavior. They can't accept that their son likes a boy. Luo Kaijie had a big fight with his parents. The people in the family said a lot of unpleasant things, scolded him, and also scolded his other half.

Mom: How could you do such a thing?

Dad: You unfilial son! How did your mother and I teach you? Did we teach you to do such a thing? !

Luo Kaijie: Dad. Mom. There is nothing wrong with this. We just fell in love. What's wrong?

Mom: What's wrong? It's wrong for a man to be with a man! What does your mother tell other people like this? Say my son likes a man?

Luo Kaijie: Why are men and men wrong? Why can't you say it? Like ordinary couples, we do ordinary things and live ordinary lives. Why can't you just understand me?

Dad: Love? Do you know what love is? I feel sick when I see this kind of love. It's just disguting.

Luo Kaijie: Dad! Disgusting? When I had a fever but still had to rush to work, he was the one who stayed with me all the time. I was catching up with homework at school at night, and he ran to buy antipyretics for me to eat. I am not a lucky kid and don't have many friends. But when I'm sad, when I'm sad, I can put my head on his shoulder, and I can have a warm hug. In front of him, I will be shy and my heart will beat faster. I am very happy to have him in my life.

Having said that, Dad slapped Luo Kaijie directly.

Luo Kaijie packed up his bag and decided to live with Wang Junlin in a foreign country. The two sat in the airport and made the final decision.

Wang Junlin: Are you sure you want to do this? If you leave, you may not be able to come back.

Luo Kaijie: Let me think about it.

At this time, Luo Kaijie's two thoughts appeared. The bad thoughts are XiaoBei and Xiaoci. Bad thoughts and good thoughts greeted each other.

XiaoCi : Remember, make good use of your strengths.

XiaoBei was very nervous, he took a deep breath and said: Go. Take the one you love and leave. You are not wrong, there is nothing wrong with such love.

Good thoughts: You love him, but you shouldn't just walk away because of a momentary anger. He is your parents. They love you too. Let them understand you and accept you, not escape reality.

XiaoBei: Yes. . . They are your parents after all. . . Your parents love you. You are not willing to leave them behind.

XiaoCi : Go on. Persuade him.

XiaoBei: You shouldn't leave your parents behind. Maybe if you leave, you will leave a lifetime of shame and regret. But now, they have broken your heart. Hurt your love. You should be in pain now, because you really love him. You love him very much.

Good thoughts: love requires understanding. You should give your parents a little more time. If you really leave, there will always be a rift in the relationship between you and your parents. If you stay and give them more time to see the growth between you and him, maybe it won't be that harmful.

XiaoBei: : Yes, this is called escape. But this is what you need now. You are already too tired. You left a lot of tears, you begged too many times. But you are never wrong. You just need a relaxation. You just want to go to a place that can accept you and your partner. Follow your heart, I hope you can be happy.

At this time, Luo Kaijie shed tears. XiaoBei also cried.

Luo Kaijie shook Wang Junlin's hand tightly and said, "Let's go. I want to go to a place that can accommodate us. "The two smiled and looked at each other affectionately. Their eyes revealed fear and worry, but they also had expectations and the future.

XiaoBei didn't know how to react. This is the first time he has won a debate. He hugged XiaoCi while crying and said, "I finally did it! It's so nice to have you! "The corners of XiaoCi's mouth rose slightly, and there was a trace of pride on his face. He patted XiaoBei on the back and said, "Don't be happy too early. Luo Kaijie may really just want to fly away with Wang Junlin. " XiaoBei touched his ear and said, "Ouch, It hurts." Both of them laughed.

After that, XiaoCi took XiaoBei home and introduced Xiaohuo and the little devil to him.

The little devil said happily, "Hello, Brother XiaoBei! "

Xiaohuo also said, "We have been waiting for you for a long time. I prepared a hot pot tonight, it is delicious. "

XiaoCi said, "Welcome home. "