
A Letter From The Little Devil

In the world of human thoughts, there are the bad thoughts and the good thoughts. The little devil was a famous girl in the world of bad thoughts. Throughout her journey, she experienced sadness, doubts and love.

xxuanzs · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The meaning of existence

Chen Jiale, 18 years old, a student. She is not a very smart child, but she has been studying hard. She put too much pressure on herself and had too high expectations of herself, and as a result, she suffered from psychological illness. She started self-harming a year ago and cut her wrist. This is her only way of relief. Now, she is exhausted physically and mentally, and her inner shell has been broken. She wants to end it all. She wants to understand her life. She stood on the balcony, looking at the view downstairs. She really wanted to jump. At this time, her two thoughts appeared. Bad thoughts are represented by the little devil, and good thoughts by a person named Junjun.

"Hello, my name is little devil. "

"Hello, this is Junjun. "

Junjun: Don't jump. Think of those who love you. Think about your mom and Dad. Give yourself a chance. live.

Little devil: Jump down! Look at yourself, look at the scars on your hands! Are you still you?

Junjun: Take a step back first. Don't have this idea yet. You have worked very hard. enough. Tell Mom and Dad. Find someone to say it. Maybe you can be happier when you say it. You still have most of your future, don't just give up like this. Don't give up, okay?

Little devil: Ask yourself, can you see the future? Do you have expectations for the future? What's the point of living? You are a person who wants to be strong, but you don't have the heart to be one. Will you really be happy to be alive?

Chen Jiale put her hand on the railing.

Junjun: If you jumped, it's your parents who are in pain. This is called selfishness! You don't suffer anymore, not because the pain is not there, but because you transfer the pain to others. Do not do this.

Chen Jiale was in so much pain, she broke down crying.

Little devil: Look at her! Look at that downcast you! What did you see? You saw an empty shell! A waste who works hard every day without knowing why!

Chen Jiale suddenly yelled at this moment and climbed directly over the railing, but she hadn't let go of her hands yet.

Junjun: No!

Little devil: Jump!

Chen Jiale let go of her hands and jumped directly from the 17th floor. Junjun and the little devil did not expect this debate to end so soon.

The little devil won again.

She came home with a cup of milk tea in her hand.

Xiaohuo: "It looks like our little devil has succeeded again. "

XiaoBei: "Sister, you are so amazing. "

XiaoCi: "She is much better than you. "

Xiaohuo: "Hey, stop being rude to XiaoBei."

The little devil smiled. After that, XiaoCi and XiaoBei all went out one after another, and only Xiao Huo and Little Devil were left in the house. Xiaohuo sensed that something was wrong with the little devil.

Xiaohuo: "What's wrong with you? "

Little devil: "Brother, why do we exist? "

Xiaohuo: "Why did you suddenly ask this question? "

Little devil: "That's it. . . I took a task. She is about the same age as me, but she looks sad. Then she jumped down. "

Xiaohuo: "So you think you killed her? "

Little devil: "I don't know. That is, it feels like I am always the bad guy. It feels like I am really the devil in the heart of mankind. Maybe if it weren't for me, she wouldn't jump. When I saw her die, I was actually a little sad. "

Xiaohuo: "Little devil. It's not your fault. This is her life. You are not the real devil, and neither are we. Let's go, I'll show you something. "

After that, Xiaohuo took the little devil to a place similar to a lake. This place is called Mirror Pool. The water in the mirror pool can form a picture, allowing them to look back at the tasks others have done before.

The little devil sighed, "Wow. . . I still don't know that there is such a place in the thinking world. . . "

Xiaohuo: "There are still many things in the thinking world that you and I don't know. "

Xiaohuo waved his hand and formed a picture with the water in the pool. In the picture, a pregnant woman is lying in a hospital bed and is undergoing rescue.

The little devil asked, "What happened? "

Xiaohuo replied, "This pregnant woman has dystocia. The doctor said that only one could be saved. "

The little devil asked, "So what? "

Xiaohuo replied, "You can see for yourself. "

Wife: Husband, save the child. Please, save the child. Save our children.

Husband: Doctor. Save the child. My wife wants to save the child. Listen to her.

The husband looked at his wife. The wife looked very painful. He is also very uncomfortable. At that second, two thoughts appeared.

Bad thoughts: save your wife. Give up your child.

Good thoughts: You have no right to deprive an unborn life!

Bad thoughts: But she is your wife. . .

The husband finally obeyed the persuasion of good thoughts. The child survived successfully. The wife passed away. After that, the husband was sad for a long time.

Little devil: "Then what? "

Xiaohuo replied, "He pulled himself together afterwards. Because he is the father of a child after all. But then he was also misunderstood and criticized by many people. Said he didn't love his wife and had no feelings. "

Little devil: "But it's not his fault either. "

Xiaohuo: "Yes. Little devil, I show you this today because I want you to know that we are not demons. In this task, who do you think is right and who is wrong? You do not know. Because whether it is a bad thought or a good thought, we just think about it from a different perspective. In the end, the devil comes from the heart. "

Little devil: "I seem to understand a little bit. Are there any more interesting stories here? I want to see. "

Xiaohuo waved his hand again, and a new picture appeared. There is a sacred beast and its own owner in the picture.

The little devil's eyes lit up and he said, "This is. . . "

Xiaohuo replied, "The beast. "

Little devil: "Does the beast really exist? "

Xiaohuo: "I don't know either. This mirror pool records history. So I think the past should exist. "

The beast looked weak. The master also looked very weak.

Little devil: "What's wrong with them? "

Xiaohuo: "At that time, they experienced a battle. The entire village was destroyed. They are the only survivors. It's just that both the beast and the owner were seriously injured. There is also no natural water or food at where they are located. They are almost starving to death. "

Little devil: "Go to another village and ask? "

Xiaohuo shook his head and sighed. He said, "Actually that's a way. It's just that the master was afraid that he had exhausted his only remaining strength when he went to another village. "

At this time, four thinkers appeared.

The little devil was stunned. She asked "Animals. . . Do they also have thoughts? "

Xiaohuo replied, "Animals with human consciousness have thoughts. If you mean ordinary animals, then there may not be. But this divine beast, its thinking ability is very similar to that of humans. So it also has thoughts. "

Little devil: "It's amazing. "

In the picture:

(Divine beast)

Bad thoughts: eat him. You are so hungry. You need to survive. Only by eating him will you have the strength.

Good thoughts: He is your master. You have followed him since you were a child. Are you willing? Are you going to eat the person who raised you?

At this time, the beast was really hungry. It has been holding back.

Bad thoughts: This is cruel, but this is your only way to survive. If you don't eat him, he will eat you too.

Good thoughts: How are you sure he will eat you? If you eat him, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Think about the feelings between you.

The beast was in pain, it yelled, then closed its eyes, leaving a tear.

In his mind, the beast remembered the time he spent with his master when he was a child. It is playing with its owner. The owner was still young at that time, and he liked to ride it and chase it, and it would cooperate with him. For more than 30 years, it has never left its owner. It will go wherever the master goes. The owner will bandage the wound for it, find the food it likes to eat and take it to the mountains to play. It will also cover the host from the rain, let the host lie on the body to rest, and help the host build a house. When the beast thought of this, he smiled slightly.


Bad thoughts: eat it! It is just an animal. Eat it and you will have the strength to survive.

Good thoughts: it is your pet. Just like a loved one. You can't be so selfish.

Bad thoughts: it is an animal! If you don't eat it now, you will be the one who will be eaten! Don't think about it anymore. . . This is the only way to make sure you are alive now.

At this time, the master was holding a knife in his hand. He slowly walked towards the beast. The eyes of the beast were still closed, and it was still thinking about the bits and pieces when it was with its owner.

Suddenly, the beast felt a tingling. It screamed, thinking that the enemy had reappeared, and subconsciously surrounded the master with its living body. At this time, it had no strength to resist or struggle. The cry of the beast slowly became quieter and quieter, until it lost all its strength. Until it died, it didn't expect that the tingling came from its own master. That enemy is the master it has to protect even when it is dying. The master was surrounded by the beast in his arms. His hands were covered with the blood of the divine beast. He is also very sad.

At this time, the little devil left tears.

The little devil felt very sad and said with a sigh, "It really loves its master so much. "

Xiaohuo said, "That's right. Sometimes animals have more feelings than people. You see, both the beast and the master have good and bad thoughts. But in the end, only the owner ate the beast. Everyone must have good and bad thoughts. Because when you have to, bad thoughts will definitely appear. And we must appear, because there are many things in the world that cannot be solved by angels and kindness. The final decision is still in the hands of mankind. The master will eat the beast because he has more ego and selfishness in his heart. This is the demon in his heart. The beast also has bad thoughts, but its heart is full of nostalgia and love. Think about it, if there are no bad thoughts, then both will starve to death. Such a result is unrealistic and not the most ideal. The devil is never the thoughts, but the heart. So, do you still think you are the real devil? "

Little devil: "Thank you, brother. I understand the meaning of my existence now.."

Xiaohuo touched the little devil's head and said, "This is part of growing up. "