
A Legacy Continued

MC from Hogwarts legacy was put into an ancient magic coma as a direct result of the Battle of Hogwarts, during the Goblin Uprising of 1890-1891. He is re-awakened in the summer of 1994, right before the World Quidditch Cup. How will our MC fare at the same school he saved, in a new century, with no friends or family, and threats of another dark wizard?

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Chapter 102 - The Last Black

***** Regular Chapter ***** A/N: Bit of a longer authors note in the middle of the chapter, just to explain a charm that I semi-made up, So I'll keep this one short LOL. Hope you Enjoy! ***** 

"Who the bloody hell are you?" A strange Asian student asked holding him at wand-point.

Giving off an initial aura of shock and awe, Sirius opened his mouth a few times, before closing it without saying a single word. But could you blame him?

Sirius couldn't believe the situation he was in now after all!

After Escaping Azkaban.... After eluding all the dementors... after travelling to Madagascar to escape the Ministry of Magic's jurisdiction..... after travelling back here to the Hogwarts area with Buckbeak (now renamed Witherwings) about a month ago.... EVEN after sneaking into Hogsmeade everyday to try to steal some food scraps and the paper, he had STILL never once gotten caught, by anybody!

Hell, other than a handful of people, next to nobody knew about his secret animagus form, himself being still unregistered!

That animagus form was the entire reason he was not only able to survive Azkaban, but also able to eventually escape in the first place!

So Sirius could not believe that he had gotten himself caught NOW of all times!

And by a student no less!

Not to mention, how did he not even notice himself being followed.... especially as a dog!

'Even if he was disillusioned, why didn't my nose pick him up?' Sirius couldn't help but wonder to himself, before thinking of a way out in a slight panic. 'Shit.... what should I do? I don't really want to attack a Hogwarts Student....'

An uncomfortable stare-down occurred between the two, before the unknown Asian student interrupted it with a warning.

"I wouldn't reach for that, if I were you... Expelliarmus!'

Sirius froze immediately, sensing the gathering magical power for a split second, before he felt his wand fly out of his robes.

Sirius himself, had been previously slowly moving for his wand, hoping that the student would be complacent, thinking he had the upper hand with himself held at wand-point..... but unfortunately he HAD been noticed.

That makes twice now....

"Oh and just incase you still think you can somehow escape using that hippogriff to fly away...."

Sirius watched slack-jawed, as student proceeded to materialize a plain looking sack, before reaching into it like Santa Claus, and pulling out a large and muscular Hippogriff of his own out of that very sack!

Strangely, this one looked even larger and more ferocious than Buckbeak, its striking and uniquely powerful looking silverwings on full display inside the campfire lit cave!

Wait.... he had heard of those plain looking sacks before when researching different magical ways to move Buckbeak stealthily back to Hogwarts.

Was that a Nab-Sack?


Calling out in a warning of its own, the newly arrived Hippogriff displayed its dominance, shaking Siruis' own heart slightly, and causing Buckbeak to cow away, even bowing slightly in submission. 

Now flanked by the large Hippogriff, if Sirius wasn't intimidated previously when he was originally ambushed by someone who was 'just a student', he sure a shit was now!

Sirius wasn't even sure if this person was a student anymore... What kind of student even knew how to force an animagus out of their transformation, after all? Not to mention, he did it ALONE!

And now, he just happened to be carrying around a sack, with arguably the most fearsome Hippogriff he had ever seen?


Wait a second.... didn't Harry mention...

"Now lets try this again.... Who the bloody he-"

"Wait..... are you Jordan Khan?


Khan eyed the unknown, shabby looking wizard in slight suspicion, after that interruption.

Although this person happened to know who he was, and could therefore be associated with someone at Hogwarts, with the Daily Prophet article targeting him previously, Jordan still was not certain of his identity, and chose to err on the side of caution.

Holding his wand up, he kept aim at the wizard, while evaluating what to do.

"I am....." He answered, after a few moments of silence, not wanting to make any rash decisions without learning more. 

Besides, a small introduction never hurt anyone.

"Oh good!" The man replied, apparently relieved. "Scared the hell out of me, you did!"

Relaxing his stance, the (still) unknown man, turned around to grab the now dropped newspaper, that he was previously holding in his mouth, before picking it up and opening it, evidently intending to read it....

'What the hell was this man doing? Didn't he notice that I still have my wand on him?'


"They did tell me that you were quite the impressive wizard, you know? Triwizard Champion, Hogwarts (Jr) Professor..... Quite the accolades, especially for someone as young as yourself." The man rambled on, while changing pages.

"I thought they were exaggerating of course, or that they were simply referring to you being 'impressive for your age'..... comparable to us Marauders even..... But seeing you now, even going so far as to cancel my animagus transformation ALONE..... To think that they undersold you!"

"The only spell I know of that can temporarily force an animagus out of their transformation is the 'Homorphus' spell, and that requires two fully mature wizards to cast!"

"Homorphus spell? Khan was not familiar with that particular spell, and being a Ravenclaw, couldn't help but ask. 

***** (A/N: Spell only described as "immensely complex" that Lockhart bragged about when supposedly saving some village from werewolf attacks.....

The Etymology of Homorphus is 'Homo - Man' and 'Morphe' which is shape.... so im Co-opting it as a real spell Lockhart could've stolen, that is actually used to force animagus and werewolves out of their transformations, at least temporarily.

Sirius and Lupin also used some unknown spell together, to force Pettigrew out of rat form at the end of book three.... so Im also taking that and using it to explain why its not typically used in combat against werewolves (since you need two fully grown wizards to cast together)

Also for those wondering..... It's also not a cure for werewolves, since it only works for the duration of the spell.... which is not very long *****

The man continued however, unperturbed.

"Although, I have to say, it made a lot more sense when I found out where you're from...."

Lowering the paper back down, he folded it tucking it back under his arm, apparently done with his quick read, before the ragged man looked back towards Jordan.... smirking at him??

"Or maybe its more appropriate to say when you're from?"

Jordan's eyes widened slightly at the implication.... Did this man hear from someone that he was from the past?

Although it wasn't really a secret, he hadn't exactly advertised it either, telling only his close friends the truth..... maybe he believed Rita's article with his Dark Magic Ritu-

"Its actually kind of funny.... Harry and Hermione did tell me they would introduce us soon..... but to think that the Last Black would meet the Last Khan here of all places."


"Funny enough... I actually knew a Sirius Black! He was a third year Slytherin when I was previously in school!"

Khan and Sirius were sharing stories over food and drink, Jordan having called Zeke to fetch them food. 

And having formally introduced themselves now, Khan now knew that this ragged looking wizard, was actually Sirius Black, the last of the Illustrious Black family!

Having been on equal standing with the Black Family in Wizarding England in the 1800s, Jordan was relatively familiar with them, having attended the same high society social gatherings previously..... admittedly however, Khan himself, was not very close with the Black family, only personally knowing his Previous Headmaster, as well as his headmaster's Son, who happened to share the same name, as the wizard in front of him!

And needless to say, he was not a big admirer of their... personalities... to say the least. Although Nobles and Legacy families were typically all pretentious, overly proud and condescending, the Black family took it to an extreme.

So to learn that this unfortunate-looking wizard, is actually the last of the Black family, needless to say, surprised the hell out of him. 

'Did the Black family even own robes that were so poorly made?' Khan couldn't help but think to himself. And remembering his previous headmaster's outfit (only made from the finest in materials such as dragonhide leather and accromatula silk), he doubted it. 

"I still can't believe that you were alive back then!" Sirius replied, shaking his head, before taking a bite out of a chicken leg, continuing to talk with his mouth still full of food.

"You know, *CHOMP* I was never really into the whole 'Noble and Most Ancient House' crap growing *CHOMP* up, but hearing what you're capable of with *CHOMP* your family magic makes me wish I at *CHOMP* least took those parts of the lessons seriously." *CHOMP* *CHOMP*

Food flew out of Sirius' mouth, as he spoke, Jordan strangely being reminded of Ronald and his eating habits.

However unlike Ron, Khan actually got along with Sirius, finding him quite interesting, in an odd sort of way. Well..... it also helped that Sirius actually appeared to like him, unlike Ron. At the very least, he was a lot friendlier!

"Wait.... You seriously didn't learn or even read about a single bit of YOUR family magic?" Khan asked, slightly stunned, as what Sirius had just said, finally registered in his brain. "You can't be Serious!"

Even as a supposed squib from the ages of 11 - 14, Jordan still knew of his family magic.

It was magic that was UNIQUE to their family.... of course he was interested and HAD to read about it!

And having frequented his house Library constantly, it was no surprise, that as a bookworm and self-proclaimed nerd, Khan had read up on it, even if he was unable to practice it at the time. 

What surprised him however, was the fact that Sirius, a member of the equally infamous Black family, did not know about his family magic at all.... 

Every Ancient family had some kind of family magic after all... it was the whole reason that they were able to Establish themselves as powerhouses in the first place!

Each of their Unique family magic allowed them all to gain a strong foothold in Magical Britain, during the height of the British Empire! 

The Gaunts for example, specialized in their Parceltongue magic, each of them being born with that inherent ability to speak in Parceltongue!

The Khans had their specialization in elemental magic, allowing them to control elemental magic (typically only one) to an extreme degree.

The Ollivanders had Wandcrafting.

The Rookwoods had Curses.

The Selwyns had Explosive magic.

The Potters had-

"I am Sirius!" The aforementioned Sirius replied, interrupting Khan's previous thoughts, grinning at his 'punny' joke. 

"What about your Black Family Tome?" Khan continued his questioning and just had to ask.... surely he still had their Tome at least.... The Black Family Magic was some of the most feared after all, alongside their own Khan elemental magic.

"Nope!" Sirius replied, emphasizing the 'P' with a slight popping sound. "I don't even know what that is truthfully, but even if I did, I don't have anything with me, since I am still on the run..."

"If we do have something like that however, it is either in our family vault in Gringotts, or still at my Family Home in London." He paused to think for a second, hand on his chin, before continuing. "Although, I don't even know if I'm even allow in anymore.... My mother removed me from the family tree when I ran away."

"Were you disowned however? Cast out completely?"

"I honestly don't know..."

"I doubt it.... If your head of house actually did that, magically you would be no longer allowed to personally use the surname 'Black'. On the wanted posters, in documentations, even in the paper, they would be referring to you as 'Sirius No-Name', not Sirius Black...."

Khan shook his head, frowning slightly while thinking.

Truthfully, when Sirius told him what he was arrested for previously, or the fact that he had to escape from Azkaban after getting thrown in there without a trial.... Jordan found it all rather hard to believe.

After all, Khan had also learned that Sirius was Harry's Godfather.

Magically Bound, Oath-sworn Godfather. 

It would've been impossible for Sirius to be alive if he even thought about betraying his Godson, let alone what he was accused of and subsequently thrown in Azkaban for.

Surely someone should have.... would have... caught that inconsistency.... if they had actually held a trial of course.

But that was the next thing that didn't add up.... Why wouldn't Sirius get a trial?

The Black family were nobles, equal to The Khans. So it should have set a very dangerous precedent and been quite obvious to anyone in high society, that a member of the Main Family Branch of the Black Family had been thrown in Azkaban, without a trial and due process.... They should have demanded a trial, for fear of it possibly happening to them and their family next...

Which led to the next inconsistency....And frankly, probably the one that bothered him the most.... How was it possible that Sirius was the Last Black as part of the Main family line?

Unlike the Khans, who's main family line only had his parents and him self as members, The Black family were quite large during his time, with numerous families, as part of their main family line.

His previous headmaster for example, had five children, all part of the main family line.

And although Khan was not certain, since they had all been born slightly after himself, only having previously met Sirius, who was a third year Slytherin at the time, as previously mentioned, Jordan assumed that those five children probably all got married, and had children, which subsequently now belonged the main family line as well.

This should have continued for at least two more generations, expanding the Black Main Family Line to an even larger amount!

But somehow, over the course of a century, this enormous family had been reduced to a single member?

How was that possible? Was there a blood Feud? Did they get targeted intentionally or something similar? And even if they were, who was powerful and ambitious enough to pull this off, especially this covertly?

Would the Khan family have gotten targeted as well, if he didn't slip into a coma?

Questions led to more questions....

Was somebody really trying to destroy the Great Wizarding Families of England?