
A kiss to my forbidden love : My Magnet

" He is sunshine, I was midnight rain " Just like that we were , and we met . For me he was the sun in that gloomy town , he lightened up that dry empty desert and made it the home I wanna go back all the way for . He leaned closer from my ear and whispered " I want you , I want you in the sweet old traditional way , and not the way that breaks your heart and cause you pain...wait for me " I always admired my space and feared to be close from anyone , anything, until he showed up and made me want him so close , until ....Fate started to throw arches of "why we can't be together even if we are for eachother" on us , just to push the magnet that pulled us together away . He said "call my name and I will be right to your face , just Call out my name Reena " We were two lovers , in a gloomy reality were fantasy can't take over and reality is all that slaps you .

Ranias_Heaven · Urban
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27 Chs


As the days passed by , I learned to cope alone as I used to .

I was back to reality and this city felt like hell again .

I didn't wanna be here no more , I just wanted to escape this town for a little while .

to maybe go back to my old life in the capital which pretty much sounded insane to me now .

I knew it was time to adapt on my own and not rely on someone else's presence to make me stay and live .


I went out on a date with my Girlfriend, space between the words . My Besty Nadeen.

a date that we both needed lately to escape the drama shit going around us and get a portion of healthy conversations and positivity.

we had lunch and went to a book store after , then we made some small shopping, it was something that we both loved doing to heal wounds or relief a burden in our hearts when it gets hard .

After that we settled in our favorite garden , our place , and we started letting out everything on that heavy heart .

She scolded me and said that it was partially my fault :

_ How could you just quit the group without explaining a shit to home ?!!

_ I mean ...what else did you expect me to do or say ? I was emotional.

_ That's why I always tell you that you shouldn't make decisions when emotional, you should've waited or at least call me and tell me about it when it was still fresh !!

I looked down at my knees not knowing what to say more , the she turned her body so that she was facing me now and said in a soft voice :

_ Look Reena ! I know what kind of person you are and how hard it might've been for you to express how you felt for him , but leaving him like that you left him no choice to reach out to you if he actually liked you , in which I'm assuming is right from all that you told me ....and for him it might've felt like you were ditching him or even that you are the one who never liked him and it was just him .....

she paused a bit letting her words linger even more to me and continued:

_ You know men and their ego right ? and he certainly felt his ego crash , so you left him noway to contact you again or even talk about it ...plus Even though Aden is your brother and you were scared ...you surely must consider his feelings as he is his co_worker and friend or whatever and it surprised him for sure .