
A kiss to my forbidden love : My Magnet

" He is sunshine, I was midnight rain " Just like that we were , and we met . For me he was the sun in that gloomy town , he lightened up that dry empty desert and made it the home I wanna go back all the way for . He leaned closer from my ear and whispered " I want you , I want you in the sweet old traditional way , and not the way that breaks your heart and cause you pain...wait for me " I always admired my space and feared to be close from anyone , anything, until he showed up and made me want him so close , until ....Fate started to throw arches of "why we can't be together even if we are for eachother" on us , just to push the magnet that pulled us together away . He said "call my name and I will be right to your face , just Call out my name Reena " We were two lovers , in a gloomy reality were fantasy can't take over and reality is all that slaps you .

Ranias_Heaven · Urban
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27 Chs

A step closer

The Next Morning, my sister and Dina woke up they texted me immidiatly since I was in my room locking the door on myself to study for my next exam , and they were shocked by the amount of messages we exchanged and even our different conversations for the first night , and they analysed them all and claimed that he is officially interested in me and even though I denied it to their faces , I actually really liked it and deep down it gave me hope , that for the first time in my life it ain't one sided from my part only , and that actually someone could really like me back , and the connection might be real !

the group Chat begun again and I didn't wanna join much so I make him notice me more and mention me , and as I wanted he did , he asked my sis about me and told her that he saw me many times in the supermarket where he works , and then Dina embarrassed him saying that when she asked him previously when he saw her story about the hang out if he recognized us he said he doesn't remember all the people that come to his workplace since there are many everyday ,so how come he remembers.

Then he answered that he saw my sister too once , and my sister told him that she doesn't come often as me and that's when I replied to the lie , with that our feet always walks together so we go together all the time to that supermarket except for that first time .

And as I noticed his embarrassment I immidiatly changed the topic .

And that's how our night went like from deep conversations and laughter , and..... worrying!! the protective instinct grew even larger to hit the worrying point at him and his feelings and life .

He became one of my daily life essentials . and I loved it .

it was just going well ..but quick .