
A kind word.

In a village she was a girl name mimi , She was shy and quite.She wanted a kind word from anyone but she thought that she was accepting a lot.

Nidhijha_72 · Others
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3 Chs


The forest cover by trees and long leaves.She heard a sound of waterfall,She went there and saw waterfall and around there were lots of flowers like they are there to make her feel comfortable,She goes near the water and after seeing her face into the water she started crying again and start shouting loudly that "What did I do to them" Why are they bullying me everytime.What wrong with my clothes,i know that my family were poor but we didn't beg for food.We works and gain food to make our stomach full, we works hard.Then why they doesn't want to be my friends,if they don't like me just tell me that you don't like my profile but why are you all saying unkind words to me.