
Chapter 06: Journey in Motion

October 10th, year unknown.

Early in the morning, same as usual except...

[Happy Birthday to you]

[Happy Birthday to you]

[Happy Birthday Dear Master]

[Happy Birthday to you]

[Hip Hip Hooray x3]

[Congratulations Master - You are now 3 years old]

[Rise and Shine]

A cheery and melodic voice is suddenly heard in my head. Apparently Yuna thought it best to sing me Happy Birthday to cheer me up a bit. It worked.

"Thank you, Yuna.". I say with a sincere smile on my face. Even though its really cold this morning. I cant help but get this warm feeling in my stomach that I havent felt since I left the Sarutobi compound.

Happy, I think that's what it is.

[Master, I also have a present for you]. Yuna says in a happy but mischievous tone.

"Okay... what is it". I ask intrigued by this girls assertiveness. She was never this talkative before.

[Master hasn't been keeping track of his system points since he got here and hasn't noticed that it has gone up from the initial 10,000 points from when you got the starter pack]

"Wait, what, what are you talking about". I ask confused at her remark. I thought it would just stay as is until I got a mission or something. I guess that's not the case.

[Master, your current system point count is at 30,000 points right now and as of today it has reached 40,000 points].

"What the..." I say still confused as ever.

[Master, every year your system count will go up every 10,000 points because the system i.e me configured it to be like that so in future you wouldn't have to wait until you got missions at random intervals or during certain periods in time].

Oh yeah, now that she mentioned it.

"Hey Yuna, why haven't I gotten any missions before since I got here". I ask with a curious tone.

[Master, you currently only have a few Main missions available right now, not counting sub-missions, special or emergency requests].

"Yuna, give me a list of all the Missions I am able to accomplish until I get to the ending fight with Toneri Otsusuki please".

[Calculating masters request] - [Please stand by]


[Main Missions] - 5,000 - 10,000+ system points

Naruto Series

1. Fight Mizuki for Betraying the Leaf.

2. Fight Zabuza and Haku - Option: Try to end the fight peacefully.

3. Fight Orochimaru during the Chunin Exams

4. Fight Gaara - Option: Make him stay in the Leaf Village

5. Fight Itachi and Kisame during Tsunade's Retrieval - Option: Take Samehada

6. Kill the Sound 4 - Option: Make Kimimaro join your side.

[3 Year Time Skip]

Naruto Shippuden Series

1. Fight against Deidara and Sasori

2. Fight against Hidan and Kakuzu

3. Fight against Pain, Nagato and Konan - Option: Get them to join the Leaf

4. Find Black Zetsu, Kill him on-site

5. Fight Obito

6. Attain GodHood - Option: No time Limit

Option: Save the Tailed Beasts

Option: Train Hinata to GodHood

[Sub-Missions] - 1,000 system points

[General Events]

1. Meet Hinata - Options: Save her when shes being bullied.

Option: Save her when shes being kidnapped.

Option: Get her to live with you.

2. Make Friends

3. Save Karin and her mother

4. Find Kimimaro before your suppose to meet

5. Find Haku before your suppose to meet

6. Find Gaara before your suppose to meet

7. Find Chojuro before your suppose to meet

Option: Receive you inheritance of the Namikaze - Uzumaki Compounds.

Naruto Movie Series

1. Play out the Land of Snow Movie - Option: Take Dotos Chakra Armour

Naruto Shippuden Movies

1. Play out Naruto the Movie 1 - Option: Gain favoritism with the Princess Shion

2. Play out Naruto the Movie 2 Bonds - Option: Seal away the Zero Tails(Dark) +

Option:Seal away the Zero Tails(Light) in the Land of


3. Play out Naruto the Movie 3 Will of Fire - Option: Discover the secrets of the Kimera Jutsu

4. Play out Naruto the Movie 4 the Lost Tower - Option: Don't get memory wiped

5. Play out Naruto the Movie 5 Blood Prison - Option: Infiltrate the Prison

Option: Destroy the Box of Paradise

6. Play out Naruto the Movie 6 Road to Ninja - Events may vary

7. Defeat Toneri before he decides to End the World

[Special Missions and Emergency Requests may vary depending on Situation at hand]

[Yuna: That's basically a roundabout estimate of the missions that are available for you so far master]

"Damn that's alot". I say in a bit of shock at the overwhelming amount of work ahead of me. But this ensures that things don't get boring too fast too soon.

[I should also tell you master that the missions you get assigned through the village when you become a ninja are also labelled as missions and you do get points from them as well, although not as much as through me]. Yuna says with a proud sounding tone of voice.

"Okay, okay, my Yuna is the best". I say in order to tease her a bit.

[Master, don't bully me]. Yuna says in a cute pout. Heart attack incoming. Cuteness overload.

"Hahahaha. I'm only teasing you sweety". I say with a laugh.

"Okay then, lets get serious here". I say with a solemn tone as I plan my survival strategy.


The night came as fast as the day left. Great.

Right now I'm currently on the run from some drunken villagers who were probably celebrating the end of the Nine Tails attack, memorializing my parents while also hunting me for fun. If only they knew.

It usually ended up the same way as it always did during my birthday. I was safe my first year since nobody would look for trouble with a baby. It was the second year that totally caught me off guard.

Since everybody new who I was at the time they saw fit to finish the fourth hokage's job and kill me there at the orphanage.

Not that they would though because Hiruzen was looking out for me at the time with ANBU stationed on my birthday so I was relatively safe in the orphanage, much to the dissatisfaction of the matron and staff.

This year was different though as I thought I would be safe again in the orphanage so I quickly ran back as fast as I could. Damn that woman for making me leave early in the morning and coming back at night.

I turn the corner to the orphanage that I stay at, a relieved look on my face for making it without issues. Suddenly, a crowd comes into my view.

"Oh shit". I say as a mob blocks my path to safety.

There he is, this is the only chance you will have while the ANBU are distracted and nobody will save him". Apparently the matron of the orphanage sold me out to this crowd. Crap.

By then I had realized she must have been planning this for a while now especially if she took the ANBU in to consideration. How did she even know they were there. Someone must have tipped her off.

Were my senses any sharper I would have felt the presence of an old man hidden in the shadows with a bandage wrapped around one eye and a sleeve fully covering his right arm. Unbelievable.

So, I make a break for it.

I run and run as fast as I can

"He's over here, quick". a villager yells.

Every time I think I've lost them they pop up suddenly out of nowhere.

"Get the Demon, kill him". another one follows.

Got no choice then.

I start to make a full on sprint to an escape root I had planned out earlier during one of the days I was kicked out of the orphanage. Thank god it will finally pays off.

If I can get there, at least.

After some time

"Almost there, god dammit I need to train soon".

I'll start by training chakra control first. Even though I have godly chakra control, I still have to train it so it can reach there, as I'm obviously not there to begin with.

"Come on dammit". I say with a tired voice.


"What the... oh shit". I suddenly see a kunai aiming straight for my legs, I dodge at the last minute.

"Jesus, that was close, they got ninja chasing me now, by the looks of it chunin as well, although theirs only one but damn this is gonna be harder than I thought. Almost there". I say with a bit of panic.

I finally see my escape root.

"Yes" I suddenly say with relief.

If I can just make it over this fence I should be able to cross the river on the other side of it safely. its at low tide right now so I should be...". my thinking gets cut off there as I made my way over the fence but pause as I'm standing there, about a little ways in the river about to cross it.

My head goes all fuzzy as a solid object has impacted the back of my head. I got hit with a rock. I turn around in disbelief.

The villagers stood on the other side of the fence with rocks in there hands looking at me with a venomous stare. They new I was gonna be here so they had already been waiting for me. But how...

"We finally caught you demon". a villager exclaims suddenly on behalf of everyone else.

Since theirs no way out of this I guess I should try to talk to them to see if they'll let me go.

"I um-"

*Thud*. I get hit with a stone

"I was wonder-"

*Thud*. I get hit with another

it hurts.

"Hey check it out, the demon looks like its about to cry". a villager says

I had tears in my eyes as they all started laughing and throwing rocks at me.

It really hurt.

It seems no one was gonna save me here.

[YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!]Yuna screamed.

Yuna suddenly gets cut off as she sees me get hit really hard in the head by a bigger rock. It was about the size of a fist, that chunin threw it I think.

"Demon". the chunin had a cold look in its eyes. But suddenly his eyes become normal again. He doesn't have that cold look on anymore but one with confusion at this situation hes in.

"whats going on-. the chunin suddenly gets cut off.

"Hey you idiot, what the hell is wrong with you, are you trying to, Oh shit...". a villager was in the middle of talking, apparently the rocks had stopped being thrown.

I wouldn't have known as I had just passed out cold while falling into the river. I was unconscious. Seems that last rock really did a number on me because I wasn't waking up, even with Yuna screaming in my head.




As I slowly make my way down the river, just going with the flow. The villager who was reprimanding the chunin just before suddenly saw me drop unconscious into the river and had a look of dread on his face as did the rest of the villagers.

"We are so dead".

"Yes you are".

A figure appears out of nowhere. He was wearing an ANBU outfit with a Dog mask on his face. Another one came out of nowhere and she was wearing the same ANBU outfit just without the mask on but she had long purple flowing hair drape down her back.

These 2 were Kakashi the copy ninja and Yugao, a disciple of Hayate, one of the best swordsmen in the Leaf.

"Now where can I find a certain blonde haired boy I was charged to protect". Kakashi says with anger in his tone as he gets out a Kunai.

"Yes, yes. You know the nice boy who never did wrong to anyone, just minding his own business trying to make it in the world, that boy I was charged to protect". Yugao says with a venomous stare as she unsheathes the sword on her back.

"Where is he". They both ask at the same time, now releasing the full brunt of there killing intent on these idiots in front of them.



"well you-

"uh the-

"he was-

Those are the only reply's they could get out of them as there killing intent was too much for these normal people to handle, aside from the chunin of course.

"It was him, he threw a rock at the boy and knocked him out cold, then the boy ended up falling in the water and floating down the river and we couldn't save him in time". a villager said, that last bit being a lie, but the rest was true though.

"Thank you". Kakashi and Yugao both say at the same time. Suddenly gone in a flash.

"WAIT, I DIDN'T-". the chunin said as he begged for his life. That was all he could say before being decapitated.

As were the rest of them.

Kakashi and Yugao sheath there weapons and start to look around.

"Shit, we need to move quickly". Yugao says in a panic.

"I know. You go inform the Hokage, I'll follow the river down and see if I can find him". Kakashi says in a solemn tone and guilt ridden voice.

"The hokage isn't gonna like this". Yugao says as she suddenly [Body Flickers] away as fast as she can towards the Hokage tower.

"I know". Kakashi says with a heavy heart and thinks to himself.

("Sensei, I'm sorry).Kakashi said to himself in his head.

After that, he also takes off in a sprint along the river bend in hopes of finding a body, or signs of one anyway.