
Chapter 04: End of an Era

Events that led up to this point.

First off, obviously, Minato won that fight. He simply teleported to his Kunai with the marker on it and planted a Rasengan right in obito's back.

Nine Tails is free. But he isn't too happy about what happens now.

After the fight with Minato. Obito takes this moment to signal a retreat as he is injured. Not before saying his last few word's.

"I will return, the Nine Tails shall be mine","it doesn't have to be now". Obito says in a rough sounding tone.

"What is it that you hope to achieve with the tailed beasts", Minato suddenly asks.

"I have my plans", Obito says as he starts to fade in a swirl of spacial manipulation, Kamui again.

"We'll just have to stop you then, I'll protect this world, and it's people". Minato exclaims.

Suddenly, Obito, under his mask smile's wickedly and says, "I wouldn't need a Tailed Beast to flatten this wretched planet, there are other ways to go about it". and in saying his piece, Obito disappears, for now anyway.

"That doesn't sound too good". Minato thinks to himself.

(Kushina, Naruto, I'll be done soon).

"Now", Minato pauses, he bites into his thumb, makes a few hand signs, pressing into the earth and suddenly shouts,"Summoning Jutsu"poof, a cloud of smoke appears.

The smoke suddenly fades, and out pops the biggest frog I might have ever seen in my life, if I was there. What appears is Gamabunta, the chief toad of Mt Myoboku, land of toads, located in the summoning realm.

Minato quickly explains the situation at hand and they immediately get to work.

Minato hops onto the chief toads head. They find there target by tracking down and tracing back its chakra signature, not that you could miss it anyway. It was the biggest signature in the area. Like a beacon.

The chief toad suddenly jumps as high as he can into the air, quickly descended right on target, literally.

The Nine Tails, unsuspecting of its impending doom was suddenly smashed into the earth, a hand on its head, holding it into the ground.

"Lord Fourth, Hurry", Gamabunta exclaims. Clearly struggling to keep the beast contained.

Minato goes through more hand signs, suddenly placing his hands onto the now immobile tailed beast.

"HAAAAAHHHHH". Minato screams. Suddenly transporting him and the Nine Tails directly to where myself and my mother were, recovering and resting. An explosion goes off, suddenly. Me and my mother were both carried away from the blast in a flash.

"Minato, whats going on". Kushina asks, suddenly waking up fully from her drowsiness.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't leave him so close to the village."Minato says. Guilt fully visible on his face for almost endangering his wife and son.

"Don't worry, It'll all be over soon". Minato says confidently, like there was nothing that could bypass him and get to his family.

"Mmmm", was all Kushina said. She had faith in her husband, The fastest man alive. Nothing scared her when he was around.

The Nine Tails suddenly began to rampage, he attacked the little family standing in front of him.

"I don't think so". Kushina yells. She turns around and out of her back, 8 golden chains start to materialize and wrap around the Nine Tails. Sealing its movements for now.

"Kushina". Minato yells with worry.

"I'm fine, I still have some chakra left to pull this off". Kushina says. The Adamantine Sealing Chains really do take a lot out of you. And in her condition, it was almost like suicide.

Minato had a solemn look on his face. He needed to do something about the Nine Tails. He decided to seal it away. A choice he would soon come to regret later on in life for what it would cause. Where would he seal it. Right in the hope of humanity.

He would seal it away in his own son.

"Kushina, I'm going to seal half the Nine Tails into Naruto, the other half I'll seal inside me". he continues while saying.

"I'm going to use the... Reaper Death Seal. Minato says suddenly, not willing to look back at his wifes reaction. Good thing too, otherwise it would have broken his heart.

Kushina's expression right now was one of disbelief, shock, anger and sadness as well. She didn't voice her opinions on the matter though, for she knew this was the right decision. She just couldn't believe it was there only choice.

"Is there another way", Kushina exclaims on the verge of tears, if she could she would rather have it sealed back inside her, that would kill her though most likely, later leading to it escaping again. Pointless effort.

"...no". Minato says. sadness clearly written on his face. What does it take for a father to put his son on the line like that and risk his safety. All for the survival of a village of people who cannot tell the difference between a jailer and the jailed.

Minato was always trusting and forgiving of others, so he never saw a reason for why the villagers wouldn't treat Naruto as a hero...Right.

(how more wrong you could've been). I thought to myself. While they were talking about sealing the Nine Tails in me, I thought it best to pretend that I was asleep but clearly I'm wide awake.

When they were done talking, my father placed me on an altar and began the sealing process. All was going according to plan.

Minato made a few more hand signs as fast as he could. He didn't know how long those chains would hold for. The amount of hand signs that went into this forbidden technique he was performing was a lot. After a moment, the hands signs were finished and suddenly \

"Sealing Jutsu - Reaper Death Seal". Minato exclaims with a struggle, a figure appeared behind Minato.

It was the figure of the shishigami(death god) himself.

He had a long white robe covering his whole body but not his face. The white robe floated ominously in the wind, as did he. He had an unscrupulous looking hair style that was wild and uncaring of appearance. A knife in his mouth, adding a more overbearing look to his presence.

Minato started the sealing process.

He first sealed the Yin part of the Nine Tails inside himself, which I will happily take back later. he was about to seal the other half inside me but suddenly-

"COUGH.COUGH". Loud but pain ridden coughs came from my mother.

Kushina had started coughing blood, her life slowly fading away. The chains came a bit loose. But it was just enough that the Nine Tails took advantage of and screamed with a venomous roar.

"I WILL NOT BE HELD PRISONER ANY LONGER, RAAAAARRGGHHHH"."DIIIIIIEEEEEEEE". He yells out and pushes all the strength he has left for one last attempt at freedom. His aura was just too heavy for me to handle at that point.

I could just feel the hate for humans he had, radiate off him. It was suffocating me a little.

With enough effort, the Nine Tails was able to aim his nail directly towards me. Hoping to kill me before he gets sealed away again, all its hope resting on ending me there. Once he accomplished this he would be free at last.

I open my eyes quickly, hoping to wriggle my way out of the nails path but suddenly-



*Drip*... *drip*

Is this...


.... Blood.

I think to myself. My eyes opening ever so slightly and then fully.

My eyes go wide as I witness the scene in front of me. I start to tear at the eyes.

My parents smile down at me as a giant nail is seen piercing straight through their bodies.