
Chapter 02: Prologue 02

Our story continues.

I don't know how time works here but I feel like we've been travelling for years now. I still don't have a clue where were going but I'll probably find out soon. These thoughts ran through my head as we go.

Soul: "We there yet". I ask, clearly expressing my impatients.

Bob: "Almost". he answer's back with slight sign's of uncertainty.

A few seconds later.

Bob: "And here we are". Finally.

What greets my view is a... a Door? The hell.

Soul: ..."Bob"?

Bob: ..."Yes"?

Soul: ..."This Door"?

Bob: ..."Yeeesss"?

Soul: ..."I'm pretty sure there was a door exactly like this, literally right next to you when we met". I say, anger slowly creeping to the surface. But I try to stay calm.

Bob ...Ah.

(I snapped)

Soul: WHAT DO YOU MEAN AHHH!!!. I say, with anger clear on my face for having my time wasted, not that I have anywhere to be though since I'm dead and all but yeah, it still sucked to be sent on a wild goose chase.

Bob: "My bad ahaha, we seem to have gone in circles".(nervous).

Soul: ...What.(deadpan face).

Bob: We kinda went in circles, but I have a good reason for that. And it's not like at the time I forgot it was even there or something stupid haha"(nervous).

Soul: "Pray to god you didn't JUST forget". I say this as I walk through the door. Not waiting for the all clear to move on.

Bob: "But I am God". Bob says as he also walks through the door. Ok with the fact I went ahead.

Soul: "NOT my God"!!!. I reply.

As soon as we walk in, I'm blinded and bathed in light. What enters my view is a beautiful forested area, flowers and trees and mountains and streams and a horizon on the border for as far as the eyes can see. I'm shocked.

Bob: "Shocked, I know". the old man says with a smug look on his face like he knows everything.

Bob: "Welcome, step right into my office". He exclaims proudly.

Soul: "How the heck is this considered an office". I say with a jaw slacked expression on my face. This place is a god damn natural paradise.

A few minutes later.

We walk a bit further from the door until we reach a hill, we climb the hill. It took us a minute to reach the top. When we reached the top of the hill, what waited for me is a-

Soul: "frickin DRAGON"!!!. I exclaim loudly. Although not such a good idea at the time. I was shocked, again.

Bob: "Shocked, again, I know". the old man exclaims, satisfied with the reactions I was giving off right now.

Yep, what greeted me was a dragon, the size of a house, just laying there, sleeping. Although not as big as you think, the aura it's exuding unconsciously makes it hard to breath, even though I'm a soul. What stood in front of it however was also something that I wasn't expecting to be here.

Soul: "Is that an office cubicle"?

Bob: "Yep".

Soul: "In the middle of a forest"?

Bob: "Yep".

Soul: "On a hill, with a dragon sleeping next to it"?

Bob: "Yes sir it is".

Soul: "Of course it is". I point out sarcastically.

Bob: "Right. Take a seat my boy". I do as he says and take a seat directly across from him as he works at his computer for a bit. After a short wait he focuses back to me and we start our little discussion on the specifics and things.

Bob: "Alright, we should just get straight into then, so first lets talk about your system".

"I guess I can splurge a little on this, so I'll issue you our latest one so far". the old man suddenly goes back to his computer.

A screen pops up suddenly in front of me. It looks like a profile, its my profile. All my information of me, from birth to now. "Ahhhhh, memory's". I mumble softly. The screen abruptly changes and a new profile enters my view, this time blank. Maybe this represents my new life, hence why its empty.

"The heck". I whisper slightly. A pop up suddenly appears on the empty profile.

[Allheaven Omniverse System(A.O.S)] - [Single Entity Edition(S.E.E)]

[Serial N.o A001Ns - 752099 - XXXX]

"Now this is interesting". I comment.

Bob: "A little heads up, this system is still in it's growing phase so as you progress, so too will your system".

"The A.O.S is the greatest system in production that we have so far, it's also a cheat system, one of such cheats being world jumping, so yeah, your set to go on that end, if you want".

So he says, like world jumping is no big deal. This would make most hard working wanna be world jumping reincarnates puke blood if they new I had this cheat.

Your literally moving through the void, busting into new worlds that were believed to be fictional. "What a broken cheat". I say. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

Soul: "Cool". Please move on before I have a headache at the trouble this may bring me. I silently prayed.

Bob: "It also comes with a few other nifty cheats as well but I'll leave that for you to discover later once you land". "I also gave you the usual system setup, I'll let you explore that as well".

Soul: "Ok"

Bob: "You need help or something getting around the theory of the multiverse and stuff, you know different world's, different reality's, different you etc". he kindly asks. I reply no, and we continue on.

Bob: "Right then. Next up we'll go with your character, so, any idea's on where you wanna start there"? he asks questioningly.

Soul: "I wanna be born as Naruto". Without even thinking, I exclaim excitedly.

Bob: ..."Ok"(right into the shit then), "I guess I'll throw in a few surprises for you in regards to your character and stuff, just a slight change. So let's move on".

I decided to go with Naruto because I just love his character. All the hate he went through, the struggle to live one more day. The life he lead's to get to where he is now. He really is personified as a hero.

"I'll live his story, but the life will be mine. And it will be glorious". I say this with a confident gaze and determined resolve. It wont be easy but life never is, no matter what the world.

Bob: "Well said my boy". the old man had a little smile on his face at my exclamation.

"Now, for the wishes, I guess 6 should do, I would have gone five but I like to keep things even, plus I'm feeling generous today". He exclaims, although it sounds nonchalant, I get the feeling this is slightly unfair to all my victims in the future, but we'll cross that bridge in the future.

As he finished talking, I remained silent.

"I have to think carefully here" I say to myself with a serious face. I quickly went into a deep thought about what I should wish for. I have to make sure that whatever I wish for it'll benefit me in the short term and long term. Suddenly, I ask Bob a question.

Soul: "Am I able to copy all the traits of my previous self and bring it over to my new body". I ask.

Bob: "I don't see why not, yes you can"." I'll add that in to your profile now, you should be set to go when you arrive". the old man says as he works at his computer. Copy and paste I guess is the best way to describe what he did. Cool.

Soul: "Awesome". That narrows down my options, so with this newfound information I go back to thinking about my wishes. I have now narrowed it down to these 6.

Soul: "Alright, these are my Wishes". I finally come to a decision.

1. Absolute Elemental Resonance - Master my elemental affinities at an incredible rate. Jutsu's will become stronger than normal, easier to learn with less chakra consumption, depending on the Jutsu itself.

2. Godly Chakra Control - Capable of controlling chakra all the way down to a microbe with full understanding of chakra flow, usage and consumption. Chakra recovery becomes 75% faster than normal.

3. Tenseigan - I think the Tenseigan has potential of it's own, plus it won't be too hard to explain it to people when I expose it as most people wouldn't even know what it is, aside from maybe a Hyuga, but that's still highly unlikely.

4. Accelerated Growth - Able to MAX out any skill or ability to it's highest potential. Learning new things becomes as easy as pie. Plus a few other benefits as well.

5. Kingdom Hearts 2 Drive Form's - Able to gain boosts in all capabilities depending on your form, plus it's cool.

6. OathKeeper & Oblivion Keyblade's - Drive forms need keyblade's.

Soul: "That basically sums up everything I want so far, although the descriptions are shit, it get's the point across". I say to nobody but me.

Bob: "Indeed". (what an interesting concept, I've never seen someone wield something as weird and misshaped as a keyblade before in naruto).

Bob asks me a question that really caught me for a loop. "Why a kingdom hearts theme?What makes it so special? And honestly, I don't even know myself, so off the top of my head, I answer truthfully.

Soul: "I love the kingdom hearts games, alot. No specific reasons for choosing it. Of all the other powers in the world I could choose from, I guess its not any fun when you know the outcome of working with powers that you know what your gonna get out of. Why not choose a different path. One that you walk without knowing the outcome from the choices that you make with what you have".

(Interesting). Bob thought. I think he smiled a little there.

After that, it was basically alot of admin stuff I needed to do but otherwise I was pretty much set to go, Before I left however, I said my good byes and such to Bob for helping me with my reincarnation processing, maybe I'll call him God just this once though.

Soul: "Thank you, God"

Bob: "Aww, you're welcome"(crying). "Looks like you finally see how truly-

Soul: "Our lord and saviour Jesus Christ".

Bob: "WHY"!!!

Soul: "Hahahahahaha, just kidding", "but seriuosly though. thank you, for everything", I smile.

God: "Your welcome son, And ... I am truly sorry for what I did"." My mistakes have caused this and I cannot do anything else other than apologise to you with all sincerity and make sure you live a new life". "I unfourtunately do not have the authority to send you back to your old world, otherwise I would have". the old man looked really depressed there.

Soul: "It couldn't be helped I guess, being a God and all, I understand". Thank you for being honest with me. I thought to myself smiling a little.

God: "I will now start the process and send you on your way". A portal is opened, a tunnel come's into view. It looked alot like a blueish,spiraling wave of water. A vague desciption, I know but just use your imagination here people.

"Guess this is me". I look back at the old man.

Soul: "Thank you, once again, I really appreciate all you have done for me", "Goodbye". Suddenly, a flash of light engulfs my soul and I am sent on my way through the portal and down the spiraling tunnel, to start a new chapter in my life, one in which I hope to make the most out of.

As the light dies down, I am long gone, but God has already long been focusing on a certain someone parked on top of the hill all this time.

Dragon: "Why not speak with the boy"?. With one eye open, the dragon speaks.

God: "About what"?. God questions back as any sign of his earlier playfulness and calm, caring demeanor has dissapeared.

Dragon: "The boys parents were-

God: "I know", "but he doesn't need to know that now", "let him live this new life we have granted him and consider this a clean slate, for all of us".

Dragon: "Agreed". As the dragon says his peace he trails off and returns to his earlier slumber, while God simply looks off into the horizon, thinking, hoping that choices made in the past can be forgiven or not, only time will tell.

With a future in front of us that is clouded in mystery. Our hero begins his new life.

Let his story be told.