
A Journey To Gain True Omnipotence

What is a god? A god is a powerful being worshiped by many and gains power through their believers. Follow the mc as he fights to regain Omnipotence, an impossible goal, but a god could dream... right?

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Sora returned home and went on to wait until it was night, at which point he went to sleep, and using the dreamer, his dream body left his dream and appeared within the real world. being nothing more than a dream without form or mass, the light passed through him, so only those with special eyes could see him.

'now whose dream should I enter? there are so many people to pick from, so he had to think for a moment. after some thought, Sora flew off towards the land of waves. Sora's speed within this form was extremely fast, allowing him to arrive at the land in seconds, a journey that would take days for him to do.

there Sora went on to search for someone, someone well-known for being the richest person alive. After searching for some time, Sora found the target, fast asleep in a huge building, surrounded by guards. Sora passed them all and went on to enter this target head, who was currently sleeping.

"... w-what is happening?" A man yelled, the man had shaggy brown hair and sports a pair of small, circular black glasses. He wears a black suit with a purple tie, a yellow shirt underneath his coat, and closed-toed shoes.

Currently, he was standing in a desert, with no plant life or even water anywhere. one moment he was sure he went to bed and the next moment he found himself here. he looked around in fear, but the scene behind him made his fear disappear and his greed explode.

there behind him was a cave, and within he saw a sea of gold, diamonds, and all kinds of goods, it made him quickly rush to it, grabbing as much as he wanted. he might be the richest man in the world, but all that money wasn't something he could use... but this, this was something he could use. it was so much that he could flip the market upside down. it was so much that he could give the rest of his life without caring about a thing.

so he was on Sky 9, but after some time he began thinking of the best way to use this, but first, he needed to find a way out of there. so he got up and went on to walk across the hot deserts, and to his shock, the desert wasn't too big, as he stumbled upon the sea, he went on to walk around and was horrified to find he was on an island,

there were no trees to build a ship, and it's not like he had the strength to make a boat, not knowing what to do, he rushed back to the cave and began hoping there was something which this sea that could help him escape the island. but there was nothing.

he sat there horrified at what the future held for him. and so days went by, he grew hungry and had nothing to eat, nothing to drink as what surrounded him was simply seawater. to ease his under he eat dirty, to try and get clean water he used the treasure and the boiling hot sun to collect steam from the seawater he gathered, turning it into drinkable water.

since the treasures came in all shapes and since, such as cups, chairs, and many more, he was able to use these things to their best capability, although it was only slowing down his death. he caused the treasures to try and make a high tower, right now he was willing to use all these treasures to escape, but that chance never came.

weeks later, he was in the blink of death, as a rich man, his body had a lot of fat, but he was now as skinny as a stick, with a rib cage showing. he sat there, too weak to even move, with his skin hugging every inch of his bone.

but he felt something, which lead him to look up, there he saw a godly being standing before him, looking at him with pity.

"With all the richish you have, why are not happy upon your death bed?" a godly voice which sounded like the roars of lions, sounded within his head, causing his eyes to pop wide open.

he sat up upon his bed and looked around him in shock, and checked his own body, yet he was alright. he breathed heavily, not knowing what just happened. Was that a genjutsu? but a genjutsu that could last weeks?

he quickly went to find his guards and asked them some questions, yet not only was it nighttime, but those guards reported everything to be normal. he went to sit on his bed, scared at what happened, the image of that godly person appeared in his head, although it was hard to see, and was a blur, that person scared him, but after a few deep breaths, he calmed himself down. it was just a bad dream, it was already starting to feed away like how a bad dream would, clear his mind he turned his attention to his work.

He had taken control of the Land of Waves' shipping routes and created a monopoly by isolating the country from the outside world, preventing free sea freighting and turning it into an impoverished, hunger-stricken country in the process. this was how he made his money, this was Gato

Gato was a powerful shipping magnate whose shipping company was a front for much shadier activities, such as smuggling contraband and trafficking drugs. A normal man, but one with deep pockets, and a sharp mind for business and how human minds work...

'thank god he was a weakling, or else to have weeks go by like that would have sucked me dry of all my spiritual energy. it's not like I could have used his chakra when the fool has nothing to be used.' Sora thought while looking a Gato, before flying off and searching for someone else,

he quickly found someone who looked like Mummy. Seeing his target, Sora went on to enter his head, entering his dream.

In the dream, a middle-aged man floated while looking around in confusion, but his eyes locked onto something which made him freeze. he saw the ninja world, the suffering the world in this world, the pain, and tears the shinobi world held.

He watched as caring siblings, were slaughtered by this cruel world. he saw the actions of Gato and how Gato caused countless people to cry, suffer, and die. he saw those with hope slowly lose that hope, making him grit his teeth slightly.

but all of this disappeared the next moment, as he found himself standing before a tree that had a raven on top.

"The shinobi world is ruthless, but is being ruthless the right way to counter such a cruel world? is it worth it, if you throw away your code?" The raven asked, making the young man frown slightly,

"what do you expect me to do? I need funds, and Gato can give that to me. a few people dying is nothing compared to thousands." He yelled revealing his razor-sharp teeth,

"Fire is capable of putting out the fire, but one needs good control of the fire... this world is crouped, your way could have worked if you didn't lose yourself. where is the Zabuza who could once inspire many to follow him? so many were willing to follow you, and so many people trusted you. yet you become the very thing you hated." the raven said softly, making Zabuza grit his teeth, he

"You could have done so much, but you turned around to help the cause you fought against. Zabuza, it's never too late, the good fight needs a person like yourself. this world needs you, and so do I." The Raven said

"Just who are you?" Zabuza asked with a deep frown, this whole time he thought this was a dream and the raven was his subconsciouses, but he seems to be wrong,

"Who Am I? That's a good question, I don't have the thing you call Name. but those who I help call me The God Of Gods." the raven said before it flew up, the world suddenly changed and Zabuza found himself appearing in a place that seemed to be like heaven,

"This is many eternities into the past, an area where fate, hatred, anger, death, illness, and many evils didn't exist." the raven said as it landed on Zabuza, Zabuza hesitated but didn't push the bird off him and speechless watched as humans lived happily among each other, all peaceful without anything of.

There were no poor parts, as no one went out of their way to get more than they needed. they seemly had what was needed today, tomorrow, and for emergencies, before sharing with others who had less. greed was kept in check, lust was also kept in check as the concept of Monogamy is selfish and would cause trouble.

instead, both males and females had more than one lover, as love was not limited to simply one person. sure unhappiness would rise from time to time, but it would be fixed in the most peaceful way possible.

Anger was kept in check, gluttony was kept in check, envy was kept in check, and pride was kept in check, sloth was kept in check, this allowed for a perfect world.

"What is this?" Zabuza asked, amazed by the scene before him,

"Before the gods went against me, this was the world which I ruled. everything was perfect, the concept of praying to gods was not a thing at this time. everyone was born with free will, and the power to do anything they wanted. fate was not a chain, mortals could even become gods. with this one starting point held no one back," the raven said Amazing Zabuza, but the world slowly began losing its beauty

"but the gods found out that they can gain power from mortals, but with more and more gods popping up, soon they would be no mortals for them to gain power from. so... they turned against me. I being the most powerful being never sought out mortals, I allowed them to do as they wish. both gods and mortals, so long as no one was forced against their will, and the peace remained, I was happy." the raven said

"but the trillions of gods, and their newfound power, overpowered me and suppressed me. and with my downfall, the gods began spreading reasons for the mortals to worship them. so pandora's box was open, greed, wrath, gluttony, lust, envy, pride, and sloth grew overwhelming the world. new concepts like death, sickness, and many others were born, and the world grew into none stop conflicts." The raven said as Zabuza froze on the spot, seeing the once heaven on earth turning into a hell on earth.

the once-losing people turned against each other, slaughtering each other over disagreements that grew into something huge, but they couldn't even remember why they were fighting in the first place.

"I saw my mistake of the past, and now I see what I need to do... Zabuza, it hurts my very being to see the world I once loved and cared for turned into this. So I wish for you to believe in me, put your faith in me," The raven said while looking deeply into Zabuza's eyes, ears filled with deep pain, and sadness for the world.

"... but I'm just one person," Zabuza said softly, The raven rubbed Zabuza's head slightly, making Zabuza slightly embarrassed,

"right now I'm weak and can't do much... I wish to be able to bless you with some gift, but your faith in me has yet to reach a high level where I can do so with my current strength." The raven said with a shake of his head, stunning Zabuza who was embarrassed even more

"it's normal to doubt within your heart, I will never blame you... for you are all my children. And I can't bear to watch you all play at the palm of those brats," The raven said with great care while looking at Zabuza, like a father looking at his son. which made Zabuza feel weird as this was a bird

"Haha, a bird calling you that most feel weird, but I took this form as your mind can't handle my true form, my mind would cave in, and you would go blind. something which I don't want..." The raven said with a laugh, leaving Zabuza speechless.

"Do you want me to kill Geto?" Zabuza asked shocking the raven which slapped him on the back of the head, shocking Zabuza

"don't kill my child, I love all my children dearly. Everyone should be given a chance to see their wrong, there is nothing unforgivable. saying something is unforgivable is because you are not willing to forgive." The raven said calmly making Zabuza quiet for some time

"Then what do you want me to do?" Zabuza asked softly, his truth within this raven now reaching 73%.

"have faith... I grow weak the more we speak, the next we meet, I will try and break the chains of fate on you, and give you the chance to write your fate." The raven said as it slowly began to disappear, Zabuza quickly tried to ask some questions, but he suddenly opened his eyes and found himself laying on his head.

he tried to recall the dream he had, but to his shock, he found that hard as it seemed to be hidden behind a fog.

'Naruto needs to see your death or whatever to grow as a ninja, I will admit I came to you sooner than I should have... but whatever, now I know I can seal your memories within your dreams.' Sora thought while looking at Zabuza, before disappearing,