
A Journey To Gain True Omnipotence

What is a god? A god is a powerful being worshiped by many and gains power through their believers. Follow the mc as he fights to regain Omnipotence, an impossible goal, but a god could dream... right?

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Sora vs Sasuke

Hinata and Kiba rushed forward to deal with the wolves so they couldn't get in the way of Kurenai's way. Join or not, she was only a human at the end of the day. being an elite join doesn't mean you evolve from being a human, a simple sword, knife, sickness, and so on can kill them.

just because these wolves were around Chunin level didn't mean that they couldn't support the wolf man in their battle, So Hinata and Kiba had to move to at least hold them back. they have already been injured thanks to an explosion set off by Sora, so they should be able to hold their own.

as for Sora, he put [The Ring Of Healing] on, and went on to watch the battles. the injury he suffered wasn't too bad, but if not treated could lead to Sora bleeding to death, or getting affected. the pills which Kurenai gave to Sora allowed one to increase one healing capability, but of course [The Ring Of Healing] was far better. before the naked eye, Sora saw the injury disappear, not even leaving a scar behind.

Kurenai stood against the wolfman, at a blinding speed, her hands moved, while the wolfman opened his wolf and rushed towards her at lightning speed. the claws of the tiger came shooting down toward Kurenai, ripping her body into pieces.

her blood flew into the sky, leaving the wolf man sneering in disdain, only to freeze when he noticed that the blood was transforming into beautiful red flower pedals which shot towards it. Kurenai's body transform into a tree that grew to fall, and its roots shot to swallow the wolf.

The wolf jumped dodging the pedals and the roots, his pupils shrank as he realized that he was under a genjutsu. now, how do you break out of a genjutsu?

For normal genjutsu, it can be broken by disrupting the affected ninja's chakra flow. A genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses; this is frequently used to create false images and/or trick the body into believing it has experienced physical sensations such as pain.

genjutsu requires precise chakra control to manipulate the target's senses and advanced intelligence to make the illusion convincing. Those under the influence of genjutsu will either appear to be unconscious or continue to move around under the pretense of genjutsu. The former may be used to prevent or immediately end confrontations by trapping a target within an imagined scenario, leaving them physically vulnerable but requiring further skill and effort on the part of the genjutsu user to establish and maintain.

The latter is very effective in extended battles as a genjutsu user can make themselves appear to be somewhere else and attack the victim from behind or change the environment to make the victim see a flat plain where there is a cliff. Alternatively, a genjutsu user can create relatively small differences in the environment, which is more effective for intel gathering.

A victim's chakra flow, if disrupted enough, can break the caster's influence. This "Genjutsu Dissipation" can be done by the victim themselves, assuming they realize they're under a genjutsu's influence, or an ally who emits chakra into them.

Pain that is not caused by the genjutsu can bring victims back to their senses, but it must happen to their real body not the illusion of pain. there were other ways, but these were the ways the common people had to use

Now that the wolf was within a genjutsu, he quickly tried to break out of the genjutsu. but it was hard to disrupt one chakra flow enough to break free from a genjutsu, this was even more so within this transformed state, so he would have to turn back into his human form.

but that was risky, with his power Kurenai couldn't of course make him unconscious with a genjutsu, meaning right now he was running around outside the genjutsu. if he turns back to a human form, this would give Jurenai the upper hand to kill him, there is also a chance he might not be able to break out of the genjutsu if he turns back into a human.

So he simply had to hurt himself, without a second of thought, his claw moved to stretch himself. outside the genjutsu, two kunai holding an explosive tag shot through the air, heading towards the wolf which stretched itself.

Blood flew out, allowing the wolf to see the world around it, but as soon as it did the first thing it saw was an in-coming Kunai.

this was a basic way for genjutsu experts to fight, catch a target within a genjutsu, and make a move upon their real body. Kurenai's timing was perfect, aiming for that moment the wolf man broke out of the genjutsu, for that moment the wolf man came back to reality, it brought an opening where he snaps out of a confused state and have a delayered reaction.

if she aimed for the wolf-man when he was still within a genjutsu, and he was running around, there was a small chance that the wolf man senses were sharp and could sense the incoming danger, or might move out of the way of the attack, leading the attack hurt the wolf-man and allowing the said target to snap out of the genjutsu

Now the wolf man saw two enlarging kunai, and the wolf man's body moved subconsciously to dodge. but as he did, he noticed the explosive tags on the kunai. with a heaven-shaking explosion, the wolf man was sent shooting off, slamming into countless trees.

the wolf man roared in rage, his eyes turned blood shoot and shot toward Kurenai, but his mouth exploded, leading to him dropping to the ground, out cold. Kurenai sighed softly before turning around to look at the tree behind her.

"that's payback. I cast my genjutsu, although nothing as powerful as yours, I simply had it so he didn't notice this small rock, which had an explosive tag on it. in his blind rage, he came an easy target to control," Sora said as he threw a stone in the air and caught it, looking at Kurenai with a smile,

"..." Kurenai had no words to say. She had sensed Sora and sensed something off with the wolf man. Sora had timed his genjutsu, and just when the wolf man broke out of her genjutsu Sora cast his genjutsu on the wolf man.

indeed what Sora said was not impossible. even the most capable person can be tricked by a small illusion. illusions didn't need to be huge, a small illusion could lead to a powerful shinobi's downfall, this was even more so when said shinobi was in a blind rage.

"well... good job," Kurenai said with a helpless smile, although nothing like his cousin, Sora was still talented. Sora's cousin, Kakashi was an outstanding talent, someone who became Jonin at the small age of 12. Sure he wasn't physically as strong as Jonins, but he had the skills which allowed him to gain that title.

Sora was far from reaching his cousin's capability, but Sora was outstanding when it came to thinking of his feet. this was something she looked highly upon Sora for, he was too flexible, and always seem to have a hard up his hand.

Kurenai quickly went to look at the wolf man, seeing that the wolf man had turned back into a human, and had lost all his teeth, Kurenai went on to quickly tie him up and made sure he couldn't make any hand seals.

there were a few jutsu that didn't need hand seals, the transformations jutsu of course needed a genjutsu, so without an handseal, this man would not turn back into a wolf. after doing this, Jurenai turned her attention to battles that Hinata and Kiba were having, but she realized Sora clones were nearby, watching them... it was then she realized the wolf man was defeated by a clone...

"well done, you have grown," Sora said with a smile while looking at Hinata. Hinata smiled shyly, she was happy deep down that she managed to fight that wolf and fight off her fear, but she couldn't show it. on top of all that, she came out of it with small injuries, which only made her more proud of herself.

"Kiba, you also did a good job," Sora said with a smile, only for Kiba to snort, was it not expected?

"Now what were you saying before? about us not being ready?" Kiba asked with a mocking smile while looking at Sora. Sora just shrugged at him.

"I of course knew you can do it, I just did it to make you two more willing to prove me wrong, and push yourselves," Sora said with a shrug, leaving Kiba, Akamaru, and Hinata to look at him in shock,

"you are all capable, you all just need to have something to push you guys... now let's rush back, I better get gained the ruth of this job, plus I need to buy more explosive tags and kunai," Sora said lazily, leaving Kiba raging, while Hinata looked at Sora with bright eyes.

indeed she was scared before the wolves, but wanting to prove Sora want, she fought that fear and managed to win. tot think Sora believed in her all this time and simply wanted to motivate her to fight. her faith in Sora increased,

'...' Kurenai smiled hearing what was happening behind her, she was currently walking in the front with the wolf guy tried up and walking behind her. Sora was walking next to him, with Kiba on the other end, and Hinata on the other side. if the wolf guy showed any sign of attacking, they would have the upper head as he was surrounded.

they arrived in the hidden leaf and went on to go report this to the Hokage, Sora almost fought the Hokage seeing as they got paid what a C-grade mission was worth, but he held himself back and went on to go spend the money on the stuff he needs.

as for the wolfman, he was a rough shinobi. he grew up among wolves, but soon humans took him in, taught him the life of a human, and even how to become a shinobi. but he rejected the human part of him, he ended up eating the human who took him in and brought his body back to the wolves to eat.

he went on to teach the wolves how to use chakra, making them ar stronger than other wolves. but he was smart enough to enter the human world to gain more knowledge of the world, allowing him to live for many years without trouble.

"Yo, Naruto," Sora called out to Naruto who was currently with Sasuke, and Sakura, his two teammates. Naruto's eyes brightened seeing Sora and quickly rushed over, while Sasuke and Sasura simply watched

"you back from your C-grade missions?" Naruto asked to which Sora nodded and went on to tell him how the mission went. the group of 3 was shocked hearing they had to fight a jonin who could transform into a wolf and had fur which was like strong armor which allowed it to withstand an explosion of an explosive tag.

they were even more shocked when they heard it even had wolves that were around the chunin level, and Sora managed to kill the jonin level wolf man.

"wow that's so impressive," Naruto said in shock, and eyes filled with respect. he couldn't help but be jealous of Sora's team, their team have only been picking grass, walking dogs, finding lost animals, and so on. it was so boring,

"I find it hard to believe a genin like yourself could have pulled any of that off," Sasuke said while sizing Sora up.

"It's hard to believe, but it's true. just because someone is a rank above you doesn't mean you can't defeat them. I simply found an opening. head on I would have been killed," Sora said with a smile, Sasuke and Sora's eyes met, and Sora could see Sasuke wish to taste his skills,

"We can just fight, I want to know how the best stupid in the academy is doing after almost 2 months," Sora said with a smile, Sasuke smiled slightly, before nodding. the two moved to a nearby forest where they could spar, meanwhile, Sakura and Naruto followed,

Sasuke took a step forward and shot toward Sora, Sora stepped backward, dodging Sasuke's attacks with ease. Sasuke was strong, but he was not at chunin level, he was someone who can be considered a half-step chunin, although such a ranking didn't exist, it was the best ranking to rank Sasuke.

But Sora had already reached Chunin level strength, adding his eyes, and sharp senses, Sasuke was not able to hit Sora. this scene shocked everyone who was watching, even those within the Hokage office, who were secretly watching this scene.

"What do you think Kakashi?" The 3rd Hokage asked as he looked at Kakashi. Kakashi was a man with a mask that covered his nose down to his chin. his headband covered his left eye. his hair was darker than Sora, his air was a silver-gray color, while Sora's hair was slightly whiter.

"He is capable," Kakashi said calmly. As a person who lost everything close to him, Kakashi was not willing to get near to Sora, instead, he helped out Sora a little and kept his distance. For a person so talented, Kakshi's past was only filled with pain and loss. who knows, he might have taken his own life long ago.

"I think he has a chance of rivaling you one day," Kurenai said with a smile, Kakashi grew up in an area of war, so he was able to rank up quickly, and grow stronger through such a period. after the war, there was a very small few people who could do something similar to Kakashi. all of which could be counted on one hand, but when the war was still going on, there were dozens of talents popping up and dying due to war.

"... why did you pick him to join your team?" Kakashi asked calmly as he looked at Kurenai, they had the power to pick who can be on their team. Kakashi picked Sasuke, and Naruto, and Kurenai on the other hand picked Hinata and Sora.

Kakashi could understand why she picked Hinata, but why did she pick Sora? Kurenai shrugged slightly and said nothing, making Kakashi's eyes narrow slightly. he of course trusted her, but if she was trying to make him get close to Sora, it was something he was unsure about. he didn't want to get close to someone he could lose, so he simply held close to what he already had. he was too scared

"How are you so strong?" Sasuke said through gritted teeth while looking at Sora, their battles had sent them far away from Naruto and Sakura, something which Sasuke didn't even notice due to his anger.

"Because I'm special... Sasuke, do you belive in god?" Sora asked calmly as he sat down on a tree, his words confused and annoyed Sasuke even more, but Sora spoke.

"you had a rough past, in my dreams I saw your past. I saw how in one night your world turned into hell. I understand why you hate the fact I'm stronger, and I understand why you seek strength." Sora said causing Sasuke's eyes to narrow slightly,

"I get visions from my god from time to time, a while back I got a vision of you. And I was told to tell you this..." Sora said while jumping off the tree and walking off.

"Walking down a path of hatred blinds a person to the truth before them, there is nothing wrong in wanting revenge. anyone in your shoes would do the same, anyone who says you're wrong doesn't know your pain. but never let your rage blind you, you can play into the palm of your enemy... like now." Sora said calmly as under Sasuke foot, a rope moved, tightened around Sasuke's foot, and hanging him up upside down,

"You are too smart to have something like that normally happen to you. but your rage blinded you, instead of seeking strength trying seeking a calm head. don't play into others' palm, take control of your own faith." Sora said as he looked at Sasuke who just hung upside out, at a loss for words.

if Sora was to say something like his path was wrong or whatever, he was of course rejected Sora. but what Sora said and just did left him unable to react for some time, but Sasuke exploded into a rage, and went on to free himself,

falling, he landed to attack Sora, but instead, the ground he fall on fell in, leading Sasuke to fall into a hole.

"If you were calm-headed, you would have sensed my chakra control the ground under you. I easily guessed how you would react... is being so predictable something you like. you're the last survivor of your clan, if you want to avenge them, then blinding yourself, and letting your emotions control you... you would die at the hands of your brother, and those eyes would be taken." Sora said coldly, Sasuke looked up at him and forcefully suppressed his rage and embarrassment,

"Well, that was all I was told to tell you... by the way, our strengths are not too far apart, you just haven't tapped into your full capability," Sora said with a smile, before turning to leave, but before he could get far, Sasuke jumped out of the whole and stopped him.

"Who is this god you speak of?" Sasuke asked seriously, this was the first time Sora and him ever talked like this. Sora knew too much about him and even knew his brother wanted his eyes. Only he and a few people knew such information.

"My god, My god is the god of gods. you will come to understand him in due time." Sora said with a smile before disappearing, Sasuke didn't follow and simply watched him leave. he couldn't be mad, why? because Sora was right, he so easily allowed rage to control him, and now he was in the middle of the forest,

Closing his eyes for some time, he took a deep breath and went home, for his goals and dreams, he needed to take control of his emotions, to be so easily played and blinded by them... it was something someone to take revenge from a being like his brother couldn't allow.

"you going home?" Naruto asked as he followed after Sora, Sora nodded slightly at him. Naruto nodded slightly, Sora must be tired so they should speak tomorrow.