
A Journey Beyond

Not all magical worlds are so magical, As two people soon discover. Chase, an intelligent, talented individual, is trying to live an average life after a shattered past. He helps Erica, the most popular girl in the school. Still, they fall into Aetheria, a world ruled by a cruel god who uses his followers as entertainment. Defeating the god is the only way to return, but how can two people who don’t even know each other and have lived a peaceful life defeat the god who created this mystical realm?

Artiste_Dynamique · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Grave Robbery

Curious, I walk over to the knights, figuring I need protection. I held the dark knight's sword before me, looked the knight through his visor, and asked, 

"Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry, but I'm going to need to borrow this sword for a little."

I put the sword down and untied the sheath carefully. It might cause trouble if I keep this guy's sword; I should see if he has anything I could use to find his heir or someone. After I took the sword sheath off, I carefully removed his helmet.

He is reasonably handsome, with long black hair and a strong jawline. He reminds me of a main character from a Japanese anime. A glint around his neck catches my eye. I grab it, and it looks similar to dog tags.

I hold them in the air. I can't read anything on them. So I tie them around the sword's hilt to not forget it's on loan. I put the black knight's helm back on and turned to the silver knight. I grab his helm to take off, and touching his armor makes me feel tired and queasy, so I leave him be.

With the sword strapped to my back, I walk back to where Erica was sitting, and she's sitting there looking at me. 

"I found this. It might be magical, and I already have a sword, so how about you have this." 

I say, handing her the necklace. 

"Let's go find a town and see if anyone knows what happened,"

 She nods, we start towards a large gray structure in the distance, starting our adventure to return to our world.