

"It's quite annoying, i want to watch more of Hunter x hunter, this "end" is very disapointing" spoke the young man with a dejected face and a tired voice.

"Just read the manga if you want to know more or watch another anime, there a lot of good anime to watch that you don't even want to try..." said an other young man while reading a chinese webnovel.

"I wonder how "good" can be these animes you recommend me to watch when the anime you like the most is Highschool DxD..."

"Hey Allan, everyone is free to like whatever they want, don't look down on other because they don't like the same things than you."

"I agree with you but you can't recommand me animes to watch when our tastes are so differents, you ecchi lover. Harry, i'll go buy some drinks, do you want something?"

"Beer please!" answer the blond teen with a grin and some drool who flows from his mouth.

"I don't even know why I asked you when you answer is so obvious, well I come back in 10 minutes, and don't watch porn on my laptop, after the last time you did this my big sister saw the historic and teased me for days, the most awful is it was a incest hentai porn with a guy with his big sister, your joke was so embarassing, i can't even look my sister in the eyes now!!!"

After this angry tirade Harry burst out in laughter happy and pround that his joke worked this well, of course he know that Elena, Allan's sister will look at Allan's laptop historic since she was overprotective over Allan. What he don't know is that Elena really thought that her little brother was interested with love stuff between siblings and was very happy since she has a brother complex...

Well Allan is very handsome young man and is very kind with his sister and since they passed all their life together it's not unexpected that she develops such feelings, in fact if Allan never found a girlfriend is totally the fault of his sister who blocks all girls who tried to approach his brother...

Back to Allan who went to buy drinks in a near market.

"Sure it's hot today and it's even not summer already..." Allan was waking in the street when he saw a woman and a little girl, the little girl was playing with a ball and smile happily to her mother who was brushing the little girl brown hair, seeing this Allan smile too, he was happy in his life, he has loving parents as well that a loving sister, not too much friends but the few he has are all very good friends, his parents are really wealthy so he don't even be worried for his future, he do what he likes who is principally watch anime, reading webnovel and things like this and the best is that his parents don't mind at all that he live like an otaku since they want him to do what he likes because they want him to be happy and money isn't a problem, they have a lot of it after all.

When the mother-daughter duo cross him the mother receive a phone call, at the same moment the little girl drop her ball on the road, without looking if the road is free she run to catch her ball, totally unaware of the car who comes toward the ball at a speed who exceeds by a lot the one limited in city, seeing this Allan, without thinking, rush at the girl but even if the girl was very near to him when she crossed him in the street, he is unable to catch her in time, without any other choice he jump towards her and push her out of the way of the car but he is at the same time unable to avoid the car himself.

The car hit him at very fast speed, Allan felt a very sharp pain when his bones brokes. After being sent flying over 10 meters, with his broken body in a pool of his own blood he began to regret his life he will not be able to live anymore because at this moment Allan know he will not survive at this, he regret to not tell how much he loves his parents, how much he is proud to be their son and how much he is thankfull for the life they offerred him, regret to the life he will not be able to pass with his beloved sister and regret to not be able to tell her it was never needed to keep all the girls away from him since she always be the one for him, regret to the time he will not be able to spend with his best friend Harry, regret for the sorrow his death will brings to the ones who loves him but at the same time he is happy for the safety of the little girl to which he will never know the name.

His last tought is his beloved sister who smile at him then her beautiful features become blurry, his vision darkens, even his pain seems to disappear and finally his vision became totally dark. People gathers around the boy who saved a little girl only to see a lifeless broken body and his empty eyes filled with a mix of tears and blood.

Feel free to comment, vote and give some power stones if you like the story, feel free to point errors in spelling, grammar or vocabulary since i'm not very good in english, it will help me to improve my english but don't be too harsh pls XD, Bye!

The_Grindelwaldcreators' thoughts