
Ten and Zetsu

In the open training field, Izanami just finished to explain what is Ten and his applications to her son.

"Did you understand? It's very important to have a good comprehension of the bases so don't hesitate to tell me if you don't understand something."

"Ten is the action to let the aura nodes open and to envelopp the body with the aura and to not let the aura escape, it can be used against physical attacks but it's useless again Nen enhanced attacks. Is it also why you still look so young and beautiful? Is it thanks to the slow aging property of Ten?"

"Sweet talker" say Izanami smiling gently, even if she know that she is a very attractive woman it's make her happy that someone tell it her directly, even if it's her five years old son. Although she's very beautiful, her strong and dignified aura made her difficult to approach for other people and the fact that she's the actual head of the Cross family and a mother with two childrens don't help. It will now be five years since her husband died and since his death she doesn't had a companion, hell she doesn't even had sex since she was pregnant. Even 'that person' didn't come to her since a few years...

"Yes you are right, it's why I look so young and you catched the essentials points of Ten. Now try to use Ten and make your aura flow gently around your body like a cocoon. Close your eyes and try to visualize your aura flowing around your body, make it flow closer and calmly around your body."

Suijin do like his mother asked him and close his eyes, he begin to visualize his body in a dark place with nothing around him, he then try to visualize his aura, after a few instant, a transparent aura appear around his body, it's quite big, without form and very messy, it's like a flame in a tempest and he can see a lot of his aura escape his body. 'Mom said the aura is the life energy of a living being so if this aura escape the body then no wonder I felt quite exhausted since I oppened my aura nodes.' Suijin then try to visualize his aura stopping escaping his body and little by little make his aura calmer, his aura then began to look like a flame but now in a peaceful day. Going even further he then make his aura come closer to his body, after fews instant his aura was like a cocoon around his body.

He finally reach what his mother asked him, making his aura stop escaping his body and making it like a cocoon but he want to go even deeper, farther, he want to make his mother proud so he makes his aura come even closer to his body to finally reach the state where his aura flows extremely close to his body, just like a second skin, a second skin made of aura, like a second layer of protection, at this instant he understand he just reached the state where Ten is used as a protection against physical attacks and emotional Nen attacks.

Finally happy from what he just realized he slowly opened his eyes only to see the shocked and proud look of his mother, at this moment he felt a sense of accomplishment like he nerver felt before, making his mother proud make hiw way more happy than reach a perfect state of Ten at his first attempt. 'I will make mom pround again and again until I become the strongest Nen user in the world, I swear mom will be the proudest mom in the world.' How beautiful are the pure feelings of a young boy toward his mother and how much his reasons to be the strongest Nen user will changes in the future.

"You did very well my son, I'm so proud of you~" say Izanami happily while hugging her son and kissing his cheeks to what he respond by gigling and smiling like an idiot but with a undeniable cuteness. 'He has a talent and a potential even greater than these two girls and they are basically monsters, even Elena who is a genius is far behind these two, so compared to her brother... Incredible... and scary.'

"Thanks mom, it's thanks to your good advices and your accurate teaching" respond the young boy smiling with delight, happy to be praised by his mom.

"With your sweet talk, your talent and your good look I wonder how many girl will be attracted to you, like butterflies to a flame, maybe I will have several daughters-in-law in the future..."

"Mom!" shout Suijin clearly embarrassed by the teasing from his mother.

"Well, now we are done with Ten, I will now explain to you the second of the Four Major Principles: Zetsu!"

"I'm ready mom" say Suijin with conviction, eager to impress his mom once again.

"Good, listen carefully. Zetsu stops the flow of aura from the body by closing all the aura nodes, the user is able to stop all outflow of his aura making his presence much harder or even impossible to sense. This technique is useful when tracking another person, as not only it will make it easier to follow this person since the body of the user will be more receptive to other's aura, it will also prevent other Nen users from noticing the pursuer. If Zetsu is utilized within a certain range from a Nen user, that Nen user might notice the presence disappearing, especially if the Zetsu user's aura is powerful. Be careful, Zetsu will leave the body without any protection against aura attacks, even the slightest aura enhanced attack will cause heavy damages. Since even the thin protection bringed by Ten is gone, a Zetsu user is very exposed to emotional attacks. An other application of Zetsu is it can also be used to relieve fatigue."

"Ahhhh! It's what Elena uses to always sneak around me and annoy me! This bitch!!

Feel free to comment, vote and give some power stones if you like the story, feel free to point errors in spelling, grammar or vocabulary since i'm not very good in english, it will help me to improve my english but don't be too harsh pls XD, Bye!

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