
Suijin Cross

A young boy who doesn't seems to have more than five years old is sitting under a tree while reading a book, the seriousness on his little cute face with his shiny black hair and deep blue eyes would make every mother want to cuddle the little cutie to death, while he was tranquilly reading his book, a young girl who seems to have ten years old can be seen rushing towards him with a speed far greater than a ten years old child should be capable of, without showing any sign to stop or even slow down she jumps toward the young boy making him fall on his back and drop his book. With a angry look on his face he start to complain against the intruder who just came ruining his pleasure.

"Ahhh stop this already Elena onee-chan, every time it's the same thing, you always come to disturb me when I read a book, can't you just go and train your Nen and leave me alone a little?"

"No way~, it's way more fun to play with you~" said the young Elena while rubbing her face against her little brother cute cheeks.

"You don't play with me, you only rub your ugly face against mine, did you think I'm some plush or something?"

"You are way more cute than any plush in my eyes and I'm not ugly! You talk like if your book was better than me, your marvelous, cute and beautiful onee-chan" said the girl while pouting.

"Yes. By far, my book is interesting while you, you are just annoying, now go away crying in some dark place..."

Yes the young and cute boy who can activates most of woman motherly instincts with his face and seriousness lost all his cuteness when he start to talk, his vocabulary his quite large and his tongue very sharp when someone annoys him, which happens very often.

"Ahhh, you were more loving with me before, you always follow me and play with me and always become angry and jealous when boys keep talking to me..." Elena slowly shakes her head with fake tears in her eyes while remembering things that only her can remerbers.

"What are you talking about? It never happened... wait maybe it happened? Ahhh I don't know!" The puzzled and confused face he makes while he stills trying to understand why he has the feelings it's happened when he didn't remerbers such a thing makes once again Elena rubbing her face against his even harder than before.

"Ah, I cant' have enough of my little brother loveliness!!!" And with this, she starts hugging him and puts her hands in her little brother shirt against his back.

"Don't puts your hands in my shirt you pervert onee-chan, ahhh help Konan onee-chan, Yoruichi onee-chan, I'm being abused!!!" The boy ask for help to his two caretakers who watch from a little affar at the siblings antics, well it's a common sight since it happens almost every day...

The two caretakers are in their middle teens, both are extremely beautiful and will make a lot of man in a daze by their figure and aura if they walk in the street in a few years, well even now but let's not talk about middle aged man with stange desires for girls under the age of adulthood...

Yoruichi is slender and well-endowed woman of average height, she has brown skinn, golden irises and dark purple hair. Her hair is waist-length and kept in a ponytail with chin-length bangs framing the sides of her face.

Konan has short, straight lavender hair with a bun, amber eyes with lavender eye shadow, her height is near than Yoruichi's one but a slight taller, she's as well-endowed as Yoruichi and kept a light blue paper flower clipped in her bun.

The two caretakers smile gently seeing these two, they were taken from Meteor City more than ten years ago by Aria Croos, the mother of Elena and their young master, they had been raised and trained to become the caretakers of the heir of the Cross family, Suijin Cross.

"Ah, these words, you still read some strange and unapropriate books in Yoruichi room, don't you?" Cried Elena affraid than her cute and innocent little brother mind will be corrupted by the filthy books who can be found everywhere in Yoruichi's room.

At these words Konan send a deadly glare at Yoruichi and said "Don't corrupt our young master with your porn, he is still five years old, you perverted cat!"

The young boy is called Suijin Cross and he was also known in the past as Allan, it will be now five years since he was reincarnated by God in this world but of course he isn't aware of this and Elena was also reincarnated by God but she is very aware of this fact and she stills suffer of a strong ill called brother-complex...

The Cross family is a very strong family which every members are aware and trained at the Nen uses, they are trained in martial arts, swordmanship, business management, political affairs and many more. Suijin is already training physically but soon he will finish to open his aura nods and will start training his Nen and also increase his physical training, he will also start to learn martial arts and swordmanship, and he will also train these stange power he have in his mind since as long as he can remember.

Feel free to comment, vote and give some power stones if you like the story, feel free to point errors in spelling, grammar or vocabulary since i'm not very good in english, it will help me to improve my english but don't be too harsh pls XD, Bye!

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