

At the moment of Suijin's words fall down, a huge pressure crash on him, instantly, Suijin is bringed on his knee and is unable to breath as if he was underwater, this pressure only dured two seconds before it ended abruptly leaving the young boy puzzled and scared of what just happened.

"How did you just called your sister?" asked Izanami with a smile who sent chills in his back.

"S..So...Sorry mom" answered the scared boy while sweating profusely who just swore himself to never again insult his sister in front of this scary woman called "mom".

"You are way to young to curse in front of me and specially at your sister who love you so much."

"But she is annoying, she is always stick to me, rubbing her face against mine, disturbing me when i read books or even come tease me when I am relaxing in the water, she knows how I hate when people come bothering me when I'm in the water". Suijin always loved be in the water, he always felt incredibly relaxed and safe in the water, as if the water would never harm him, as if he has a strange connection with the water.

"It's because you are her beloved younger brother that she always want to be with you and I'm sure that it's because she is very concerned about you be alone in the water that she come to you when you relax yourself in the water, after all you are only five years old."

"Well maybe but I would like a little more freedom even if I really like Elena a lot too" said the young boy while sighing, he really likes his big sister but she is always make way too much skin contact with him what he finds sometimes a little weird, little know how he will like "skin contact" later and not only with his sister...

"By the way, what was I just felt now?"

"I just sent to you a emotional Nen attack, of course I did this because you still use Ten, otherwise I would never attack you this way, I would just spank your ass until it become the same colour as my eyes, but it's a good oportunity for you to experience a emotional Nen attack. Enough with that, you will try Zetsu now, use the same method you used for Ten but imagine the aura nodes in your body being closed and didn't leak any aura from your body."

Suijin immediately closed his eyes, back in the black space he didn't lost any time and imagined all his aura nodes being closed, he felt his aura nodes being closed one by one, his body leaked less and less aura every second he spend in the imaginary black space. It was relatively easy to close all his aura nodes and didn't let his body leak any aura.

Less than thirty seconds after he began his Zetsu training, Suijin opened his eyes and had a slight shadow wrapped around his body.

"Good, as you can see, enter in a Zetsu state is quite easy, even if you were very fast to enter in Zetsu compared to others, but becomming a Zetsu master is quite difficult and ask a lot of training and talent but I will now teach you Ren since it's on why I want you to focus for the moment."

"I'm ready" answered Suijin a little disappointed to not be praised by his mother but still quite exited to learn Ren since his mother seems to judge it quite important."

"Ren focuses on outputting a larger amount of aura than Ten, projecting it around you explosively. This will amplifies your physical strength and durability and provides you a large pool of aura for any advanced techniques I will teach you and skill you will develop with Hatsu. You can train your Ren to extend its duration and increase the amount of aura you will have. If Ten is considered purely defensive, Ren would be its offensive counterpart, although it will also grants you enhanced defensive abilities. With the right timing, you can use Ten to contain the aura produced with Ren altough it's not that easy to master.

By tingeing your Ren with hostility, you can exert what is generally referred to as "bloodlust". A prolonged emission of malicious Ren can induce uncontrollable dread in those who cannot use Nen, paralysis and, if contrasted without Ten, even death, it's what I just used on you when you cursed your sister.

On the other hand, a neutral Ren can rarely be felt by non-users. Since Ren is a show of power, it can also intimidate other Nen users and can be used to mesure a Nen user raw strength. Under strong rage, a user's Ren can outburst without control and grow exponentially for a short instant and let the user experience a power far stronger of what they have normally.

So that's why I want you to train your Ren everyday."

"Until when?"

"Until you become stonger than 90% of all Nen user in the world and until you master all the advanced Nen techniques I will teach you and until you have a very good glimpse of your Hatsu ability and even you manage to use more than one type of Nen. You should prepare yourself, today is the first day of your training and it's not only the Nen but your body, martial arts and swordmanship. Today is the last day of your childhood, the world is cruel and ugly and I need to prepare you to it, even if you come to despise or even hate me in the future."


I know I told the MC would be 1.5 years older than Gon and Kirua but I changed my mind, the MC is now 5 years older than the two, why? Because I don't want a child protagonist. I will modify the chapter 2 in consequence.

I know all these explications about Nen is quite boring but necessary...

Feel free to comment, vote and give some power stones if you like the story, feel free to point errors in spelling, grammar or vocabulary since i'm not very good in english, it will help me to improve my english but don't be too harsh pls XD, Bye!

The_Grindelwaldcreators' thoughts