
" Two Is Better than One. "

It was a hot summer night on a Sunday. I was at the gas station picking up snacks and drinks. I had plans with Sam that night. I wanna be prepared . We were so into each other. And hadn't fucked in about a month. So tonight was special. I was walking around and looking for some drinks. Sam likes coke and water. So I grabbed both. And grabbed some candy for him . And then I got my items. While I was in the candy aisle I heard a guy behind me. He all of the sudden said. ''Thats quiet the handful. Do you need help?'' That voice is familiar. I turn around and there was Markiplier looking at me. He smiles and looks me up and down.

I blush a hard red and smile back."Wow Marcus. What brings you into town? " He chuckles.. "Well. I have friends and family here that I am visiting. But I didn't know I would walk into such a beautiful woman." I could feel myself getting warm in my stomach. And a little turned on. .. I leaned in a bit. ''Well I have a hot date this evening.. how about you come over and hang out with us?" I said carrying my stuff up too the counter. Mark smiles and follows behind me with his stuff. "I would really love that. I'll follow you in my car. "

After checking out. Marki follows me home. Sam is still at work.We went inside and my decorations were very much witchy and Gothic. Ever since I had the house. And the kids were out for the night. So I figured I may as well take advantage of it. I turn the lights on and out the snacks on the table. I then look at Mark and say "Okay. I am gonna go take a shower and get comfortable. You can help yourself to anything. And I have THC gummies and smoke. Help yourself. He thanked me and then I went too get my shower. I washed with some rose body wash and some nice floral shampoo. Made sure my pussy was shaved and my legs. After I got out. I went in my room and put on a cute lilac color see through night gown. It was only hip length. And it has a black bow on it. I wore my lacey black panties.

Then I put on some love spell perfume and phermone perfume. I took a deep breath and I walked into the living room with Mark. "Hey you. You find everything ok?. " His jaw dropped and he blushes. "Damn . You look amazing." I smile and thank him. Then I go and grab my drink and snack. And check my Phone. Sam is otw. "Hey my friend Sam is on the way.'' Mark smiles and says okay. I then turn on some music. After about 10 minutes Sam comes in the house. "Hey... Markiplier? And Leah. '' I smile and nervous giggle. "Hey dear heart. I ran into Mark at the gas station. I hope it's cool. "

Sam walked over too me and leans down. He grabs my chin and kisses me deeply. "Hmmm ... I suppose. But don't forget our plans. " He winks at me. I wink bank.. "Oh. Don't worry... It's gonna be a wonderful night." Sam smiles and says he is gonna go take his shower. 'Okay Hun. We will be here." I pull out the weed and start fixing up a bowl. Then Sam heads towards the bathroom. I light up th first hit and then pass it too Mark. He takes two hits.

After that he pulls me into his lips and kisses me softly. I paused and my breath hitches In my throat. I wanted to wait until Sam was done. But it was okay. We would all have our fun. 10 minutes pass Sam he comes into the living room. He is wearing a tight white cotton shirt and grey shorts.

He gasp and says. ''Making out without me.. hmm. " Marki poo looks up and winks at him. ,''You wanna join us?"

Sam blushes and smiles. "Of course.. lemme grab a drink first. Then I'll come join.' he goes and grabs a coke . And he comes back in and sits beside Marki. He leans in and starts too kiss Mark. I sit and watch them in awe for a few minutes. How hot is that!! I start feeling lonely. And I nudge in.. then we start three way kissing. And both guys are getting super excited. I can see the bulge in their pants. I started rubbing the outside of them. And I could feel my pussy dripping with excitement. Just then Sam put his hand down my panties and started rubbing my clit. I moan out. And then Mark gets in there and puts two fingers inside of me.

We switch positions and Sam is on my left. Mark is on my right. I throw my head back and moan out. They are both working on my hungry cunt. Sam rubs faster circles. I Buck my hips then Mark adds a third finger. My toes curl then Sam leans in and bites my lip. He then starts kissing me. I moan into his kiss. Mark starts fingering me quicker. I could feel myself getting close. And I was gonna squirt soon. He could tell I was close. My g spot was filling up. And Sam smiles and starts rubbing my clit faster as well. A few more and I squirt all over marks fingers.

He tsk me and then goes down between my thighs. Sam does then Mark joins. Sam and him starts too clean up my cum. Licking it up like a bunch of raveging animals. After that they sit back on the couch. They have their cocks out waiting for attention. I smile and get on my knees in front of them . They look down at me with lust. I started with taking marks nice thick cock in my mouth.And stroke Sam's with my hand. I lick slowly around the head of his dick . And tease him. Mark moans out and leans his head back. All of the sudden Sam leans over and starts to kiss him . I stroke Sam's cock bit faster. He moans into Marki poos mouth. The fact that they are making out was really turning me on. I started too get wet again. After a few minutes. I switched to sucking Sam's cock and rubbing off Mark. We did this for a few minutes and then finally Sam asked if we could go to my bedroom. I Looked at them with a devilish grin.

So then the three of us went into my bedroom. Mark then pushed me onto my bed and then he crawls on top of me. Sam closes the door and then proceeded to join us on the bed. He laid beside us and was watching us with curiousness. Mark kisses me passionately and I kiss back . He then starts too kiss my neck. Turning me on again. He trails down my chest and takes my breast out and started too lick and suck my nipples . While he is doing that. Sam then leans in and starts too kiss me . I moan into his mouth. Mark is down at my hips at this point. He then proceeds to nibble them and grab them. Then Sam starts trailing down too my neck and bites me . Mark is eating me out again.. and Sam is sucking on my titties. Then he moves down in between my legs with Mark. They are both eating me. And playing with me.

After my next orgasm.They look at each other. And agree to double stuff me next . So then they moved me so Mark could lie down. He pushes his cock up ." Hmmm come take a ride. ." In his sexy deep voice. I blush and then I go too straddle him. I hover over top of him for a moment. And then I sit down on his nice big cock . I sigh and mark groans at my wetness wrapping around his member. After we get comfortable. Sam grabs out the lube and he makes me present myself. "Hmmm that's right. Let me see that tight little ass hole. " I moan and hold myself open . Sam drops some lube into his hand and rubs some on his cock. And some on me.

Sam takes a breath and then he pushes the head of his cock. Into my anal opening. Sam groans and presses a bit harder. I could feel him entering me. And breaking down my walls. It felt so painful but good at the same time. I moan louder and Mark then Starts to pick up a rhythm . So him and Sam can find a good one together. He starts slowly. And then Sam goes in and out slowly. We do this for a couple of minutes. And then Mark starts to go faster. Sam groans and then picks up the pace. He grabs my hips and slams into me. At this point I'm basically a puddle of cum. Orgasming so many times. Sam is moaning and plunging into me. Mark is moaning and drilling my cunt. Sam grabs my hair and pulls my head back so he can bite my neck.

Sam bites hard and I yelp out in pain and pleasure. Ohhh fuck. .. ''Sam that feels good!! Please draw blood baby.. please. " He obeys my word and bites down. I feel the skin breaking and my warm blood runs down my shoulder and. Sam growls and starts too lick the blood. I look down at Marki and his eyes are turning purple. He looks into mine smiling. I see fangs. '' You want a taste too? I new You were a vampire. So am I." I say my eyes turning reddish gold. Mark pushes his cock into me deeply. And growls out. "Fuck yes... Let us switch it up..'' after I cum on marks cock. Sam finished inside of my ass. And was ready for my cunt.

So I laid down and opened my legs and let Sam enter. He felt heaven. .. like he fit perfectly. My missing key. I wrapped my legs around his waist and then Mark came over too me and started too suck where Sam had drawn blood. He proceeds to lick my neck nice and slow grazing my skin with his fangs . At this point I was in seventh heaven. Sam was making me feel so fuckin good. And Mark was feeding on me. Which was hot as fuck too. He was also rubbing my clit while Sam was plunging in and out of my sopping cunt. He was blushing and panting. Sweating and it was running down his chest and it was so hot. He kept going for a while longer.

After that I had came again. And Sam had blown another load. Moaning and kissing me at the same time.