
a hedonistic will

"Demons were once angels, as beautiful as crystal, murderers were once innocent children who were changed over time and by the evil inflicted on the heart,there is no good or bad, there are choices, choices, only Choices, no Choices, good or bad, only the ones we decide to take, only you decide,was your choice good or bad?" "I say so, my Choices were so fucking good sitting on the top of the highest hill, a young man says these same words, while beheading a dirty and weak old man =============================================== Goodness and badness are concepts created to catalog the choices made by living beings, from these concepts the idea of ​​Karma was created, Karma is an energy created by our choices,whether they are good or bad, a certain type of karma will be created, well...according to humans this is karma, they wouldn't be so wrong,karma is actually done by our willpower, whatever it is, as long as it's strong and has a goal in mind,the karma will be drawn to you, the stronger this will power, the greater the karma drawn Loras kryon had the desire to become strong, as strong as a demon god, so the people he loves wouldn't suffer and he couldn't do anything to help them and he was strong to the end,but he could not fight against time and its cruel passage, he died old in fear that after his death his loved ones would suffer Margaret Tal wanted to help weak people by empowering them, she studied and became a renowned scientist, she studied the human brain and managed to break the chains that bound us to 10%,10% of brain capacity,she brought humanity to an era where there was no inequality and humans lived free and equal,humanity became prosperous and dreamed of the chance to spread humanity across the galaxy,but unfortunately she can't see it, the time to unlock it was punishing,she can't see her work spread across the land and humans step into peace, an eternal peace,she died in fear that other humans with evil intentions would deprive her work of a life and humanity would enter an era of eternal inequality. both died, scared and with their goals unfulfilled, but something gives them a chance,in a strange world, different from their worlds, they wake up with their souls tethered to a boy, a boy with green hair,the only thing they knew was that their dreams and goals could now be fulfilled, by this boy,this boy who inside hid a will as strong as that of a God, they had hope of finally not being afraid anymore, well...that's what they thought,but they didn't know that inside their divine will power hid a demonic Hedonism

D3S0L4T3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

chapter 8

the horde of wolves comes at full speed to the meaty scent they smell from both Hunter and Nathan and the crocodiles that are resting at the edge of the marsh, when the wolves arrive within 100 meters of the marsh, the crocodiles sense the gigantic karma emanating from their bodies and the strong smell of blood and the intent to kill, they quickly position themselves on the edge of the swamp in a kind of battle formation, they are lined up in a row where 5 crocodiles are in front and 5 more in the back and so it goes until you complete 10 rows of crocodiles, there are 50 crocodiles in total forming a battle formation in rows of 5 each, they walk a few meters and when they get a few meters in front, the crocodiles in the back start to move to the sides and stay on the side of those in front of them, they keep doing this until they form a letter {C}

there were 50 crocodiles above the 3rd step of Skin Refining against more than 100 wolves above the 2nd step, this would be a bloody and violent battle, it was unknown which was and winners of it, both sides had many powerful forces that were above theirs. stage when compared to real battle power

this region of the Graham empire was known as the [training ground]

as only the demons above Organ Refinement did not enter here and they would not dare as the driving forces of the Graham empire were located here and only the low ranks lived here, they could not leave as they would be killed by the strongest demons above the Refinery of organs and could not cross the barrier of organ refining because a powerful force would come to kill them immediately.

And Titania was the perfect place to train because they had beasts to refine bones and they didn't go beyond that stage

And now a fight between different races would happen in a few seconds

When the wolves saw the formation they ran like moths straight to fire and didn't stop.

Hunter and Nathan were hidden in a tree the size of a castle tower and watched the battle in amazement at the ferocity of the wolves and the calm and intelligence of the crocodiles

When both animals collided the killing began.

Every 1 crocodile had 10 wolves against them, but numbers didn't affect the crocodiles and they waited patiently until each wolf came within range of formation, they waited under the many bites and scratches of the wolves, but the crocodiles remained stationary like imposing walls and did not stoop to grunting in pain or attacking back

When the last of the 500 wolves entered the formation and went to attack one of the crocodiles along with its companions

A larger crocodile that was in the middle of the formation roared like a trumpet and the formation closed completely turning into a circle where all the wolves were and then a massacre took place as the crocodiles attacked with all the strength they had and took cruel bites to the wolves' weak points , not making them die but leaving them surrendered and helpless

The bloody festival of bites and the wolves' failed attempts to flee and try to survive became futile when the crocodiles used their tails like heavy whips and hit the wolves sending them back to the circle, but then when the wolves looked like they were going to be completely defeated

A new horde of wolves appeared from the same path and they were twice as many as the ones that had attacked the crocodiles. With this new horde the crocodiles would have no chance of defeating the overwhelmingly outnumbered wolves

hunter and Nathan standing on top of a tree that was as big as a 3-story house, watched with dread the power of the crocodiles, their hearts were beating fast and their hands were shaking, they had killed before when they were in the palace as the Commander brought prisoners, bandits, mercenaries and some common wolves for the brothers to get used to the feeling of killing, but now it was different, what they saw was a massacre by the crocodiles and now an unexpected turnaround by the wolves, they felt that if they tried to go against the wolves with the soldiers, death was the only result of a direct fight and they needed those wolves to die to get to the district that the commander designated them, which would be impossible if these wolves were to stay alive as they would be scattered throughout the entire forest and even if they opened their way killing them, the whole horde would chase them non-stop and there were still soldiers who managed to escape, they didn't just they knew if they had been caught or not but they didn't want to bet on luck.

With the arrival of another horde of wolves, the brothers only had 2 Choices

1 - call other crocodiles to help but with that in addition to the wolves fleeing because they feel the power of the crocodiles, entering Titania would be impossible as the crocodiles would be on high alert and so they would be in maximum danger again and would have to cross the forest with the wolves and the possible remaining soldiers

2 - help the crocodiles by killing these wolves and managing to reduce the risk that the forest provides with a small amount of wolves and tired, injured and lost soldiers because they didn't have a map, something both brothers had, but they would also have to take beware of the crocodiles that can attack them too

But they had no other choice at the time and only by helping the crocodiles they had a chance to get into Titania and only Titania was a good place for them to hide

Hunter thought and thought of the 2 plans, so he explains to Nathan and nathan replies:

"We have no other choice and we can also refine our bodies and skills by fighting them and with this fight our senses will be better sharpened on Titania"

Hunter looked at Nathan with surprise, he never thought that his brother who were trembling with fear inside was so calm at that moment, it was possible to see his fear since only Hunter can see Nathan as he really is

Hunter then explains how they will kill as many wolves as possible.

While Nathan used his sword [snake fang] and his above-average speed to cut off the wolves' paws and other sensitive spots, Hunter would finish them off with a strong spear thrust to the wolves' hearts or heads.

The strengths of both brothers are speed, and while Nathan had an abnormal skill with the sword and a speed above human perception even though he was not Refiner and the sword [serpent fang] which is made of Silver purified and refined with Karma , Hunter has his spear made of crimson diamond and his thrusts are fast and strong, so strong that they pierce through layers of iron as if they were wood, they both have an abnormal strength and added with their refined bodies they have a 2x greater amount of strength.

And then the battle begins

Hunter pulls his spear and rubs it against nathan's sword which immediately catches fire.

Hunter jumps from the tree and lands on the ground which immediately catches the attention of the wolves who are facing it with the fire that glows brightly at the tip of the spear and about 5 wolves go after the flame

When the wolves were within 5 meters of Hunter, a silver glow shone in the night along with a figure and the 5 wolves had their hind legs cut off and ripped off after moving a few inches.

Then Hunter jumps up and makes a sweeping move and with the tip of the spear decapitates the wolves and then lands behind the corpses with Nathan behind him with a Silver sword that glowed in the night by the fire of the spear.

The wolves sniff the blood of their mates along with an aroma of burning flesh and bubbling blood, another part watches Hunter and Nathan running towards them and then they go to the pair's confrontation and there are more than 10 wolves in total.

When the wolves collided with Hunter and Nathan a fierce and bloody battle ensued with Nathan using his sword to cut the wolves' paws or eyes and Hunter finishing with strong cuts and thrusts that spilled blood everywhere and with violence

They killed all the wolves and continued ahead of the siege killing all the wolves on the way until they reached the circle where the crocodiles killed all the wolves inside and now they kill the outside ones and leave their bodies inside the circle, before they left them alive but now they killed mercilessly, they bit the wolves' heads until they felt their skulls break and threw them into the circle thus forming a mountain of dead wolves

Hunter and Nathan along the way to the circle killed and bathed in wolf blood and killed everyone in front, they received wounds too.

Bites, scratches and shoves were received by the pair and they killed the wolves that attacked them because it was in attacks that the wolves were at a greater disadvantage, as they were unprotected and attacking and defending was impossible due to the physiognomy of the canines

When they got close to a crocodile that had a wolf in its mouth and cracked the animal's skull, Hunter grabbed Nathan by the collar and threw him over the crocodile that smashed the wolf's skull with all its strength and threw him into the mountain.

The crocodile didn't pay attention to Hunter because for every wolf he killed, he took another by the head and killed him, in a move where stopping means his death

Hunter takes his spear and with a strong and sure thrust he hits the spear inside a wolf's chest and throws it into the mouth of the crocodile that catches the wolf's head and starts crushing it with all the strength he has.

Notice that at the moment Hunter catches the wolf, the surrounding wolves start scratching hunter with their paws and biting his legs and arms, but thanks to the special soldier's uniform given by the commander, he and Nathan managed to withstand the attacks of the beasts and open up. way to the crocodile circle as the uniform had karmic runes that withstand attacks from refiners in muscle refining

Hunter using the hilt without the blade, Hits the crocodile's skull hard and smashes the crocodile's skull as hard as he can.


Hunter then stands on top of the crocodile's head and when the crocodile turned its head to throw the wolf's motionless corpse, Hunter used the impact and jumped to the direction where nathan was and landed on top, mountain of corpses putting his spear into the ground to not slip in the remains of blood and fetid flesh where the wolves were

The mountain of corpses had a putrid, reeking smell of brain mass and the massive smell of saliva and metallic rotten blood littered the air along with flies planting worms in dead flesh and the Karma that came out of newly dead bodies that came out of the skin of the dead. wolves and returned to the soil feeding the soil with already purified karma, when this bloodbath ends, this soil will become extremely fertile for the growth of karmic herbs and refining materials.

Nathan covered his face with a cloth to smother the strong smell but Hunter takes the cloth from Nathan's face and says in a slightly uncomfortable tone.'

"Get used to this smell because in the future you will smell it many times, I'm also sick of this rot but the more we get used to it the better"

Nathan is silent and does not reply because he knows that his brother is right and that carnage and bloodshed will be his daily routine, refiners, while being strong, are beings who dance along with death and always have encounters with her in their daily routine. to get stronger and refine your own body

So nathan takes his sword and puts it in its scabbard, then takes his backpack that he always carries with him and has been with him since the camp with the soldiers and takes out a crossbow along with a bag with 200 small arrows.

Hunter takes his spear and the cloth nathan used to cover his face and ties it tightly together.

The 2nd part of the plan to eradicate as many wolves as possible begins

Now begins the 2nd part of Hunter's plan