
a hedonistic will

"Demons were once angels, as beautiful as crystal, murderers were once innocent children who were changed over time and by the evil inflicted on the heart,there is no good or bad, there are choices, choices, only Choices, no Choices, good or bad, only the ones we decide to take, only you decide,was your choice good or bad?" "I say so, my Choices were so fucking good sitting on the top of the highest hill, a young man says these same words, while beheading a dirty and weak old man =============================================== Goodness and badness are concepts created to catalog the choices made by living beings, from these concepts the idea of ​​Karma was created, Karma is an energy created by our choices,whether they are good or bad, a certain type of karma will be created, well...according to humans this is karma, they wouldn't be so wrong,karma is actually done by our willpower, whatever it is, as long as it's strong and has a goal in mind,the karma will be drawn to you, the stronger this will power, the greater the karma drawn Loras kryon had the desire to become strong, as strong as a demon god, so the people he loves wouldn't suffer and he couldn't do anything to help them and he was strong to the end,but he could not fight against time and its cruel passage, he died old in fear that after his death his loved ones would suffer Margaret Tal wanted to help weak people by empowering them, she studied and became a renowned scientist, she studied the human brain and managed to break the chains that bound us to 10%,10% of brain capacity,she brought humanity to an era where there was no inequality and humans lived free and equal,humanity became prosperous and dreamed of the chance to spread humanity across the galaxy,but unfortunately she can't see it, the time to unlock it was punishing,she can't see her work spread across the land and humans step into peace, an eternal peace,she died in fear that other humans with evil intentions would deprive her work of a life and humanity would enter an era of eternal inequality. both died, scared and with their goals unfulfilled, but something gives them a chance,in a strange world, different from their worlds, they wake up with their souls tethered to a boy, a boy with green hair,the only thing they knew was that their dreams and goals could now be fulfilled, by this boy,this boy who inside hid a will as strong as that of a God, they had hope of finally not being afraid anymore, well...that's what they thought,but they didn't know that inside their divine will power hid a demonic Hedonism

D3S0L4T3 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter 7

As the horse ran faster and faster as it sensed the approach of the wolves, the brothers Hunter and Nathan discussed where to go in Graham's forest, they knew that if they went back to the palace, they could be going from something bad to something worse, the brothers knew that those wolves weren't there by chance, someone had lured them here and if they went back to the palace, the mastermind of the murder could finish the job with their own hands, they knew the mastermind was royalty because no one was out From the Castle boundary knew about Hunter and Nathan's journey, they were ambushed today as they are far from District 1, the district where the palace and the strongest soldiers in the empire reside, now they have to find somewhere to escape, Hunter and Nathan realized that these wolves are hungry because even after hours of chasing, the wolves are still after them, they had to find a place to hide because the horse they are riding on begins u was out of breath and was getting slower, Hunter then says:

"Nathan I think you better find a place for us to hide fast, the horse is getting fucking slower"

Nathan had taken a small map of the empire from the beginning of the chase and started to study the best places for them to hide, but he was silent from the beginning, not giving any clues as to whether or not he found a suitable place, but after the hunter spoke closely in his ear, he makes a face like he's lost concentration, he looks at Hunter and then says:

"Hunt, the only place we can go... is to Titania..."

Hunter hears the name and then frowns in concern, then closes his eyes to think, Titania

Titania is a forest with trees [Titan], a tree so gigantic that its trunk pierces the sky, in Titania's soil there is a deep water swamp full of [thirsty crocodiles], extremely powerful karmic demons in its territory as it is within the water. of the swamp, their speed triples, they are the biggest predators on Titania, but it is very easy to avoid a frontal attack against the crocodiles that is walking from tree to tree, but trees also have their predators and they are the [Titan insects]

Titan insects were originally small common insects that over the years were feeding on karmic herbs and had their genetics modified by 100%

They are as big as an elephant but with frightening speed and their attacks are even stronger when added to their superhuman speed, but they also had their weaknesses and their predators, an insect's weakness is that its carapace is fragile and its predators are the thirsty crocodiles that, thanks to their ferocity, impose a terrible fear on insects, they would be easy prey for Hunter and Nathan even with a hard carapace as a mountain since their weapons were not normal weapons, they are weapons bathed and forged in pure Karma, they can easily cut through a mountain like butter and have the strength to hurt a 2nd Step organ refiner with ease, but there was another problem was that the amount of insects that would attack them the moment they smelled the corpse's The first insect killed by the brothers would be gigantic and they would win by numbers and the only way for them not to be surrounded is by entering some hollow tree, but it would also be dangerous j since these are the trees where the crocodile eggs are hatched and the majority had Costas guard inside the trees

But the only way they can get out of this situation is Titania and trust their luck, they didn't have the sweet choice not to go there, but that was the only way, so after a lot of thinking Hunter opens his eyes and leads the horse towards titania it is very easy to find titania as its gigantic trees are seen all over the Heru continent, Nathan sees the direction they are going and sighs, he prepares for a long and difficult night, but if they survived this night , they would gain something that would help them which is Refine their own bodies, they will surely spend a lot of time killing and wasting all their bodily energy and if they survive until dawn or the wolves go away, they will get a good booster for their Refinement, it so he prepares his sword [angel hair] made of Purified Silver with Karma and some strong knives and ropes, he also prepares medicine and bandages with the backpack he always carries around his waist, nathan was nervous if he only would survive this night or not but he didn't think much and continued to prepare everything

Hunter saw nathan's nervousness but decided to keep silent, that night would help him learn how to behave in risky situations and would also help the sword techniques he had been learning secretly, he knew that nathan was stronger inside and he didn't want to show his brother for fear that he would unintentionally arouse the murderous intention in him and it would harm his brotherhood, he chose to respect Nathan's decision but he knew this was a bad decision because at times like this he would have to use everything he had learned with the sword before and he knew he hadn't made many advances in his sword techniques, now he would learn a painful but accurate lesson.

As the horse got closer to Titania the more tired he was, just 100 meters to Titania, Hunter orders the horse to stop and he stops, panting and tired and there is little to go until his stamina runs out completely, Hunter gets off the horse with nathan

Nathan confused asks:

"It's a little while before we get here why did you stop?"

Hunter responds as he removes the horse's cell, gives some water from his canteen and begins to pick up dirt from the ground and spread it on the horse:

"He can't get there running, that poor animal can't even climb trees and he'll die for nothing having run to extreme fatigue to save his life, thanks to him we're alive and well, he deserves life nathan"

Nathan doesn't respond, he was absolutely right at that moment and he also worried about the animal when he arrived in Titania and couldn't climb the trees and survive

Hunter felt sorry for the animal, he would die even if he trusted the man who killed his original owner and saved him from death by the wolves only to be completely used and killed by being eaten until there were no bones left, it was too injustice to the poor animal, he passed dirt all over the horse's trunk so that his scent wouldn't attract the wolves, Hunter then looks into the horse's eyes and says:

"Thank you friend, thanks to you we can live, so run but don't go to the capital, they'll kill you to cover up the evidence"

The horse looks at the brothers and neighs giving the 2 a deep look, he then runs in a random direction away from hunter, Nathan, the wolves and the Capital

Hunter then speaks:

"Let's go while the wolves are away, when we get close to the swamp the crocodiles will sense them and attack the wolves"

Nathan nods in agreement and starts running at full speed taking long and steady steps, their speed is above average as thanks to their refined and strong skin their muscles and bones don't receive as much impact from the long runs and thanks to the Spartan training that they were young they had an abnormal amount of stamina and almost infinite breath thanks to their oxygen breathing pores, they have super human breath and 100 meters of constant running was nothing to them, they are close to the trees and then they see the swamp and to their bad luck or luck

There were a lot of crocodiles in the 3rd step of Skin Refining

It was time for their plan to take action.

hello author here and I'm happy with this 800 readers, the story goes to chapter 10 and then it's going to go into hiatus and will come back on January 1st with at least 10 Chapters, I won't promise, but they will be10 Chapters with 1k and 1.5k words (sometimes 2k),the 10th chapter will end with the Titan forest arch and then it will be their trip as a pair to the district they command (don't get attached to any character)

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