
a hedonistic will

"Demons were once angels, as beautiful as crystal, murderers were once innocent children who were changed over time and by the evil inflicted on the heart,there is no good or bad, there are choices, choices, only Choices, no Choices, good or bad, only the ones we decide to take, only you decide,was your choice good or bad?" "I say so, my Choices were so fucking good sitting on the top of the highest hill, a young man says these same words, while beheading a dirty and weak old man =============================================== Goodness and badness are concepts created to catalog the choices made by living beings, from these concepts the idea of ​​Karma was created, Karma is an energy created by our choices,whether they are good or bad, a certain type of karma will be created, well...according to humans this is karma, they wouldn't be so wrong,karma is actually done by our willpower, whatever it is, as long as it's strong and has a goal in mind,the karma will be drawn to you, the stronger this will power, the greater the karma drawn Loras kryon had the desire to become strong, as strong as a demon god, so the people he loves wouldn't suffer and he couldn't do anything to help them and he was strong to the end,but he could not fight against time and its cruel passage, he died old in fear that after his death his loved ones would suffer Margaret Tal wanted to help weak people by empowering them, she studied and became a renowned scientist, she studied the human brain and managed to break the chains that bound us to 10%,10% of brain capacity,she brought humanity to an era where there was no inequality and humans lived free and equal,humanity became prosperous and dreamed of the chance to spread humanity across the galaxy,but unfortunately she can't see it, the time to unlock it was punishing,she can't see her work spread across the land and humans step into peace, an eternal peace,she died in fear that other humans with evil intentions would deprive her work of a life and humanity would enter an era of eternal inequality. both died, scared and with their goals unfulfilled, but something gives them a chance,in a strange world, different from their worlds, they wake up with their souls tethered to a boy, a boy with green hair,the only thing they knew was that their dreams and goals could now be fulfilled, by this boy,this boy who inside hid a will as strong as that of a God, they had hope of finally not being afraid anymore, well...that's what they thought,but they didn't know that inside their divine will power hid a demonic Hedonism

D3S0L4T3 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter 14

Alessandra looked at the child with desire and greed in her eyes

The hidden power that this child had was greater than hers.

This boy could make her reach levels of power never before seen on planet Varnary

She has a dual Refining mine

She then goes down the cave and comes close to the child

She looks at that cute boy sleeping heavily as if in a comfortable bed

Alessandra makes a random movement with her left hand that has a silver ring with runes and assorted geometric formations drawn on its surface.

when the hand stops moving

An orange rectangular formation appears in your right hand.

The formation starts to move and it quickly turns into an orange cotton fabric.

The fabric floats to the naked baby and rolls it up completely and comfortably

The fabric floats again up to a few hundred centimeters from Alessandra's face

she sees that beautiful child

A baby with green hair the color of summer trees in their most alive state

Her eyes are purple of a bright bright color.

He has a chubby but strong body

A 100kg stone would easily turn to dust in the boy's hands

She feels strange to realize that she would take care of the boy like a mother

Just to have sex with him and gain a power she's craved for millennia

But she didn't care about it

She had done many "bad" deeds in the eyes of human society

But she didn't care

She was currently the strongest creature on the planet and nothing could interrupt her plans

She observes the treasure transformation process that the mountain was having.

She smiles and thinks:

"I already have my Castle, I think it would be better to leave this treasure with you... don't you... Zeon?"

Zeon is the name of the newborn now named by Alessandra

She smiles and then makes a stamp using both hands and in blink of an eye

A massive amount of formations attach themselves to the mountain and the forest that surrounds it.

Know that between the mountain range and the mountain that pierces the skies

It was as far away as a 20 Titania trees lying one after the other

Alessandra had to break the sound barrier to get to the mountain in a record time of 20 seconds

There are 1 Titan tree that pierces the skies outdated every second

And she didn't even use everything she had

This feat reinforced the title of strongest creature on planet Varnary

The forest of the giant mountain where Hunter stopped was surrounded by a crystalline River born in the parts of the mountain where the clouds were

The formations covered the entire forest to the river's border

Then they joined together in a gigantic formation made up of small formations

After that, everything changed

The karma sucked up by the mountain began to be distributed to the forest to the edge of the river, and not only the Mountain began to turn into a treasure.

But the entire area covered by the gigantic formation

And the Karma sucked up by the mountain began to increase to levels that not even the body reconstruction of the purple Soul sucked so much karma

The entire continent of Heru and the demons in the acerius ocean felt their karma disappear and follow a certain direction.

While the karma accumulation process continued

Alessandra took little Zeon and flew up the mountain range at a speed greater than the speed she took to get from the Mountain range to the mountain she named [Olympus]

It took her 5 seconds to reach the Mountain range

She created a protective formation so the force of the wind wouldn't rip apart her new treasure.

She stops on top of the mountain range

She starts creating ancient symbols using her hands.

After a combination of 10 symbols

A dense and massive layer of formations appears on top of the mountain range

The same layer of formations used in mount olympus

Now not only has mount olympus become a bottomless karma-sucking can

But the mountain range too

The house within the Mountain range left the ground and floated to Alessandra

But while floating to her

It has shrunk to the size of an apple

while decreasing

Various formations glowed until it was the size of an apple.

Alessandra flew to the skies

At an altitude high enough to see Mount Olympus and the range of Mountains she dubbed the [Palace of Eden]

She was so tall she could see the 2 at the same time.

Both sucking in massive amounts of karma

Both had already become mines of karmic treasures like herbs and minerals bathed in natural karma

But for Alessandra who intended to give these treasures to baby Zeon in the future

they weren't strong enough

She wanted something that would at least make it possible for him to reach divine refinement in less than 10,000 years.

just like her

Seeing that even with the large amount of Karma absorbed by the Karma treasures

They would still take at least 1 year until they were at the level she wanted

Know that at the level these treasures are

They can feed an empire as strong as Graham for continental domination.

But she was not satisfied

She leaves the little Zeon who was beside her sleeping in the soft cloth and protected from the strong winds by a very high level protective formation inside the mansion.

Lying in her soft bed that she didn't use much but always looked new and not worn out by time. Of course this was only possible because every corner of this bed was filled with formations

The baby slept with his body spread out on the bed comfortably and still drooled with a happy face.

It was a pretty cute scene if what was about to happen was marked as one of the first events for the outbreak of a bloody war across Heru

Above the clouds in the highest sky

A beautiful woman made hand stamps with frightening speed

Her body karma moved smoothly

her muscles were relaxed

her expression was cold

But her hands showed another reaction.

from forearm down

Their skin, flesh, muscle and bones together with violent karma were forming thousands of seals per second

After 5 seconds tens of thousands of seals formed

both karmic treasures

Olympus and Eden Palace

They shivered and left the ground and began to float

It was to be expected that these ripped pieces would shatter as they did not have a foundation holding them up.

But it didn't happen

For below these karmic treasures

There was a gigantic formation made of small formations

Because of the abrupt uprooting of these treasures from Earth

And know that these treasures were deeply rooted in the earth

A violent earthquake shook the entire Heru continent which was so big that it would take 10 years for a normal person to walk from North to South of Heru and 50 years to go from East to West and that if this trip were a journey without countries

Heru is gigantic

Such a big continent was shaking violently

Many powers in Heru left where they were and flew quickly from where the violent tremor originated.

A total of 1,000 refiners above the Natural Refining stage were flying at high speed to the far north of Graham which is where the quake originated.

All passed through the Imperial City of Graham and left tolls for Adrian Graham

Adrian was spiritually refined and had his share of respect among the refiners who flew to the quake site.

The only ones that didn't pay toll were the refiners stronger than Adrian

Only 3 refiners did not pay

1 refiner in Divine refining

2 refiners at peak spiritual refining

1 of them was halfway between the spiritual and the Divine Refinement

Adrian did not leave the palace

He was graham's foundation and couldn't risk his life in a risky battle that many refiners of the same stage or greater than his will kill themselves over a karmic treasure Born in an ultra dangerous red area of ​​the Graham empire

Even with Adrian wanting to go to the place of the tremor

He would be stopped by the old war gods of the Graham empire

These refiners will not surpass the divine Refinement and will die because they reached the limit

So they swore to protect Graham and the Imperial family for the rest of their lives.

These old gods of war would stop Adrian so easily and they wouldn't even have to leave their seats to do so.

Not even the divine Refiner who passed through the Empire felt their power that was hidden by mighty formations.

They would not go after this treasure either as all the divine refiners that Graham produced and exhibited to the public were currently outside Heru's territory.

And chasing that treasure would be showing graham's wild card at the wrong time.

Even those old gods of war weren't invincible

The Palace of Eden and Mount Olympus were currently next to each other.

They were at the same altitude as Alessandra

The renegade Goddess made hand seals at a fast and steady speed

While the seals were created

Formations were created right after a seal was made.

A dense layer of orange formations and various geometric shapes came together and connected like spider webs and they all covered both treasures and made a kind of bridge made of formations that connected both treasures.

When these formations connected

Alessandra said in a cool, calm tone:

"[Divine Cauldron Matrix: Karmic Fusion]"

A strong light shone in the morning

A second sun rose on the continent Heru and its light bathed not only Heru and the seas that bathed the continent

But all the continents that were being bathed by the sun of the solar system that the planet inhabited

They all saw a strong light like the sun shines

This light lasted 10 seconds and went away quickly

The enlightened empires saw this as a sign

Sign that a new era was being born for a mighty treasure was born

The refiners approaching the site flew at extreme speed without stopping

They saw it as a chance to achieve the so desired Refinement of the soul

A chance to finally become a true God

Alessandra watched her newest creation

The Named [Garden of Eden]

a mighty treasure

It didn't come close to her castle but the garden could grow and become even stronger and even reach her castle

Greed shone in the eyes of the renegade goddess

But she erased those thoughts

This garden belonged to Zeon

If this Garden reached the level of your castle

And Zeon reached the same power level as hers

they would be invincible together

She saw that garden as another chance to become a real goddess.

She waved her right hand and the Garden of Eden dwindled to the size of a 6-person dining table.

She waves and tucks the garden into her space storage belt.

A treasure made by her using the space inside a small opening in the belt

using powerful formations

She stretched the space inside the belt so that at least one Castle could fit inside the belt.

She then looks down and realizes that area was now rich in Karma

With the melting of treasures

A great deal of Karma had gathered in that area and now pure karma surrounded that area

The birth of powerful karmic herbs will be common in this area for a long time.

She prepares to leave when she hears something

"Stop right there woman!!!"

A man's voice roars towards Alessandra

This man was young and looked to be at least 25 years old but his power was gigantic, his aura of karma is pure and powerful.

Alessandra turns and looks at the man with contempt in her eyes.

This refiner was already old and finished

at the end of its useful life

almost in the jaws of death

He would not be able to pass the next stage of divine Refinement and would die at that stage.

But he came here to try to surpass a level he couldn't if he didn't refine his will with someone powerful.

Even though the others behind him had a stronger will

He didn't know how to double refine himself

He had no idea that this was possible.

To worsen

Even though he refined his will

It would only reach the peak of the 3rd step

Alessandra knew that every will had a Refining limit

She has already tested Refine weak wills into strong ones and make them stronger than her will

But everyone had a limit

The strongest will she refined didn't even come close to 1/10 of her will

She faced the man who proudly displayed his "beauty" and muscle through clothing along with his strength of Divine Refinement.

He ignored the strength of Alessandra who currently displayed the strength of a natural refiner

This man then began to speak in a proud tone

"My young lady, from what I've seen and from the aura of raw karma that your hands emanate, you've managed to catch a mighty treasure haven't you? if I forgive you..."

after finishing your words

Man feels powerful karmic pressure

As if a demon god had ruled the earth

And then he feels a terrible chill

And parts of his body get cold

when he looks to the side

He sees his right arm completely cut off

It was cut into slices

He thinks:

"Fuck, this woman is not normal...."