
a hedonistic will

"Demons were once angels, as beautiful as crystal, murderers were once innocent children who were changed over time and by the evil inflicted on the heart,there is no good or bad, there are choices, choices, only Choices, no Choices, good or bad, only the ones we decide to take, only you decide,was your choice good or bad?" "I say so, my Choices were so fucking good sitting on the top of the highest hill, a young man says these same words, while beheading a dirty and weak old man =============================================== Goodness and badness are concepts created to catalog the choices made by living beings, from these concepts the idea of ​​Karma was created, Karma is an energy created by our choices,whether they are good or bad, a certain type of karma will be created, well...according to humans this is karma, they wouldn't be so wrong,karma is actually done by our willpower, whatever it is, as long as it's strong and has a goal in mind,the karma will be drawn to you, the stronger this will power, the greater the karma drawn Loras kryon had the desire to become strong, as strong as a demon god, so the people he loves wouldn't suffer and he couldn't do anything to help them and he was strong to the end,but he could not fight against time and its cruel passage, he died old in fear that after his death his loved ones would suffer Margaret Tal wanted to help weak people by empowering them, she studied and became a renowned scientist, she studied the human brain and managed to break the chains that bound us to 10%,10% of brain capacity,she brought humanity to an era where there was no inequality and humans lived free and equal,humanity became prosperous and dreamed of the chance to spread humanity across the galaxy,but unfortunately she can't see it, the time to unlock it was punishing,she can't see her work spread across the land and humans step into peace, an eternal peace,she died in fear that other humans with evil intentions would deprive her work of a life and humanity would enter an era of eternal inequality. both died, scared and with their goals unfulfilled, but something gives them a chance,in a strange world, different from their worlds, they wake up with their souls tethered to a boy, a boy with green hair,the only thing they knew was that their dreams and goals could now be fulfilled, by this boy,this boy who inside hid a will as strong as that of a God, they had hope of finally not being afraid anymore, well...that's what they thought,but they didn't know that inside their divine will power hid a demonic Hedonism

D3S0L4T3 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter 13

inside the cave of minerals

The purple energy sphere sucked all the atmosphere karma

Even the Karma present in the cave minerals

But that karma was not the karma the sphere was looking for.

So it stopped absorbing that karma and started absorbing the karma outside the cave and so it expanded for thousands of kilometers

All the karma was sucked in at once as if a bottomless pit sucked him in with no intention of stopping.

All the fauna and flora of the region felt the Karma around being swallowed towards a certain direction and it would not stop being sucked

inside the cave

The karma in the environment began to affect the entire mountain.

The whole mountain absorbed karma that the sphere absorbed

But different from the sphere

The karma absorbed by the mountain was minimal and insignificant.

after a few seconds

A figure of a human baby formed in the sphere.

The sphere became a newborn human baby

And then the absorbed karma grew even more

Then began a process of "birth"

The glowing purple figure of a newborn baby was covered with karma skin at the beginning of stage 1

Then it was muscles in the 1st stage

Bones in 1st stage

Organs in the 1st stage

Newborn baby's whole body of flesh

was made of karma

Currently this baby was the strongest child ever born.

A child not made of human flesh

but of pure karma

The only human thing in his body was his soul.

The entire process was extremely fast and lasted exactly 27 seconds

Inside the soul of the newborn

Loras and Margaret watch it all with amazement

This world was too scary

Hunter's own will power resurrected him as the legend of the Phoenix

But it was extremely different from the legend

Where they died and were reborn from the ashes

This one was more grotesque

Seeing his entire body being reconstructed atom by atom was scary to say the least.

Not even Margaret, who studied the entire Human anatomy, could not look at that body reconstruction for a long time

Only Loras who saw the terrors of countless wars

Managed to watch the rebirth of Hunter

But what worried the couple of spirits

It was that the "personality" of Hunter

It wasn't in the shell of the soul of this new Hunter

As if an empty New personality that needed to be built had been born and replaced Hunter's personality

Hunter's personality was now floating within Hunter's purple soul and showed signs that he was hibernating.

Margaret and Loras didn't know what to do

They just had to obey what that voice commanded and help this new Hunter personality

Or if they should call this personality after his old personality

Another concern of theirs was that this New personality was just a newborn baby who could barely walk, talk, reason and control his current strength which was stronger than the old personality that inhabited this soul.

And there was no one to take care of this super powerful child

Even if he can handle going days without eating

when those days pass

He will have no other way but to cry for food and hope someone passes

Even if there are people who come to investigate the incident with karma

The days when a refiner with above average power would take to climb the entire mountain would be many and the baby would already starve and they would not know what would happen to them after the possible death of that baby

They don't know if the body will rebuild itself again or the purple energy will make the baby Refine and use Karma as a possible food

It was possible since organ refiners do not need to feed on food

just karma

But the biggest problem with this idea of ​​feeding on Karma is that the karma won't feed him for very long as he's only in the 1st stage.

He will just be fed so he doesn't die.

And even if he survives like that until someone gets to them

A lot of inner damage will happen during this time and that damage will be extremely difficult to heal.

The only way for him to get out of this situation unscathed is if some Refiner above Natural Refinement at an advanced stage can fly up the mountain and decide to rescue the baby.

And if a natural refiner comes

It was to pray that he didn't do anything bad with the baby

These thoughts circled the head of the Couple of spirits

They've been in this situation dozens of times

A situation where the amount of luck possessed decides your fate

The baby now slept on the hard stone floor of the cave and he didn't feel uncomfortable sleeping there.

He felt like he was sleeping in a soft bed

For his bones were now as strong as a Rock beneath a waterfall that for decades had been lashed with tons and tons of water.

And it's harder than an ordinary rock

That baby's whole body is like this

There is no fragile part on that baby's body

And that strong body can grow and become even stronger

The baby was sleeping peacefully but the surrounding karma was still chaotic and constantly being absorbed by the mountain.

It wasn't as strong as the bottomless can that was the purple sphere that made the baby's body

But it was powerful enough to shock many refiners

After the baby's body building takes place

a few seconds just passed

A tall woman with white skin, purple hair and black eyes in an orange dress floated and seemed to be swayed by a gentle summer breeze.

Totally different from the huge gale that was all around her

But it seemed that the gale didn't touch her and the karma that was sucked up by the mountain didn't dare touch even 1 hair of the woman's hair.

Karma didn't seem to want to meet this woman and continued to be sucked by the mountain constantly.

no break

The woman had a stoic expression

She just observed that on the hard floor of the cave

a baby slept peacefully

a few meters above the baby

There was a pile of bones and meat that was being strewn across the cave in the strong wind.

But even with the strong wind and dust entering the cave

The baby was still sleeping peacefully

As if he were being ventilated by maids in a soft bed

But the woman was surprised that from the whole scene where a baby was sleeping next to a decomposing corpse inside a cave on a mountain that absorbed a massive amount of karma without the intention of stopping

Was that baby was a Refiner

Newborn refiners are not extremely rare beings.

But it is also not easy to produce a refiner during pregnancy

Women refiners need to be above the Organ Refinement stage or go beyond the Mental Refinement stage and only 5 months to give birth to a healthy child

It wasn't much different for a refiner to give birth to a refiner child.

You just need to feed yourself only with raw karmic herbs that will form the baby's strong structure

You need a lot of herbs as well as various types and herbs and you cannot substitute herb X for herb Y with the same effect or the child dies

All these herbs are of high purity and very expensive for medium power refiners.

The mother needs a diet restricted to a certain order of herbs that she needs to eat separately for 5 months until the day she feels the contractions for childbirth

Most mothers who choose to have a refining child are already a Divine Refining refiner

These women are powerful powers of the Human refiners faction.

they are walking armies

The woman watched that child carefully

She moved the karma within her to her eyes and examined the child's body cell by cell.

She didn't let any part of that child escape

After the exam she realized that the entire flesh body of that boy was in the 1st stage of Refining

Then she moved a different karma to her eyes

That Karma was purer and more powerful

When pure karma reached your eyes

She saw the boy's soul and got scared again

The baby's soul was more powerful than her soul

The baby's soul resonated a blinding purple color along with a strong will mixed with a profound Hedonism

With a powerful but sleeping soul force

Meaning that his soul strength was already powerful in his sleep and when he was awakened?

How strong would it be?

This formerly stoic and serious woman

Now she bit her lower lips and squeezed her hands tightly, showing a strong excitement

after biting lips

She has a beautiful but sinister smile

She then says in an excited tone:

"Finally.... finally I will be able to surpass Divine Refinement and Refine the Soul hehehehehehehahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah~...."

she laughs out loud

This woman is Alessandra Vaezir

In the world of Refining

She is known as the [Empress of the Nordtahin empire formations]

She is a legend in the world of Refining

She was known as the successor to the title of goddess of the planet Varnary

That was 100,000 years ago

The goddess's successor failed to become a true goddess and was halfway between Divine Refinement to Soul Refinement

Why did this happen?

Simple, strong will, Alessandra has incredible strong willpower

But not enough to refine the soul

The pain of Refining the soul to the pain of Refining the body was like comparing the brightness of a star to a bonfire

She didn't have the willpower to bear that pain

Her failure had spread across the entire planet Varnary at the time and many of the enemies she had worked even harder to refine and kill her number 1 enemy.

Many allied and met to make plans against the empress of formations

Even though many had lower willpower than hers, it would not be impossible for them to reach the same level as her so, with several attacks against her, they hoped to weaken the empress and then win through fatigue.

Everyone thought she was depressed and weak from her failure to achieve Soul refining.

But they couldn't be more wrong

During Refining Years

It was already at its peak and could never reach a higher level than that

But when it came to training

Alessandra Vaezir hadn't even reached 1/1000 of her achievements and discoveries in formations until that moment.

She focused on refining and training most of the time.

Now she would focus 100% of the time on formations, no breaks or rests, Alessandra was almost a deity and didn't need to eat or sleep, she didn't know fatigue

for 1,000 years

Alessandra's enemies prepare with superior refinements and a driving force capable of destroying all kingdoms in the entire world if they wanted and nothing could stop them

They had an army of 1 billion soldiers, all above Organ Refining.

But they didn't want to destroy the world

they just wanted to kill 1 person

A woman

As strong as an army but according to reports from spies in the Nordtahin empire, she locked herself inside her castle and didn't want to leave or receive anyone

According to the spies

she was sad and weak

But they couldn't be more wrong

for 1,000 years of isolation

Alessandra spent the entire 1,000 years studying formations without resting and just applying those formations around the Castle or in the castle itself.

for 1,000 years

All of Alessandra's strength jumped to a spectacular level and reached the formations that gods who achieved Soul Refinement could never build without being in Soul Refinement

If the force of Alessandra's enemies was able to destroy all the kingdoms of the earth

Her attack and defense formations were capable of driving the human and demonic Race to complete extinction.

If she wanted to destroy the entire planet Varnary

nothing would get in your way

She was a human with a divine power

There were no living beings that could kill this goddess

On a hot night that marked the beginning of summer

When armies of 1 billion refiners besieged Alessandra Castle

Everyone waited a few minutes to hear an answer from Alessandra

Any sign of surrender or waiting for it to start attacking the army

when nothing came

The army commanders triggered a gigantic fire signal that turned the hot summer night into day.

The armies marched full speed straight to the Castle

When the front line reached the river that bathed the entire castle

A gigantic blue formation in the shape of a square lit up the sky that glowed as if it were daylight.

The front-line men felt only a light breeze from a refreshing wind before they were sliced ​​up like a block of butter being stabbed by a hot knife.

Everyone who approached within a radius of 100 kilometers was sliced ​​like butter and after everyone was sliced.

Other gigantic formations shone and brightened even more the hot summer night

A gigantic tornado formed and pulled the entire army towards Alessandra's Castle

All were sucked in and those cut by the invisible wind blades were the luckiest as other soldiers were killed by fire, ice, lightning, meteors, acid, insect rains, drowning in assorted animal dung and many others.

The river that bathed and surrounded the castle turned into a sea of ​​blood and corpses surrounding the entire castle.

at the end of the massacre

All of that gigantic army was decimated and brought to a huge heap of flesh and blood

The pure orange castle was intact and unblemished.

It didn't even look like an invincible army had been slaughtered a few hours ago

Alessandra Vaezir was inside the Castle


Resting your tired mind after 1,000 years of pure work

she slept for 10,000 years

The corpses of the refiners rotted and joined the land surrounding the Castle.

After 10,000 years no one dared to go near the Castle as they considered that place to be a sacred and cursed land.

Holy for the renegade goddess rested there

Cursed for after 10,000 years

The corpses of refiners turned that land into a gigantic plantation of pure and powerful karmic herbs but carnivorous herbs

Every adventurer who came near the plantation was swallowed up by the plantation still alive

Alessandra learned of the army massacre after reviewing the recording formations they transmitted to her from the army's arrival to the end of the massacre and the birth of the carnivorous karmic herb plantation

After that

She started another intensive study of formations.

Her attack and defense formations have already reached a peak that she would not surpass in this lifetime

After that she studied trap formations, healing, concealment and so it was after 89,000 years of studies.

she arrived at her apex

There were no more flaws in their formations.

There were no more limits to be broken

Her old castle next to her garden which has now become an Eden for karmic plants of all kinds

She turned it into a karmic treasure

Her castle was currently the safest place on planet Varnary

If planet Varnary exploded now

The castle would be intact as the layers of different formations gave it a frightening defense.

She spent 100,000 years studying and improving everything she had.

She was currently 150,701 years old.

She spent 700 years just creating new formations on a lost continent in a destroyed archipelago

There are no more beings that can threaten her currently on planet Varnary

But she doesn't like to be bothered

So she chose Heru

A requested continent in an ocean dominated by maritime beasts

During these years of studies

She created a technique that would make her willpower stronger than it currently is

This technique she named [Art of Dual Refinement: Hedonistic union]

The technique functioned as a perpetual augmentation refinement

The refining of body and soul had an achievable limit

But the will forces and the Hedonism of a human being had no such limit

They could grow if fed by another greater will power

To refine willpower

It was necessary to use her "against part of the evil"


The more Hedonism the Dual Refining partner had

But he could refine the will of the other partner

To use Hedonism to Refine one's will it was necessary to "sin"

Sex, kisses, body touches, fluid exchanges and many other forms of sin

Same thing was to Refine someone else's Hedonism

It is necessary to refine oneself during the sinful act

Sex is most effective for dual refining

During sex that willpower and Hedonism are stronger

The desire to satisfy the flesh and the Hedonism of having a partner during sex

It was the only way to refine a willpower

At first Alessandra was happy that she could finally Refine her will and achieve Soul Refinement

But the benefits came together from a painful rule for her

For her Refine her mighty willpower

It takes someone with Hedonism and stronger willpower than hers

How would she find someone with more willpower and Hedonism than she?

That she was considered a genius so powerful that there could only be 1 genius like her alive and there couldn't be another

since she was born

There was no other refiner of the soul in the entire world.

She felt destroyed inside and even though she wanted to commit suicide

Even geniuses who were in spiritual or divine refinement at an early age did not have enough to double refine with Alessandra

she couldn't

it was impossible

She would just wait for death as time went on

she wasn't immortal

she would die one day

But she doesn't know when

So it was like that

She has lived the last 700 years in a deep depression.

So far

When she saw Hedonism and the gigantic willpower in that baby

she noticed

Its time to become an Alma refiner has arrived

she just had to wait





time was no problem

She finally found her escape door from this rotten world

She just had to make this child reach the Divine refinement and then with this boy

She could explore the limits outside this small planet and explore the stars!